Do you agree with my belief on abortion?

I believe that there should be a three strikes your out rule on abortion. Also it should only be allowed under certain circumstances. On the third abortion the person getting the abortion will be mandatorilly fixed. I think this because some people abuse the privilage. I you are not capable of raising a child by your third abortion, you will never be responsable enough to raise children. I think if someone is on hard drugs they should get an abortion but if they cannot get their shit together by the third time, they are not worthy of being a parent. Parenting is a privilage, not a right.

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38% Normal
Based on 88 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Living_Too_Late

    Why are you even concerning yourself with what women do with their bodies, whether they be in your town or the other side of the Earth? Who awarded you the moral high ground. Sure, in an ideal world the wouldn't be unwanted pregnancies but it's not ideal so there are. Accidents happen and human beings are flawed. Their GREATEST flaw and the reason for most of the problems in the world is their propensity for trying to dictate to others how to live their lives,, by force if necessary. Look at yourself,, prepared to surgically alter women because they don't meet your standards. What about the male contributors to these unplanned foetuses,, they get to go make some more? Try as they might, women can't have more than 1.25 babies a year,,, a guy having sex twice a day could potentially father 730 in the same period. Maybe you'd support some other advocate of 'surgical modification' castrating men. Or, is it only 'fallen' women you despise? Seriously, your (im-)morality concerns me more than that of some drunken 'sports fuckers'. At least they don't have an intent or ideology to harm others. Get off yer high horse and worry about your own PERFECT existence.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I strongly disagree. There are better solutions to these problems.

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  • SangoNyappy

    For what you said I don't think people who use drugs should have children at all and I think people should have children when they're sure they're ready for it because you can't just have abortion because you changed your mind.

    My thoughts: I have mixed feelings about abortion. I believe every woman should have own option and reason to do it because it's her body. I'm for abortion if it's result of something like rape which isn't her fault but I'm against if she got pregnant because she's idiot who doesn't use protection with her partner.

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    • Condom breaks? She was drunk? He was just so handsome and she was just so horny and there were no condoms to be found so they had unprotected sex? What if she's date raped but she can't prove in court that it was actually rape? In all of these situations, you think the mother deserves to be punished for her bad decision by being forced to have an unplanned pregnancy? Where exactly do you get off judging people like that?

      So if you decide that its her fault, then she deserves to have an unplanned pregnancy and mess up her entire life? You think that if its the mother's fault, then the baby deserves to be the unwanted child of a poor, single mother who isn't prepared to have a baby? So many mothers who want to have abortions are poor and do not have a husband to help them, so if they are forced to have the baby then both the babies and the mothers will be forced to suffer through difficult lives. But thats what they deserve, according to you, right?

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      • Im not arguing against abortion. Im saying if you have already fucked up three times you should lose the right to have children and be fixed. That way there wouldnt be that fourth unplanned pregnancy to even begin with.

        Also being overly horny is not an excuse whatsoever.
        I dont really think being drunk is either. Im a bit of an alcoholic myself and take full responsibility for anything I do drunk. "I was drunk" is an unacceptable excuse. Yes I do think people should be held responsable for their impulsive and/or intoxicated behaviour and choices.

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        • Sterilizing people because you believe that they are unfit to be parents for ANY REASON is one of the most morally wrong actions that I can think of. That would be super fucked up, I'm glad that lawmakers and court justices aren't quite as intolerant as you. Thats some nazi shit. That is the sort of thing that governments do in countries like china. Besides, taking away someone's freedom of choice as means of holding them responsible for their free choices is a contradiction.

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          Well I only agree with abortions in case of rape or incidents when it will kill either the mother or child to perform. However some women have had 6-20 abortions which is ridiculous. If you are really are too stupid to use a condom or birth why dont you just get fixed. Being fixed sounds like a more reasonable solution and I would promote this before I did abortion. It is pointless letting yourself get pregnant just to kill the kid. They also have morning after which is suppose to kill the sperm so egg can not develop. The fact these women would get one shows they are not trying too hard to prevent it.

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      • SangoNyappy

        I didn't list condom break but I'm for it in that situation. If you're old enough to have sex you shloud be smart enough not to get drunk with horny guys everywhere. What? Just because she's horny she has to have sex?And the last one still counts as rape and as I said it's woman's choice no matter what anyone says. And I didn't say a thing about poor mothers who can't afford abortion don't put different words in my mouth.

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        • I was just reading this old thread and was reminded of that persons (comradesean) absurd comment that being drunk and horny is an excuse and apparently I'm a Nazi for thinking otherwise.

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  • Lynxikat

    I actually wouldn't mind the idea of sterilizing certain people. I agree that women who were raped, or their life is endangered, or the baby will die shortly after its born anyway should be allowed to have abortions, but people who are too stupid to use birth control? There should definitely be a limit.

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    So do the three strikes have to be under special circumstances or did you not think that part through?

    And thus the whole of your "idea" becomes useless to all but the two women in the whole world who manage to get raped and pregnant three times over in their lifetime.

    It sounds good for about two seconds, then you think and facepalm yourself.

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  • queerfemme

    I don't think this will ever happen, as you can see there are cries of outrage just to your opinion. Nonetheless, I completely agree! If you have had 3 abortions, that says to me you are just not being responsible.

