Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

No 80
Yes 67
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Comments ( 49 )
  • kelili

    No! Definitely not. No no no

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  • dom180

    No, and to be honest, I find that liberating. If I believed everything had a reason which I couldn't see, I think I'd waste my life stressing about what it was. I might be comforted that when bad things happened to me they could be part of some "greater good", but what about the good things that happened to me? They could be part of some "greater bad"! You could never know if something meant what you thought it meant, and a world where nothing means what it seems sounds, in a way, quite scary.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I do believe things happen for a reason, but that doesn't mean the reason is earth shattering or life altering. That reason does not have to hold deeper meaning. But when it does, it is amazing and beautiful.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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  • Justsomejerk

    Yes, every cause has an effect, thus everything that happens (effect) is a result of the cause.

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    • Velancious

      Doesn't mean the cause was intended though.

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  • SeverusFan23


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  • I'd have to say no on that one. Yes, sometimes things happen for a reason but at other times, things just happen. There's no reason to those things really.

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    • SeverusFan23

      I agree with you.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Yes; I do.

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  • Erik963

    Yes I do, and nothing in offense but people who think it doesn't have no sense of logic.

    Everything that happens has a reason, it wont just come randomly, it always has a purpose, to teach you a new experience, or change your behavior for better/wo

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    • disthing

      Yes, logically every event is caused by and causes another event - every event is both another event's reason and another event's result.

      But 'purpose' is something else. It's not logical to suppose that every event has a purpose. That suggests to me some universal agenda (although forgive me if I misinterpreted your point).

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  • Iamtruman

    On a technical level, yes. Things happen, those things have a cause and is basically a reaction to an action much like Newton's law. Humans do things because something pushes us to react to something or act on something. That by far is the purpose which is to react to an act whether that reaction becomes a new action yielding a reaction. It's like a chain of purpose.

    On a spiritual level, yes I believe things happen for a reason guided by an entity greater than us. In this case, God. That's just my personal belief.

    It's an easy yes when you identify a reason for everything on a technical or scientific case but it's harder to argue on a spiritual field as people believe different things.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes you are born just to die at some point.

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  • I do believe everything happens for a reason, but as far as the whole of everything, the meaning of life, it's just to live.

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  • LilyAmongTheThorns

    I'm very surprised at the outcome to this poll. I assumed it would be like a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio in favor of "no".

    But as a lot of people said, if you're talking scientifically everything has a "reason" (a rock falls because of gravity, an animal grows because it ate food, etc)

    Just philosophically though, absolutely not. It's not scientifically sound. I believe more in entropy and to be totally honest I'm one of those people that finds it a little insulting when people tell me my past happened "for a reason".

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  • rosa333

    I believe that some things happen for a reason, whatever it may be.

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  • bananaface

    Hmm, depends. I feel like "everything happens for a reason" is some sort of religious motto now, or even just generally things going towards a "greater purpose". That's how it comes across. Like even when bad things happen, it's God's plan and he did it for a reason or things are going towards some bigger purpose or something. If that's what it means, then no.

    However, I do actually believe that there is a reason for everything. I don't think things just happen, they all have causes. E.g. why am I eating this slice of toast? Reasons: because I'm hungry, because I like toast, etc. Ha, that seems fairly obvious, in my opinion. I don't think people can do whatever they want, and I think there are causes behind everything they do.

    Basically, I don't think I believe everything happens for a reason, but that everything happens due to reasons. Phrasing it in that way doesn't make much sense, but I'm not sure how to describe it well. I'm not sure how I feel about this yet anyway. Thinking about this question a lot makes my brain go a bit fuzzy, so this will probably take me a while to work out. I don't really like the wording of this phrase.:(

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  • yes i do

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  • If I told you the truth, your head would explode.

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    • Shackleford96

      Why tease?

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      • I'm sorry.

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        • Shackleford96

          Apology accepted.

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          • BLAh81

            Well, they aren't actually sorry you know. Just read the latest messages...

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        • BLAh81

          You should be.

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          • "Should" is a strong word. My being apologetic is somewhat generous given the situation.

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            • BLAh81

              Well, if we're being so generous and all, why don't you just answer the question?

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  • Kie3PO


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  • Valentina

    nope but if you try hard enough you can give everything a meaning

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    • mclinking

      Exactly! It's a waste of time looking and I'm old enough to say so.

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  • valisque

    Yep.... Just not always 4 a good reason unfortunately. Sometimes fate's reason is just to find some pure joy in @#$%ing u... Sad ain't it?

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  • NothingxCrazy

    I believe the things that do happen have both a positive and negative result. Looking at the positive side gives the situation a true meaning, in my book. Looking at the negative side leaves nothing but regret and 'what ifs'. I think of a situation as "happening for a reason" but only the reason that I give it by looking at the positive results. It's almost like reassurance that I made the right decision because it was good and it happened, but it happened because of me.

    I almost feel like things 'happening for a reason' is slightly related to YOLO (you only live once). It's hard to explain but they're both man made ideas that make you do things in life you wouldn't normally do without thinking them.

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  • disthing

    Everything happens because of something else happening, and that 'something else' could be described as a reason e.g. that ball is over there now because I kicked it (reason)

    However I don't believe everything happens for a pre-determined reason i.e. fate / destiny. That's superstition.

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  • calibound590

    everything does happen for a reason. But its not some godly reason or that its written in our destiny or whatever. Its that whether its good or bad, everything teaches us something in the end and shapes us. No matter what it is, every little decision we make eventually leads to where/who/how we are at this very moment. So to say otherwise is kind of ignorant in my opinion.

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  • Shackleford96

    Yes, I have to.

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  • Faceless

    In my heart and soul, yes, but my mind is just too fuckin human.

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  • no i dont , something things are unfathomable and unreasonable

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