Do you agree with death penalty??

(capital punishment) Yeah pretty much like the title says.

Yes I do!! 60
Depends! 65
No Not At All!! 53
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Comments ( 92 )
  • ToxicCrayons

    I say a life for a life. Jail is a waste of taxpayer's money. One shot in the head is all it takes.

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    • 4392Moron

      Hey Toxic Crayons:

      Coodoes. My thoughts exactlly. :D

      In closing I like your site name.

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  • chicken471bologna

    Honestly I think death is too easy for many criminals.

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  • Rhuarc

    I have faith that some people truly and sincerly do go to hell when they die. These people are the true sick fucks that deserve it and I think they should get the death penalty. Thats my religious beliefs speaking, now on the other hand it truly depends although I don't think the prisoner should be living the high life in jail feed them pig slop and no god damned tv, etc. etc..

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  • dom180

    No I do not. I've had debates about this before here, so I'm not going to have another one. I will say that most arguments in favour the penalty are driven by emotions and "knee-jerk reactions", not rational thought or social philosophising.

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    • dom180

      Fyi, if I was having a debate, I would be saying the same things as dappy, banana and radar. Just so y'all know where I stand.

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  • Dot123

    Yeah I totally agree those sick fucks, should be killed, they are useless. But they have to %100 sure its the right person before hand.

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    • flutterhigh

      Which is literally impossible. So, you're arguing against the death penalty?

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      • Dot123

        How is it? The government and police track down people sick fucks, and they don't do shit.

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        • flutterhigh

          I'm saying it's impossible to be 100% sure.

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          • Dot123

            Yeah that is true at times, they can never know right away. But with all the technology and tracking devices etc. Its more possible to catch them.

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            • flutterhigh

              But what I'm saying is that since we can never know in definite terms (and in fact, the technology you're talking about is bringing to light many mistaken verdicts), it's unsettling to me to execute rather than place a felon in jail with a chance of retrial. Lifelong solitary confinement is an appropriate (arguably even worse) punishment - execution is just bloodlust.

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  • BigButters

    We certainly should keep the death penalty , actually I think we should lower the degree of crime so that it encompasses the lesser crime's, such as rape, identity theft, Car Jackers, When a number of complaints are made of such person, Anyone found to be disrespecting an Elderly person, Bi polar's who refuse to take their medications, People who don't give a a Honey Badger.., All those that meet in groups discussing other's in a less then humane way and for many other atrocity's. The world is getting too small and the people too many to be so picky about who we want out of society .

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  • Anonymus_Coward

    It depends. Some people really aren't suppose to be on this planet, though, some people do some really sickening things out there.

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  • joomlakitty

    But they have to %100 sure its the right person before hand. speaking, now on the other hand it truly depends although I don't think the prisoner should be living the high life in jail feed them pig slop and no god damned tv, etc. etc

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  • Kiddles9

    I strongly believe that we shouldn't kill people because someone killed someone. It's so hypocritical. You punish someone for killing by killing them. That doesn't really teach them a lesson that teaches them that killing is the solution. An example would be a kid hits his sibling and the parent hits them for hitting there sibling. Doesn't that just make them think that violence is the only way to solve things. I don't agree with it at all. Though where I live we don't have death penilty though are justice system still sucks.

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    • Legion

      the fear of death is supposed to deter the action.

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  • 4392Moron

    Totally for the Death Penalty. If someone murders someone or rapes them or some other form of evilness, then the murdering bastard should get his just desserts. :D

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    • bananaface

      What if the murderer has a mental illness?
      What is they simply couldn't help it, and I know that sounds stupid, but there are genes which make you more aggressive etc than the average person, and if they've been raised poorly, then the outcome isn't so good.

      Should that person be killed,even though they had no say in the matter. Surely the parent are more responsible, for creating someone like that!

      And murder solves absolutely nothing, surely therapy or something would be more suitable!

      And I can understand why people may think that murderers should get killed (an eye for an eye kind of thing), but rape! It's an absolutely vile crime, but death penalty is way too much!

