Do u find the bible contradictory of itself?
i don't believe in the Bible | 172 | |
not really | 26 | |
no | 86 | |
yes, very | 238 | |
on some points | 116 |
Ask Your Question today
i don't believe in the Bible | 172 | |
not really | 26 | |
no | 86 | |
yes, very | 238 | |
on some points | 116 |
It is a confusing document of uncertain origin that is subject to diverse renderings and free-style interpretations. The hook is: "Just believe."
Yes, just like I'm sure your mother contradicted herself at times. But does it mean everything she taught you was wrong?
Of course it is. Anyone who believes otherwise is likely blinded by their faith. Reasonable people look at the evidence and make their conclusions. Religious people look at their conclusions and twist the evidence to fit.
I think those who answered "yes" have never actually read Bible. :) Most atheist haven't and still they think they know all of it.
According to the bible God ordered far more killing than just gays.
God killed every human, but Noah and his wife and sons during the flood.
God ordered Joshua and his people to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan.
God ordered the entire city of Jericho to be destroyed (yes along with its inhabitants).
Some of us athiests not only read the bible, but are more educated about religion than most believers. "Though shall not kill" doesn't apply to an all loving, passionate, forgiving, God. Wait... is THAT a contradiction?
No, it's not God if you focus on one point. He has many characteristics and they can't be focused on exclusively while throwing the rest out. He is loving and just, many things at the same time, not contradictory. I don't get how people can read the whole Bible and claim to understand it all. It takes diving deeper than what it says on paper. The Old Testament described things to come and those things came to be during the New Testament. The Covenant made the Old, old. Christ made the New Testament new. It is not contradictory whatsoever.
Is that really an important question? I don't think this is significant because I don't think that every word in the bible is supposed to be fact. Its more so a guideline written by people who interpret God's word.
The bibel can not be inturpted by the human brain, yes you can get your own Inturpation but the true meaning comes from the word of knowaldage that god gives you. Most people find it repeats or Conterdicks its self becasue they have not properly understood it, God will show you the true meaning. I mean for god's sake he wrote it.
My human brain thinks your point would be taken more seriously if you use a spell checker next time.
"Conterdick"? Really?? My God, I mean I was agreeing with everything you were saying and then I saw that abomination of the english language. You just made everything else you said look real stupid now.
Couldn't have Raped the English language any better if ID answered like that.
- The Bible is a book.
- Books contain words.
- Words represent ideas and can be interpreted by the human brain.
- Therefore The Bible can be interpreted by the human brain.
PS: Even if God exists, how the fuck did he WRITE The Bible?
PPS: If you are a troll... damn you... you troll. >:(
Common mistake God didn't write the bible people like Moses Paul Luke and Jon those type of people wrote it and the reason it sounds like it contradicts itself is because some of them live like thousands of years apart and never even meet each other so they didn't exactly sit at a big table and discuss what they thought happened they all have different interpretations of what happened
The very original form of the bible is not contradictory but much of the original has been lost to time. A lot of it is filled with the lies of man and has been corrupted. It is why I am Muslim.
Yes, it's obviously contradictory. But it's not meant to be read literally--that also seems obvious to me. Like all holy books, the Bible should be read as a metaphor.
Look, you believe what you believe. If people go to your hell for not accepting the religion you try to push on them, that just proves their point that there is no God. Like I said, believe what you believe. If you think people will go to hell for not believing and worshiping whatever deity you choose to worship, that's not really your problem is it? Leave people alone, its their life, they can do what they want, believe that they want, and think how they want. Personally, I'm usually quite apathetic when it comes to religious topics.
every point means something and in different ways. both testaments contain important information and you should read both but it is the Lords way that it should have those parts that are difficult to understand. just becauase you don't understand why it says two different things does not mean it is wrong it is just the lords divine way so accept it even if you don't understand
Honestly, religion is such bullshit. So many deaths cause of so many religions. Just stop. No, a man with a fucking beard is not in the fucking sky that will send you to lava pits once you die cause you touched yourself.
The Bible is ultimately a collection of history books. Considering that the different books were written by different people, there will be differences.
People tell stories from different perspectives and interpret events differently.
There is evidence for many of the events in the Bible to prove that they actually happened, but it is questionable as to how objective the Author's view was.
In addition, there are many parts that have been incorrectly translated (especially in newer translations) or intentionally manipulated by corrupt churches for the purpose of manipulating their followers.
The most accurate English translation is the King James Version, but even it is not free of errors.
i love when one person is having problems in life and someone other religious nut flys in with "God gives you what he thinks you can handle."
"My mom died" --> "God wanted her to live with him now."
"I failed out of school" --> "God is showing you another path"
etc etc
There's just ALWAYS something someone can say to make the Bible work with anyones situation is just seems so fake to me.
I don't believe the bible because it has been changed to add or remove something by man, not god. maybe the first bible said that 2 people can marry regardless of gender or the soul and life of the newborn has been upon on the 8th month. I can understand that some parts had been lost in translation but at least give me the closest to god's words.
I lived in Missouri for a while so I'm gonna be a true "Show-Me" state resident. I'm a Pastafarian. God isn't real to me.
No. The bible is one of the first works of fiction, and, for some reason, some people choose to believe every single word of it.
The bible and christianity are both a bunch of bullshit! And yes, jesus is bullshit too!
Can someone explain to me why an all powerful god and his son would even give a damn if we don't believe in him. It all just seems kind of foolish for "believers" to say "Oh you don't believe in my lord?! He will smite you and make your soul burn in hell for eternity! YOU NEED TO FEAR THE LORD!!" I mean someone has actually yelled that at me before. Smh I just don't understand it
"I don't believe in the Bible "
"Yes, very "
Are two separate options. No one who sees the flaws in the 2000 year old magic book WOULD believe it, so you're just shifting the poll answers to what you want.
Yes it is very confusing, especially since they have so many different versions and book.
I find that "Good Christian's" contradict themselves. The Bible, which is God's word, can be iterpreted differently depending on the person reading it.
I am a christian, and even I find the old testament contradictory of itself. Didn't find anything like that in the gospels though.
It has many different books. So some might be conflicting to another books view yes.
Yes, it does contradict itself pretty often. But I respect it anyway. A teacher of mine once told me that, though many of the stories in the bible are false, we can still learn a lot from them.
Yeah. I always thought that, if told someone didn't believe in him, Jesus would just shrug, turn around, and "kick the dust from his feet".
But according to his believers it go like this:
"What? You don't believe in me? YOU'RE GOIN TO HELL, BUDDY! That's right, you! Nah nah, you're gonna fry, noob! Tell Satan JC says "What up, bitch" ROTFLMAO!!!!"
Right Malice?
but how do u know that jesus believed that? because if he believed that homosexuality was wrong, he would have said so when he was on Earth. but he didn't. therefore, u can't be sure if Jesus believed that.
But the Old Testament describes God and His ways and doings. What do you base your idea of God on then? Or creation?
The Old Testament is full of contradictions regarding God alone.
Of course it was before Christianity, Jesus hadn't come yet. There wasn't Christians before Christ. Christ wasn't a Christian, he was a jew that lived by the Old Testament. If Jesus believed it and you believe in Jesus, then you should believe it too.