Do you agree with my stance on man-made law systems?

I do not believe any human being has the right to give commands to any other human being, but only because I believe "rights" are abstract, and do not exist. When I obey a command, a "law" that is, it is merely to avoid the physical consequences that, were I to break the law, would subsequently and arbitrarily be imposed upon me by other human beings, and not out of any kind of respect. I believe that when a person is imprisoned or executed, it is merely an act of force on the part of those that have done this to him, and is not morally any different than if I, an individual, were to go out and imprison or execute another person for breaking laws that I myself have arbitrarily created. The police and military just so happen to be better at exerting force than I am, and have stylish uniforms.

I am posting this because, more and more, I am encountering people who use the terms "wrong" and "illegal" interchangeably, and seem to attribute a kind of divine authority to laws that were made by men. This attitude is incomprehensible to me. I do not understand why a human being would choose to obey other human beings purely because of principle, and not because of fear alone. The only laws that I obey out of principle are:

1. Survive.
2. Obtain what you desire.

I recognize absolutely no other laws.

Man and his laws are just an obstacle, like bad weather. Sometimes, it is best to "obey" the weather by staying indoors. Other times, one may defy it with impunity using a good coat.

Man is an obstacle to the individual.

Yes. 13
No. 17
Other. 7
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Comments ( 26 )
  • I go against the law when I want to, and I would be lying if I said I cared when I committed a crime and got away with them all.

    Although, it is understandable why laws are there. If laws didn't exist, nobody would fear punishment for their actions, so people will be more comfortable with killing and raping people, and much more. We would go in to a more primative state. Laws are not just to punnish the people disobeying them, they are to keep the ones that don't commit crime safe.

    Do I always obey the law? No. Do I understand its purpose? Yes. Do I want laws to be gone? Debatable, if it turns out to be some sort of apocolyptic state, then I would want it gone.

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  • Fujinn98q

    Sorry, Anarchy just won't work. It never has, never will.

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  • GuessWho

    Laws are there to protect you and to protect others from you.
    They are not made by any one individual, but voted for by many.

    I think laws that protect human rights are a good thing and should be obeyed by everyone.

    On the other hand, government does come up with some ridiculous laws to protect the politician's corrupt asses and personal interests, at out disadvantage and try to sneak them through under our noses.
    Such laws should not be allowed or tolerated by anyone.

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    • I am not concerned with "others", and the "many" are my enemy. People like to pretend that "democracy" and "mob rule" are not synonymous, when they definitely are.

      If laws exist to protect human rights, why are homeless people forbidden to sleep in public? Why are people allowed to make millions of dollars per year, when others are starving? Why is war legal?

      To me, anarchy is preferable to an imperfect government. I know that only the strong would survive under such circumstances, but I am the strong, so the point is moot.

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      • CreamPuffs

        "I am the strong"

        We have these things called weapons. Doesn't matter how strong you are when it comes to guns, bombs, etc. Plus the rich people could create nukes without laws in place. An anarchy would be a living hell, and much of civilization would be destroyed.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    There's a fine line between laws that serve a purpose in a community, and laws that abuse the community. But it is the community itself that has to draw the line, and write the laws. Then those who don't agree are excluded. Or at least thats how it used to be, before old Uncle Sam. Someone needs to shoot ol' Sammy in the back of the head. :D

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I halfway agree with you. I don't feel that it is right for the government to be able to punish me for not wearing a seat belt, as it affects nobody else. Although I am glad that they track down and imprison rapists and murders, keeping me and my loved ones safer!

    Wrong and illegal aren't mutually inclusive terms, but they are not mutually exclusive either.

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    • charli.m

      You could say it would have an effect on the people who would have to deal with the crime scene, your half dead or all dead body, etc.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        If you use that reasoning, all extreme sports would fall under that banner too! And driving in general! That would be a crappy boring world! lolz

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        • charli.m

          Yup, we'll probably get to that stage before long, too.

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          • Captain_Kegstand

            Sadly, I agree with you there. :(

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    • Unless your body flys through your windshield and lands ontop of someone ofcourse.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        Lolz I wonder what the chances of that are?

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        • Without a seat belt...50-50....depends how fat you are.

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          • Captain_Kegstand

            I went through the windshield once, but we ran off a gravel road and I just hit a tree lolz.

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  • CreamPuffs

    So you want the purge to be real, except 24/7/365?

    I certainly disagree.

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  • I believe that you can do whatever you want and defy any law, aslong as you conceal it from everyone else in order to escape punishment. But you can bet your ass i'll repent before i go, just in case. Welcome to my brain.

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  • Crashing

    I agree with you partly, but, at the risk of being at the recieving end of, say, a serial killer, I'm glad that they are there.

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    • tobealive

      The laws don't stop the serial killers.

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      • CreamPuffs

        But they do reduce the number of them.

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  • anti-hero

    Way to rip off George Carlin.

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  • "1. Survive.
    2. Obtain what you desire.

    I recognize absolutely no other laws"

    Though if everyone did this the OP wouldn't last two days without being murdered by someone like me.

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    • CarsGirlsGunsMoneyMade

      And like the OP, when someone else bigger/smarter/better equipped than you gets stepped on, the both of you'll bitch as to how "unfair" it is that you got killed.

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      • There is no one more badass than me in the whole of hell. If you knew me you'd get it.

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