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      • 4392Moron

        No matter what their background is, if they murder or rape someone, the I feel the death penalty should be the case. If an innocent person gets murdered according to you murder ain't right, then the person commiting the murder should be blown away just the same.

        I am for the Death Penalty Period. I do not care what kind of person that person is, if he or she commits a murder, then like I stated previously "GIVE THEM THEIR JUST DESSERTS." KILL THE FCKN MURDERS.

        In Wellington, the Death Penalty is legal and is used at the drop of a hat.

        May I ask you another question in closing? Thank-You. Are you stating that if some F.B. kills someone for the fun of it lets say, then you feel he or she should just get a little slap on the wrist and be set free?

        If this is correct then we will not ever be on the "SAME PAGE" about anything.

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        • Ibelievethis

          Britain should take a leaf out of Welligton's book and use have death penalty. In my opinion it should never have been abolished. xx

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        • bananaface

          Sorry, I know I'll probably sound stupid for asking, but what does F.B stand for?

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      • Ibelievethis

        It cracks me up to even contemplate this but if any harm came to my child then whether the perpertrator had a mental illness or not I'd still want jusice. No judge or do gooder would say to me he/she should be excused because they have a mental ilness. Why does the focus always seem to be on protecting the guilty and finding excuses for despicable behavior. xx

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      • Ibelievethis

        I don't think the death penalty is too harsher punishment for rape as I believe rape is next to murder. If a women/man is raped they'll never be the same person again so in affect you "kill" part of that person. xx

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      • simplyinsane

        then they are a menace to society. They should be treated, and if incurable... They are a menace to society + lost cause

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  • dappled

    I can't understand anyone agreeing with the death penalty.

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    • wigsplitz

      Simply, why? Let's take out the accidental factor. Let's say the crime was caught on tape. Let's say a man raped a child and then killed her, on video. Why shouldn't he get the death penalty?

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      • dappled

        But people are executed accidentally, even with video evidence. Imagine being accused of raping and murdering a child when you hadn't done it. Imagine being an atheist and knowing the only life you'll ever have is being terminated and nothing you say can stop it, even though you keep pleading your innocence. Imagine knowing that people aren't going to mourn your death because you're seen as evil when, really, you didn't do it, and they'll probably discover this at some point after your death. Some people haven't had to imagine this. Some people have lived it.

        But taking the accidental factor away, have you ever made a mistake? And were you allowed a second chance? Do you think others shouldn't be allowed a chance? Paedophilia and child murder is an emotive one and I personally don't want anyone on the streets who is known to have done this and who may do it again. If one kid dies because someone hasn't been properly dealt with, then there's a failure in the system. But if the only way of dealing with people is to kill them, that's also a failure in the system.

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        • hermione

          i believe that anyone who can behave that way with an innocent child, regardless of the thoughts or feelings of that child does not deserve justice, and i believe that the government is totally justified in removing that persons life, just as that monster did to the child
          the reason i believe this is that everyone has control over their own actions and can choose not to commit the crime and there fore serve the sentance, in other words if you do the crime then you do the time.

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        • wigsplitz

          And if you're an Athiest, and belive this is your only life, then what about the person you raped and/or killed? You want people to hold your life more valuable than those you either ended or fucked up forever? That makes even less sense than a Christian that believes at least you're going to a pleasant afterlife after I fuck and kill you against your will.

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        • wigsplitz

          OK, well if video evidence isn't enough, what about people who readily admit their crime? And I know, there's false confessions, but I'm talking about those who readily and credibly admit to it.

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        • True but what about the people that don't care about the harm that they do and just enjoy raping and killing children? The type of people that do this more than twice...the type of people that don't learn and go right back to their old ways. I know of people like this and they are sick bastards who don't deserve to live in my eyes. You or others may even consider me a sick bastard for even thinking that death penalty should be allowed but for a lot of people, execution just has to be done.

