Do you believe every person's life is prewritten?

Yes 111
No 236
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Comments ( 43 )
  • Alison89

    No, and I hate movies and stories that have that as a theme. "It's your destiny!"

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    • theytookthisone

      I am your density...I mean your destiny!

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      • Dot123

        Thumbs up for that one! BTTF FTW!

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      • Alison89

        Good one, McFly!

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    • I liked the adjustment bureau though.. but yea I dont believe in it either

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      • Alison89

        I haven't seen it yet.

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  • taciturn

    I believe in neither fate nor free will.

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  • Dot123

    Sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

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    • Darkoil

      I can only show you the door, your the one who has to walk through it.

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      • xbookwormx

        That's so deep I just can't.

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  • PumpkinKate

    I'm going to put one of my favorite quotes ever:

    "Do you think a man can change his destiny?"
    "I think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed."

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    • xbookwormx

      God, this is good

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    • Avant-Garde

      Who said that?

      It's so profound...

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      • PumpkinKate

        Honestly... I don't know what the quote's origin is, outside of modern media :( (assuming it has one, it's possible it was just written for the film but I doubt it)

        I heard it in the movie "The Last Samurai" and it just really stuck with me. I love it.

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  • myownopinions

    I like to think of it like this. When playing the game 'The Sims', I usually turn off the free-will option. Without that option on, I sould make them starve to death, but I cannot stop the Sim character from peeing on the floor when its bladder all the way on red, or passing out when they're too tired. So the question would be, was it predetermined that the Sim would pee itself, pass out, and starve to death? I'd like to think not. The only reason why this question can even be asked is because we evolved into a way higher species. Do you think cats and dogs go around wondering if they had a destiny?

    Answer: The only thing prewritten for us is that we will eventually die. Since that inevitbility is so crappy, it's best not to think that life too, is also pointless.

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  • CreativeThinker

    Your poll lacks one option that is "To some extent", A part of your life is pre written but mostly is in the hands of circumstances sometimes people confuse it with Luck but agian Luck falls in that part which is pre written : Huh Confused,

    The bottom line LIFE JUST SUCKS

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    I believe that God has a plan for us... but has given us the ability to chose whether or not we want to follow that plan.

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  • Malaglinir

    I believe it is, but not in the way the person who made this poll was probably thinking. I don't think there is any deity who created our 'destiny' or anything similar, I am an atheist. I believe in determinism, essentially that because of natural laws of cause and effect, our perceptions of free will are simply an illusion. It's a fairly age old philosophical debate that really doesn't serve any practical function whatsoever aside from being fun to discuss.

    I'll go into more details if somebody really wants, but I'm not going to ramble on.

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  • Runaway

    100% no. I am a Christian and the Bible says that God has given us free will. Even atheists can agree on that.

    I am sure that we all run our own lives, and IMO the idea of predestination is an absolute joke.

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    • bananaface

      Actually, I'm an Atheist and I don't believe in free will, that we can choose to do whatever we want. Have you heard of the concept of determinism? It's interesting:)

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    • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

      There's no way of proving either way. But ultimately it doesn't matter, it's a pointless issue.

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  • Dozis

    predeterminer by laws of physics. In other words, I believe, heck no! I am sure as hell! Everything is a reaction taking place according to conditions and all that crap. So yeah, It is not like saying it has been already written but it is like saying it can only be written one way.
    We just find it reassuring thinking otherwise. thus the whole free will nonsense. I basically think each one of us is like a flower, like a bunch of chemical reactions and physical phenomenons just waiting to happen.
    We are not in control of our destinies. It's complicated. I can't explain bow I see it better right now, I am having troubles concentrating and you wouldn't give two shits anyway, so, just hope you won't stumble on a deadly virus.

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  • MahBoi24

    I do believe that life is pre-written.

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  • bananaface

    In a way, yes. I've got very deterministic views on human behaviour, so in a sense I believe our lives are "pre-written" through genes, upbringing etc. There's nothing we can do about it. But I don't believe in God or luck or fate etc...

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  • nerdypartyboy

    I wouldn't say it is prewritten, but if the actions we do now are a result of our previous actions, then the actions we do in the future are a result of what we do now. So everything we do is a result of the past. We can't change the results of the future unless we change the past.

    Hopefully you can understand that lol.

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    • regisphilbin


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  • Avant-Garde

    Fate? I believe in it, but my question is Who or What decides it?

    Mythology, most famously the Greeks, had the Three fates. I believe they had a pair of scissors to cut a persons line when their time was up. I believe there were 3 of them. One for the beginning, one for the middle, and one for the end....