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  • VioletTrees

    What about people whose partners are abusive and refuse to use contraception?

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    • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

      Then that person should leave the abuser!

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  • watermelonninja

    No, abortion is human sacrifice. It's not okay. I myself had one when I was 18 and I regret it!! I don't think anyone should get one. Those are human beings!!! There isn't a day that I don't regret what I did!

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  • iheartu2013

    By the way having a child does not always ruin a girls life. One word, adoption.

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    • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

      It drives me crazy how people always suggest this, like giving up a baby whose been growing inside you for 9 months is such an easy thing to do. Every women I know whose given a baby up for adoption has regreted it.

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  • iheartu2013

    I am a woman. No abortions, no exceptions. It is wrong, and it is murder. If you do not believe it has a soul, then think of what could have been. The potential was taken away.

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  • I think you should have a punch card like the ones you get at coffee stands--Get 10 abortions, get the 11th free!

    I think that's an EXCELLENT deal.

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  • theaverageatheist

    I don't know anyone or have i ever heard of anyone who has had more than one abortion, I don't see why it would be necessary, laws shouldn't be made to satisfy extreme cases. I do understand your logic I just don't see it ever happening, since the abuse of the privilege is not the problem with abortion. Rather the problem with abortion is its unequal accessibility.
    I do agree that if some one feels repeatedly unready for a child, and makes the same mistake again and again, they are probably unfit for being a parent. Also forcing some one to go through with a sterilization is against human rights, and by having a repeated abortion they are breaking no law so you can't force them to do anything. The right to procreate belongs to everyone, unfortunately not everyone is fit for doiing it, that to me is the real problem.

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    • I know several people who have had 5+ abortions and use it an a way out of irresponsible behavior. A lot of these same people are people on drugs who should never have kids and should be sterilized.

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      • theaverageatheist

        ok even thow these people you know are unfitt for childcare, the law can't force them to be sterilised. say they are forced and then the they get cleaned up, and go though parenting classes and now want children. who is to blame for their inability to breed? the state.
        the state must be carefull not to put it self into situations like thouse.
        also again it's against human rights you cans force some one to do anithing they dont whant unless they have broken a law. and you can't deprive a human of it's wright to breed.
        now say theise same people you know see that they themselves are now in a position to bring up a child and decide to be sterelysed them selves? thats a better situation and totaly consensual. so a solution to your problem would be mabie if the state provided free sterilyzations, therefor it may atract more people who have had 3+ abortions to be sterelysed rather than risk another unwanted pregnancy. furtermore how old are these people you know? i can only imagine them to be either drug addicts or dumb yougsters who yed drunk a lot. since repeted unwanted pregnancy and teen pregnancy are high in the US, I can imagine it to be the more common cenario. now think of the average age people settle down and have kids, people can change their life around in that time and the state can't deny them of that.( i'm guessing you are from the US since 60% of IIN users are and you're wiews).
        also I may add that my views are more of the pro-choice orientation. and abortion to me is like any other form of surgery. so we may not be able to ever agree on this.

        excuse me for any grammatical errors since I'm not mother tungue english.

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  • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

    I think it's a brilliant idea! It should also be implimented for people on welfare!

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  • CharlotteKnight

    Everyone has the right to their own body. Sure, you should have safe sex, if you don't want to get pregnant or get diseases.
    However no one has the right to tell you that you can't have an abortion or more. Having abortions doesn't mean you gonna be a bad parent in the future, just like not having abortions means you gonna be a good parent in the future. If you wanna get fixed that's your business, but you have no right to force someone else to do it.

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  • I understand why you think this way, but I still think that it is a terrible idea.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I can see where you're coming from. Plus doesn't getting so many abortions put you at risk for other reproductive problems? I'm not sure on that, I'd have to look into it further.

    I think the option should be available for everyone, because everyone is certainly allowed some mistakes in their life. However if you've gotten 3 abortions and still don't have the foresight to use protection, that's just bloody ridiculous. :/

    As for what you said about people on hard drugs, a million times yes. I don't know if I can really support sterilizing people, it's grossly unconstitutional, but I've seen such fucked up things. My friend babysits these kids who's mother is a drug addict, I think their grandmother is trying to get custody. The twins have crippling asthma and her son... I don't know what's wrong with him. But he doesn't talk, doesn't play.. just... sits there, staring at a wall. Apparently when they were first born the house was a wreck, she'd go without feeding them, leave them in filthy diapers all day... thank god their grandmother intervened. :/

    It's difficult to say exactly what the best option is. We desperately need some form of population control, so many children grow up in orphanages, but just getting abortions all over the place isn't the solution either.

    The best option always comes out to me as education, but then how is that implemented? It would need to satisfy both religious and secular ideas of morality if the argument were to reach people, and there are always stubborn ones.

    But writing into law new rules that control the population seems like just as dangerous an approach. If we set one precedent that takes away some bodily autonomy from people, that precedent stays in our lawbooks and case files and can be used to pass other laws in the future which may or may not be as beneficial.

    But then as soon as you start talking about liscencing breeding or something like that you crack open a whole new can of worms. Implementing eugenics in an ethical way would take such staunch objectivity and foresight that it would be highly prone to human error. :/

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