Do trailers ruin or enhance your movie/tv viewing experience?

I have come to notice that trailers always contain spoilers, subtle or not. Scenes in trailers dont have much context or buildup, so when you see that scene again in the actual movie, the immersive component is largely lost. Since the main goal of a trailer is to entice you to go watch the movie, they often include the best scenes in the trailer.

I felt this the most with Deadpool. I had watched about 3 of its trailers before I went to see the actual movie. During the movie I felt some of the scenes or jokes were cliche because I remembered them from the trailer.

So now I have decided if I know I'm going to watch a tv series season or movie, watching the trailer seems pointless and spoilery. Maybe this is an issue only for me, but I do have a friend who dislikes trailers too. What do you think?

Ruin 7
Enhance 6
It depends 12
I don't know 2
Other 0
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Comments ( 5 )
  • deaddecayedcat

    I hate it when they show all the best bits in the trailer. Then u watch it and you've Already seen all the good parts and the rest of the movie is shit.......hate that

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  • Azaman

    I agree. Some movies are kinda shit except for a few decent scenes. Trailers for these movies consist of nothing but the good scenes, making the movie seem more worthwhile than it really is.

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  • Holzman_67

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  • mysistersshadow

    Depends on the trailer and the movie.

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  • I was tricked into watching Pan's Labyrinth recently and am thoroughly pissed off at the misleading trailer. It was advertised as an "adult Alice in Wonderland". In the trailer, there's really cool CGI of all these fantasy creatures and stuff. Like 80% of the trailer was dark fantasy, and the rest was realistic scenes. Well it turns out the fantasy scenes in the trailer were pretty much all the fantasy scenes in the entire film, as the full film was 90% cliche war movie and only 10% fantasy. I guess they were too poor to animate a full CGI film, so they had to come up with this huge scam to make people think it's a fantasy film when it's not, because they knew nobody would want to watch another generic war film.

    Really curious how much they had to pay to get good reviews. And they got away with it too, because all the sheep just parrot the paid for opinions of the movie critics instead of thinking and seeing how much of a scam the movie is for themselves.

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