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          • dappled

            I'd class people like that as mentally ill (although you have to be careful when judging that people are ill just because they don't match whatever version of society they were born into). But, as such, I'd think they need treatment. When we start killing people for being ill, it's a slippery slope as to what else we'll kill them for just because it's convenient.

            Where do we draw the distinction between criminal tendencies, mental illness, or natural propensity to not care, though? Because it's such a difficult question, it doesn't have an easy answer. Probably why some people believe in the death penalty and some don't.

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            • Hmm... you make a good point but I personally think the mental illness thing is used as an escape route. Some of these people don't need treatment and its not like they even have an OCD for killing - they just want to. And for that reason they should just die themselves. There are just some cruel sadistic people that hurt others but there is nothing seriously wrong with them - I think its just an excuse.

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      • monkyyy

        even out side of that, death is a threat from totalitarian government to its people, while some people dont fear torture(they airnt to bright) it is enough to stop a downward spiral that the death penalty would easily allow

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        • flutterhigh

          If that was true, then places with an imposed death penalty would have lower crime rates, which is certainly not the case. The data is inconclusive. Most of the time, when someone commits a serious felony (say, murder), they don't make a list of pros and cons and decide which would be a better choice.

          There's also the issue of the advent of DNA testing, and how we're discovering how often our verdicts are incorrect, and how often we've executed innocent people. But that's a whole other story.

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          • wigsplitz

            Well, duh, most people who commit crimes don't consider the consequences beforehand, whether it be death or whatever.

            That doesn't make the death penalty worthless. It still serves a purpose, which is to get rid of these people and not pay for them to live thier entire life out on taxpayer money.

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    • NothingxCrazy

      Do you believe it's humane to cage people for their whole lives, also? I don't think either is right.

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      • dappled

        Not really, but like most things in life, it's a sliding scale between what we accept and what is practical. Not sure the punishment side of prison works but, from personal experience, it's a temporary way of protecting the public. Stress on the word "temporary". Some people would want to solve the problem by killing the criminal. That's the easy way out. Why can't we solve the problem by actually solving the problem?

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        • wigsplitz

          What do you think of Tim McVeigh? Just curious. Read it over if you like, and please comment!

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          • dappled

            He's a tricky one because his protests weren't irrational. He reminds me of D-Fens in the film Falling Down. There are commonalities in the lives of people who become terrorists (without coercion) and people who become despots and you see it with McVeigh too. You could almost predict it. But nobody cared enough.

            So we have two ways of dealing with it. Either we let him kill scores of innocent people and then we kill him too. Or we put some effort into recognising the danger ahead of time, help him realise his method of protesting isn't the right way, and nobody dies. I know the latter is difficult, requires some intrusion into our lives if we have set off a few warning bells, and is kind of against the freedom I'd rather us have. But ultimate freedom does me no good if someone kills me before I can enjoy it.

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        • NothingxCrazy

          Because governments don't want to take the time and effort to actually solve it. Prisons were created to rehabilitate criminals. These days it's used to separate them from the public. I think it's sad how things turned out. People deserve a lot more respect than they get in the prison systems.

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          • dappled

            Yeah, my grandfather did two and a bit years in prison and it killed him. Somebody sold him some stolen watches and then he sold them on for profit. He said he didn't know they were stolen. But even if he did, he bought some goods and sold them at a profit. And for that he got the same punishment as a murderer; just for less time.

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            • NothingxCrazy

              Jails are supposed to be for rehabilitation, not for seclusion. It's sad to see things like that happen to good hearted people.

              Is the law where you live, guilty until proven innocent? I once heard that it was like that ages ago in the UK, but I am not up to date or fully informed on the policies of other countries.

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    • 4392Moron

      Hello There:

      First time that I totally disagree with one of your responses.

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      • dappled

        I'm surprised you wouldn't disagree more. I'm an atheist and I don't believe in any life after death. What we have here on earth, for me, is all we're ever going to get. It makes me think twice before thinking execution is a solution.

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        • 4392Moron

          Wish you would think differently and try to find that God is real and loves you and died on the Cross for you. Because it was Him who wonderfully created you.