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  • Aleks85

    So you mean if i grabbed my dick right now it would be by design? Me typing this message on this website is by design?

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  • Leviathanel

    if there is an omnipotent force that watches over all existence then it would be impossible for that force to not of already foreseen every single outcome that there could possibly be.

    so perhaps an infinite amount of destinies are written for each of us, and we choose which ones come to pass.

    or perhaps we are alone in this desperate universe. waiting out our time trying to extend it and enjoy ourselves before we kick the bucket and cease to exist.

    ooh the uncertainty is really scary.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    To some extent yes. We are only permitted to act within the range we are given. If you have rich parents you might go to better schools, better teachers, get better classes, and a better education, so you have a higher chance of going university compared to a public school students.

    You can only pursue opportunity if you parents allow it. So lets say you are good at basket ball but your parents hate it you might never get to be a star. If you come from a family of thieves chances are you might grow up in some kind of trouble.

    Now its not a guarantee but some people have a lot more luck and chances. If you have photo graphic memory are more likely to do well in school. If you have shitty teachers who do nothing but scream and not teach you probably will do bad at school and not get into the best university. So honestly it depends. For the most part your fate is sealed but you can choose to some extent. Sadly some of us are luckier though.

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  • Our decisions are our own but the Creator knows what will happen when it's all said and done

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  • cigs

    of course its not.

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  • BlueAlice

    I heard someone refer to life as a RAM drive (I think!): We do have some aspects of our life that are already written but these are changeable.

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  • Dozis

    if there is no free will then it is all about fate.
    You can't get both things in a stealth package.
    For fate is simply what happenes behind the curtain. What we make happen without wanting or being completely aware of. Like: what is it you did to make happen what? Do you know that? And what is it you made happen by not doing something?
    there you go. That is fate. Our never detailed enough awarness of events and how we affect them. So we go: god will! Fate! Destiny! blah blah! And keep living the lie.
    There is a limit to our ability to hijack events.. if we can really talk about hijacking. So there are things we just can't change. With any of the tools or the abilities at our disposal. For they are unscratchable. Like the ring of the power. that does not mean I believe in free will.. I think we are a part of this.. cosmic will.. I sound like a mad preacher man.. DOC! MORE SHOCKS!

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  • It would be kind of sad. Imagine having a life already written out for people that have had bad lives and will always have such a life.
    I don't think it's true, obviously it's not, hopefully it's not. I think having no sense of control is something people would hate, including me.

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    • bananaface

      Yeah it's pretty impossible for me to imagine life without free will, even though I don't believe it exists:L Have you heard of determinism, it's a very interesting concept, which I believe in:)

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  • Piconano

    I think it's a bit cruel if life is indeed prewritten. Prewritten, as in we have no way to fight it. It's like a man is born to mass murder children, and then die by his own hand. His destiny. One of the deceased kid's parent handles the loss of his child poorly, and goes insane. Their destiny.

    One can argue genetics determine who and what we are. Or that it is God who writes our fate. Whichever it is, I think we can all do well in striving to be smart and courteous.

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  • Ibelievethis

    I believe that we have all alternative realities. I have had many experiences where I have though God if hadn't/had done this/that my life would have been very different. Even where we live and the friends that we make can have a very big impact on how our lives turn out. I am my daughter who is compassionate and determind to prosper. I am my dad who has beaten alchlism. I am my mum who ahs finally been given the chance to change her jobs. I am my sister with whom I don't get along with. I am my friend who is always there for me. I am the friend who let me down and betrayed. I the teacher who inspired me. I am the teacher who failed me. I am everything I have achieved, and waiting to achieve. I am my fears. I am my hopes and dreams and the detrmination to make them come true. I am the uppermost love I feel for my dughter and my family.I am the place where I was born. I am all the places I have visited. I am the jobs that I have hated I am the jobs that I have loved. I am my good/bad expeiences that I have experienced. I am the music that I love to listen to. I am who I am because of everyone and everything! xxx

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  • Glass


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  • zzzareyouseriouszzz

    I think the answer is basically no. If it were yes than it would void the question pretty much and life as a whole. In our minds there should be no destiny, no fate, no it's meant to be, etc. because it is what our will and mind will let us accomplish. That's it!

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Who's writing mine? Some guy? And who's writing his?

    But seriously no.

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  • disthing

    Not at all.

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  • Anime7

    I don't believe in a holy dictatorship. A person's life cannot be set in stone by some deity. Otherwise I don't think god would've even suggested to Adam and Eve to not pick apples from that tree, no need to even bother giving them the option if there lives were already set.

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