Do women really act like this?

I read a lot of stories (Not on here) about guys complaining about girls and there insecurities.
-Like always wanting to see what the boyfriend is up to, basically snooping.
-Always asking for stuff, being needy.
-When a guy asks her whats wrong she beats around the bush and says "Nothing." When there is obviously something wrong.
-Gossiping and starting drama with other females.
Those are the only ones that I can think of right now. As a female I have never engaged in this kind of behavior inside or outside of a relationship. There should be no reason to be this insecure if your relationship has a solid foundation. To me a real woman is independent, real, responsible, considerate, intelligent, and avoids insult, gossip, or slander.
Guys what do you think? Girls do you really think most females act this way?

Yes 57
No 34
Other 10
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Unimportant

    Allright, in my experience:
    Neediness and snooping around isn't preserved just for girls, I'd say it's not sex-specific.

    Gossiping on the other hand is something that girls do much more often then guys; it's not just a rumour. And the 3rd point is right, too: most women want their men to be extrasensory, to know things they don't tell them.

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  • myownopinions

    Other: As a female, I believe that it is human nature to be needy, insecure, and competitive. Depending on the relationship a woman is in, there are some out their who act this way. If the relationship is strong, I would go with no.

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  • Ono

    They're all generalizations, but there's a hint of truth to all of them. Between my sisters, mother, girlfriends and working in a mostly female workplace I've certainly experienced/witnessed them all.

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  • PumpkinKate

    It's pretty common behavior, but not specifically from women. I think it has more to do with what's currently the popular societal norm than with insecurities that would be born within a person without that outside influence.

    Personally I think a lot of our sexual repression and inflexibility in mainstream culture when it comes to polyamory is partly to blame, but mostly it's misogynistic society - which hurts both men and women when it comes to this. Guys are lauded and praised for sleeping around, so they feel pressure to. Girls know this, and they fear it. Girls are drilled every day to learn that their self worth is based on flakey things like looks, status, popularity, knowing what's "in", etc. and it kind of wreaks havoc on the confidence.

    These are, of course, generalizations, but the sort of behavior listed in this poll is generalized anyway. There are countless exceptions to the rule, I just think we need more.

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  • Anime7

    From what I've observed, in a social setting, girls are competitive. Women sort of have this nature where they have to out do each other. I actually had a friend confirm this behavior. I think most of the gossip stems from insecurities. In order to be at the top of the social pyramid girls have to belittle others. There's actually a book that exposes this behavior it's called "Odd Girl out: the secret aggressive nature of women" by Rachel Simmons. It's sick but the same goes for guys. Again, this is only in a social setting, like in school.

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  • joybird

    Unfortunately that is the way most females behave. Men value those that don't.

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  • Nokiot9

    Hell yeah. Most Women love to snoop and gossip. It's like, in their DNA. Like, my gf goes thru my phone every chance she gets and I never change the password cus iv nothing to hide. But whenever I try it with her phone, it has a new code every single time. Or she'll accuse me of sleeping around on her because I was late or whatever. Unwarranted suspicion is almost a requirement for dating a woman these days.

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    Thats our job uh-duh XD

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  • heyyall;)

    Some are, soome aren't ... depends on. The girl

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  • ellaisrad

    Some girls do some girls don't but some guys do too. It's a personal thing that's not really anything to do with gender.

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  • rin

    hmm..I think more guys than girls are chill. For me it's been easier to talk to guys because they aren't as serious. (Not saying all girls aren't laid-back) More times when I'm talking to a girl she'll start gossiping or complain about someone/something or start talking about her relationship or lack thereof. It doesn't bother me and I'm a good listener, it's just when someone starts talking about someone we know I get uncomfortable and just say "mmhmm." XD

    I don't mean all girls are like this just that it happens more with them...maybe it's bcuz I'm a girl too? Do guys only gossip with guys??

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  • wigsplitz

    Guys do the same thing, except add in beatings and sex slavery (pimping, etc). Nothing new or exclusive to females.

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