Do you backtrack through your comments?

I got bored today, because there was not that many new stories/polls, and started going through previous comments that I have made. I realized that oftentimes someone will make a reference to something I said and use my name but because they do not reply to me directly, I do not get a notice. Had I not been backtracking through my comments I would not of known that they had replied to me at all. Anyways, have you backtracked through your comments before?

Yes. 17
No. 7
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Comments ( 8 )
  • FocoUS

    Yeah because I have shit spelling. Sometimes I look back and I forget whole words in my comments making them gibberish. So I delete them.

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  • Shackleford96

    Well, I have recently suggested a few ideas already, so I don't want to wear the guy out lol.

    I'm not sure if the search method you talked about would work, but I was thinking that maybe you could get a notification if your name was mentioned in another comment on a story/poll that you have already commented on. The notice could say something like, "Blank referenced your name on the story blank." Like you mentioned, there would have to be some way to make the system more reliable though(because of the shortened or misspelled usage of names). Maybe It could search for misspelled or shortened versions of peoples names somehow? I do not know. It is a very interesting idea, but I will leave it up to you whether to suggest it or not.

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    • dappled

      There we go. That's the perfect solution. If people mentioning your name showed up in the Notices box. Also, while I think of it, if clicking on the word Notices could go to a webpage which listed more than appear in the menu. Occasionally I get more than can fit and I have to guess at the ones that don't show.

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      • joybird

        I wish the notices in the box would disappear once you've looked at the one where there has been a reply. Then it's reduced to a more manageable size and relevant.

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        • Shackleford96

          A scroll bar would also work I think.

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  • dappled

    I don't think you can reply via the iPhone app so some people have no choice. I backtrack if I've got time. If not, I just look at the notices.

    What would be really nice is a feature to show posts where your name has been mentioned, a bit like how you can with Twitter, although this would rely on people typing your username exactly and not using a shortened version. I've been called dabbled, dapled, and doppled in my time here. They wouldn't show up.

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    • That is exactly the idea that I got! I was thinking about making a suggestion, but didn't because I thought it wouldn't work for the exact reasons you listed.

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      • dappled

        Maybe we should jointly suggest it. If you could search for your name or a variant of your name that you type in (i.e. dapled), maybe that would work. I'm sure loads of people have said stuff to me that I haven't seen.

        Only problem is, people might use it to type in other people's name and then stalk their comments. Hmm, maybe if it was only your own name? It's worth asking TheManagement. The worst they can say is no.

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