Do you believe eminem is really gay?

Ok so as some of you know, Eminem "came out" as gay in "the interview" (which I saw in the theaters), and I don't know whether to believe it or not, I mean I've suspected it before the movie was, but now it just doesn't seem believable. He also claimed to be gay in a fake interview with weird al in 2000. So do you guys think that he's REALLY gay, or just part of the script. However he hasn't said that it was just part of the script...

Ha, gaaaaaay!! 6
He admitted it, therefore he is 7
It's a possibility 15
He's probably not really gay 12
Of course it was part of the script!! 23
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Jweezee

    Hmmm... That's a good question. I was just wondering if Tom hanks is really a retarded shrimp boat captain.

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  • icant_

    Holy shit!!! I have a chance!!!

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  • Shrunk

    Hah I just saw that clip the other day. "I've pretty much just been leaving a breadcrumb trail of gayness". xD

    another (totally not fake) Eminem interview... lol

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  • reminiscent

    Dont know... didnt see.
    dont care really.... id still like his music.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    It's a film

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  • thegypsysailor

    I have always thought he was gay. He just seemed to be over compensating with the girls.
    I don't think anyone would have a hard time imagining him as gay.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I do believe that he is.

    - He was on a German Show awhile back. He was doing an interview. He was talking about how he could say anything and they wouldn't bleep out. You know what he started talking about? He said he was gay and dicks were raining down going into his mouth. Why would a straight and seemingly homophobic man say that?

    - I think Dr. Dre is gay too. Aftermath Records has a logo that if you focus solely on the lettering and break it up, it looks like a little man, wearing a hooding, reaching for an erect penis.

    This is the white on black version:

    Keep looking until you see it.

    - "Stan" featured a psychotic fan that was in love with Eminem

    - Eminem had a very close male friend who died. He took his death very badly and gained a ton of weight over it.

    - He seemed to have an obsession with gayness in his earlier material. Usually, the people that go on about the most, end up being gay.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I just want to say this. Moby is straight.

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  • Holzman_67

    He's not, but Jason statham on the other hand..

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Don't know don't care but he is a little douche bag and if love to drop kick his scrawny ass:)

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  • kelili

    No way!

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  • Dot123

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaa gaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!

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