          If you still feel the same, then your kind should becareful about their actions and not commit crimes.

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          • bananaface

            I thought it was Jesus who supposedly died on the cross?

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            • 4392Moron

              It was Jesus, but God is His father and ours, and when Jesus died that horrible and brutal death on the cross for our sins, and the rose on the third day, God also went with Him. When you become Saved you are excepting both God the Father and Jesus His Son into your heart and soul.

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        • flutterhigh

          God damn, she's right, dappled. I certainly hope this god loves me enough to understand that my thought process is irreconcilable with him.

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          • 4392Moron

            Hey Flutterhigh:

            God deffinitley loves you and He does understand how you feel and think, and if you are thinking about reconciling with Him, then you can. All you have to do is have a little talk with Him and tell Him how you feel and that you want to accept Him into your life as your wonderful and loving Saviour. Pray that you will do this friend. :D

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  • Okay I am the OP of this and maybe I should give my opinion on this. I agree with it.

    To be fair when some (notice the 'some') people say they don't agree with this its usually because they want to be politically correct or not go against their religion etc. and not express how they truly feel.

    I just watched a TV show last night where this 30yr old man killed a 2yr old with a assault rifle! I mean really? This guy imo deserves it. People who go around raping people and killing them don't deserve to eat, sleep, or breathe in my eyes. I understand to some that I may come off as inhumane or a sociopath but I'm simply just being honest. There are people in prison who have murdered and raped multiple children - why do these sick bastards deserve to live another second? Seriously why? Prison is a walk in the park for some people so living in there for life doesn't even phase them one single bit.

    Also, I know for a FACT that if someone was to murder my family member I would want them dead in an instant. Yes, I do not care - attack me for this all you want but thats not going to change.
    "Nobody made you Alpha omega so what make you think you have the right to take someone else's life?" I don't have a right but honestly I feel that it is right for that horrible person to go. I think of it as a germinator getting rid of all the germs and diseases that contaminate the world. Why should tax payers have to pay for them to continue living and eating?
    "Well...what if it was your child that did this?" - Well tbh my child wouldn't be a serial killer + rapist. And even if he/she was, then of course I DON'T want my child to die but at the end of the day - he/she is a monster. I know it doesn't make whatever is done undone but it does make things better in my eyes. I do think a lot of investigating should be put in to make sure the right one goes and it shouldnt be for one-off killers but for serial killers& child rapists. I had a lot more to say but I forgot so I'm just going to leave it Loool.

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    • Ibelievethis

      I agree. x

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    • DolphinAngel

      I don't agree with you... I think everybody earns a 2nd chance... we all make faults! Also I think being in jail is worse than dying so let the ones who did such things suffer in jail... killing them doesn't solve any problem!
      Furthermore I don't care about people getting killed, raped etc. or people who do that... to sum up I don't give a shit about humans nor I agree with the death penalty... I simply don't care but think everyone earns a 2nd chance^^

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      • Ibelievethis

        What a rather disgusting specimen you are. Have you heard yourself and what you sound like.

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        • DolphinAngel

          I love me :D


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    • bryson_willis

      I'm guessing you read a story about some kid being raped and killed?

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      • Yes, I have read a lot of those types of stories and seen a lot of those types of documentaries.

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  • wigsplitz

    Yes, I do. And not only do I, but I believe in creating an express lane to death....if a crime is credibly witnessed or caught on surveillance, there should be significantly limited appeals, and significantly less time to fight it.

    I don't believe in last meals, nor do I believe in comfort. They should be executed by a bullet to the head. Period.

    I don't see it as a knee-jerk reaction, I see it as a matter of clearing the streets of scumbags that serve no purpose. We don't need to study these pieces of shit anymore....what more do we have to learn? Nothing. We've got all we can from them. Get these pieces of shit out of our world. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for long-term care of people who have committed such heinous crimes, that's not fair.

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    • bananaface

      And what makes you any better than them? You seem to want these people to be murdered very much!

