Do you agree with the opinion in this youtube comment?

Another is it normal user posted a link to a video in comment they made on a different post. After watching it, I saw this comment posted in the Youtube comments:

"(since Google cut off our ability to reply to comments made with the old system, I hope you see this reply of mine to your reply to my comment I made a few weeks ago. Your reply was "Do you really think that individual experiences should be shared in this way? I wonder if some children may suffer from having themselves put online for others' entertainment, without the child being aware of it.")
You make a totally legitimate point. Not every baby or child video should be put online for all to see, like for instance "David after the dentist" video, since videos like that could make the child vulnerable to being teased about it later. But other videos like this one are just priceless and enrich our world if they are shared with all."

AND HERE IS THE VIDEO (it's of a baby watching his mum sing and he's reacting in an emotional way):

My apologies for the limited poll options but if you could explain your opinion below, that would be helpful.

Yes, they have a good point. 18
No, but they have a good point. 5
No, I disagree with them completely. 1
No, but I don't completely disagree. 4
Undecided. 6
I have another perspective (please, explain below). 0
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Comments ( 15 )
  • jeebley

    I have a problem almost any time someone puts pictures or video of me on the internet. This may be a little extreme, but seriously, what gives them the right? I'm getting more relaxed about it but it still irks me and I would never do the same without at least asking permission first.

    So my point is that, I would never do this to my children either. Sometimes broadcasting things so publicly cheapens what they are about.

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    • Holzman_67

      I agree with you. I recently watched a kid who set up a camera in his room before telling his dad that he passed his maths exam. His dad came in and upon hearing the news was so overjoyed that he got very emotional. I couldn't help but think this should of been a private moment. The dad had no idea he was being filmed. As soon as he left the room the kid went over to the camera, turned it off and uploaded it under the title of dad weeps for joy at sons maths score. The video then went viral, got all these likes. It seems people are, more and more, recording personal things in their lives for the gratification they receive from others, the likes they will get online. I think this cheapens the experience of living the moment and it detracts from a sincere response to the situation, as in front of the camera nothing is natural anymore, because of the presence of a camera. It becomes, in part, staged.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      To OP

      I fartwalked yesterday

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    • I feel the same way about personal pictures and videos. But who cares about people like us?

      I was at a small get-together recently and a friend of mine took some photos of everyone in various group type social settings. I discretely explained to her that I didn't want pictures of me on the internet since I appreciate my privacy. She promised she wouldn't post any. Two days later, she posted those pictures with me in them and tagged me. She'd forgotten I'd said anything. I untagged myself, but felt uncomfortable making a fuss about the already posted photo.

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      • jeebley

        Exactly... When did it become normal to do this? That exact same thing has happened to me many times... I just don't get why people think it's ok. Do they forget how public the internet is?
        Feels like not too long ago when people chose who they showed photos to, but now the default action is to show them to....the world!!?? It's a bit of a leap...

        And then you feel like the strange one for having to bring it up and/or untag yourself... craZy it is!!!

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        • It is crazy!

          It's easy to blame technology, like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etcetera. All they really did, though, was provide a platform for people to put their lives on public display. It's people doing this to each other, and unquestioningly to boot.

          They do forget how public the internet really is, or they might not even know it since a lot of them don't quite understand what the internet is. They just see the internet as a way to show everyone how special they are through personal punditry and media.

          And I do feel like a weirdo whenever I tell someone, "I don't want to see that shit posted on Facebook. Hahaha." Pause. "No. I'm completely serious, don't post pictures of me." It's even worse when someone asks why.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Well yes I kind of agree with this. People do not always think about what they put online. They will put a kid crying or something during trips to a doctor, or when they get hurt for all to see. Its not fair to put this up publicly without getting consent from the child. However since parents legally own all child's rights they can humiliate children as much as they would like and we can not do anything to stop it. Now could this be damaging if other children see it? "yes".

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  • dom180

    It is a very good point. I wouldn't like my strong personal feelings trivialised in such a way, even if I was so young that the feelings were just reflexes or generic, learned, automatic responses. Why should I feel okay with other people being exploited that way? I never feel very comfortable watching videos like that for that reason.

    I don't think videos that present such emotions really "enrich our world", either. They don't enrich mine anyway, even completely ignoring the ethics of it. They're a poor substitute for being in the presence of that emotion in real life, which again trivialises the moment. It's emotional trickery on the viewer.

    I don't have hang-ups at all about having plain photos or videos of people floating around online even if they haven't given consent to them, but when it shows them experiencing an extreme or private emotion like love or lust or hate or anger I think publishing that to satiate other people's intrusive voyeurism isn't the same thing. Emotions are more private.

    People should feel safe expressing their emotions to the fullest extent without fear that their feelings will be recorded and broadcasted. Can that be extended to a baby? I think so, but I also think it's debatable.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think the kid's mom is trying to pimp him out as a child actor; she wants that all mighty dollar. But, he is a cute little monkey. She should take him out to talent agents instead of putting this on YouTube though.

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    • Why do you think she should exploit him like that?

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      • RoseIsabella

        On the contrary, I think what she did was kinda shitty and could lead to some bad repercussions for the poor little dude. But, at the very least she could go to a real talent agent rather than put the video out on the internet for all to see for posterity. The video of the poor kid coming back from the dentist is the worst though.

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        • Aye, but what's wrong with not milking the moment the baby had for money? Why is everyone trying to exploit every precious life moment for cash? Aren't some things personal and sacred.

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          • RoseIsabella

            There's nothing wrong with not milking it.

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  • CreamPuffs

    I think videos of really young children doing embarrassing things should not be allowed. It could really hurt their lives later on.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    they have a good point, but perhaps not in the way you're thinking.

    people are often far too open with what personal information they share with strangers and this includes youtube videos.

    Yes, having a child teased by strangers over something he or she did when that young can have a negative effect on the child's life.

    But more importantly than that... people don't realize that some strangers can compile personal data shared on these videos to put together information that can be used against the child, family, whomever.

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