Do you agree? has this speech of mine helped? (relationship fears)
i'll say no, not better, don't ever feel like you're not good enough. don't ever look at other people as someone better than you, you already are the best of your own. no one else out there is exactly like you, that's what makes you unique, don't dwell on what a guy might do, getting with someone else, it doesn't mean you wasn't his better. i understand the feeling, i do, when in a relationship with a woman i fear they might find someone better. i'm either cheated on, or become the guy on the side, when i find out i break it off, or i just am the friend zone because the woman doesn't feel any spark. so every relationship i get in to, which is rare, i worry if i'm ever good enough, or worry i might do something wrong, or worry after a long period of time they lose the spark and break up with me. but we must do our best to not let those feelings overwhelm us, it can cloud us, and it can hurt. bad, its not the same as preparing yourself for the worst, because you already feel like it happened already, and when it actually does, you break down in tears because your fear came true, and now it even hurts more. we must always think more positive, and not let the negative fear in. each and every one of us matter and are unique in our own way. so never feel you're not good enough, because i swear you are.
Sincerely, Eagwol
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