      And it's easy to criticise their actions when you're mentally stable, but most murderers were raised in a abusive home, and if they have certain traits, then they're acting in a way they wouldn't act if they were mentally stable.

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      • ToxicCrayons

        Don't start with that shit. He/she hasn't gone out and raped, murdered and terrorised society. Even if they were abused as a child, it shouldn't matter. They made the choice to commit a crime, they should get what they deserve. Too much money is spent on feeding them and keeping them in jail. It doesn't matter if they're mentally ill, they still did what they did. There's no excuse.

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        • bananaface

          Well that's easy for you to say, you turned out well. But what if you're parents raised you badly?

          Also, do you not believe that everybody is capable of murder given the correct situation?

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          • ToxicCrayons

            No, I didn't turn out well. I do believe that everyone is capable of murder.

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            • bananaface

              By turn out well I mean you're not a murderer.

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          • Ahh but you see, personally I think people use the fact that were raised poorly as an excuse. It really isn't a good one. There are tons of children who were once abused but they turn that negative energy and use it for good. There are some who just become 'victims' of it (meaning they continuously feel sorry for themselves & want others to) and expect the world to do wonders for them because of that and when it doesn't happen, they go on a killing spree. But yes, I do think everyone is capable of murder.

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            • bananaface

              Then if everyone is capable of murder then why do some get punished to death? I know that not everyone has murdered, but if you believe that everybody is capable of doing it, then surely it's more to do with the situation than the person.?

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    • Thank you. This is how I feel.

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  • bananaface

    It's the only thing I'm 99% opposed to (I'll ever believe in something 100%). People can try to persuade me, but I most likely won't budge.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    For the higher offence criminals yes. For things like theft no I do not. If its grand theft auto and they ran over a bunch of people killing them iffy on that one. For people that kidnap raped or killed a bunch of people for kicks yes.

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  • blackalica

    maybe we shut hell up and just kill killers?

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  • Cylinder

    Who are we to decide who lives and dies? Besides once you kill someone it automatically makes them a martyr for their cause.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Another do gooder I see. Small wonder my planet is a mess. x

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  • Ibelievethis

    yes definatly for child killers. What use are these evil beings to anyone anyway. There are far too many do gooders in this world. An eye for an eye it's in the bible after all. x

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  • Flaze

    If someone truly feels sorrow for what they did, I believe they shouldn't be executed.

    But if someone committed a very serious crime such serial murder or anything to do with a child, and they have never apologized for what they did, then it should be up to the victims families as to what happens to them.

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  • laurabarker93

    yes, but the evidence has to be 100% before they are sentenced, if they have taken a life, they shouldnt deserve a life.

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  • milkymum

    wish we had the death penelty as im know 30 and what happened to me when i was younger still gives me nightmares now.

    I am tho a single mum of 6 so i have moved on but because of what has happened i cant ever get close in a relationship to any guy.

    the thing is until the law is changes and im not the one to be made the criminal then nothing will change

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  • ihaveasoul

    i believe in Draconian Law, Every crime results in death.

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  • bryson_willis

    I'm against it BUT also I don't really see execution as inhumane. I see it as letting the offender scott free. This rehabilitation argument is absolute nonsense, some of the people who go into the system come out worse. It may not be correct to say this but the main reason we imprison them is because we want some revenge.

    You don't get revenge by giving the perpetrator the ultimate get out of jail free card (execution).

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  • 32deathsword

    Like some one said they should die cause its to easy. Let them sit in jail.

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  • SoccerStud88

    Death Penalty for the OP!!

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  • I don't but there's an exception to every rule... Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Albert Fish...

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    • wigsplitz

      There's way worse people than that.

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      • I never said there wasn't I was just naming a few notorious serial killers, it's not like they just shanked people either.

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        • wigsplitz

          Well I don't think it should be reserved for killers. How about child molesters? Rapists?

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          • LOL dude, the people I mentioned ate children, raped and killed children, tortured numerous people, participated in necrophilia, the killing part was probably the lesser of their crimes. Read up bro

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