Do you believe humanity is out of control?

The world is a beautiful place. Humanity has built wondrous things and made major feats in our time on earth. That said, there are innumerable atrocities we've committed, countless innocent lives ruined and many, many species of plant and animal led to extinction by our actions. We kill over differences of religion, race, politics, and more. We succumb to primal urges and behave like animals. That said, there are some. Few. But some, that are kinder than any other. People that dedicate their lives to others without expecting anything in return. People who risk everything. Ones who don't know the meaning of the word race, religion, or politics. They just know that if someone is in need then they'll do what they can to help. These people are so incredibly rare, so valuable, they deserve everything. These such people show just how corrupt, how sickeningly disgusting we are as a species.

The world will sort itself out 5
Yes. People are a plague and need to be minimised 10
Sort of yes. I see where you're coming from but it's a bit extreme 10
Sort of no. I think that humanity is just growing/evolving 6
No. The world is great/fine as it is 4
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Comments ( 165 )
  • ellnell

    Humanity has always been out of control.

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  • Nikclaire

    People aren't all or nothing. One can be kind and selfless in some regards, and wretched in others.

    Some days I am nice, other days I am a bitch.

    One thing I don't understand is why people separate us from animals. We are animals through and through, and as such, have instinctual drives that we succumb too. Believing we can control instincts is delusional.

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    • d0esnormalmatter

      Because were wayyyyyyyy more intelligent, wayyyyyyyyy more sophisticated and interact with eachother wayyyyyyyyyy more. Maybe that's why chief. Similar to animals in many ways, yes, but in a class of our own none the less.

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      • Nikclaire

        Says the man who basically fucks, eats and works out. Haha

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        • d0esnormalmatter

          Yes. 99% of the sex acts I do are too complicated for any animal. What animals have any kind of sex toys? Or condoms even? Working out? What animals resistance train and have specifically designed stuff, thousands of synthetic made supplements and all this to help them progress better?

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          • Nikclaire

            I guess the difference here for me is that I view our instincts the same as animals. The mechanism we use to fulfill them are only differentiation but the goals and outcome are exactly the same. Procreation and species survival. The tools we use to get us there don't make us any better, in fact it means we need more help, and are therefore less capable than other species.

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            • d0esnormalmatter

              Yes many of the instincts are the same. That is where I agree with you.

              However the tools we use actually do make us superior to every other species in my opinion. Were the top of the heap! We are more capable than every other species, not less!

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      • I wish I were capable of viewing things as highly as you. Unfortunately upon viewing the works of cruelty we inflict on ourselves and others, I can't help but wish for our extinction.

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        • Nikclaire

          If you want the human race extinct how come you haven't killed yourself yet?

          People who make that statement always amuse me.

          The only way I would take those words seriously if they came from you post mortem. Then at least I'd know you had courage of conviction and believed what you were saying.

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          • I live to do what many have not. Helping others, people who need help physically or mentally. I forfeited my life for my own benefit long ago. When the time comes I'm no longer capable of fulfilling my role as a helper and carer, I'll happily resign from my life without a second thought

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          • DIO

            You don't make any sense. Killing himself won't ectinct the human race. Just one person, which won't accomplish anything.
            It's like telling someone to become a doctor because he want hospitals to get better. That's stupid.

            Extincting the human race may or may not happen, if it happens it is well deserved. The best case scenario is for machines to take over the world and eradicate humans. They will do a way better job at handling earth than those fuckwits did.

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            • Nikclaire

              No. Stupid is saying the human race doesn't deserve to exist, and then somehow justifying ones own existance.

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            • You're very right. The thing is, I believe drastic measures are required to have the most positive outcome. Ultimately things aren't so black and white. There are good people, there are those who endeavour to improve, and there are those who don't. There are many humans who absolutely deserve the life they were given. Unfortunately there are plenty more who hardly have the right to be categorised as the same species as the others due to their blatant disregard for the wellbeing of other humans as well as other species. My point is, improvement is desperately needed within our species. Whether that be through effort or extinction.

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        • d0esnormalmatter

          Haha well your fucking pathetic for that.

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    • You're not wrong. We have good days and bad ones. That said, it's very uncommon to see a gold digger apologise for their actions or put their money toward charity. I never hear of a bully providing after school care to orphans you know? Some people are simply scum. It's human to fall every now and again, what's not is to fail to learn from mistakes and improve.

      Society likes to view itself as an evolved, mature being. If we were as evolved as they like to believe, then we wouldn't be held back be ideologies we made ourselves. Wars over religion, political views and economics is a foolish waste of life and resources/money that could be directed toward the poverty stricken. So much could be done in the world if we were capable of accepting that we're fucked up, flawed and in need of a rude awakening. What differentiates us from animals is the ability to realise our faults and improve upon them to be better. Something which many people lack.

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      • DIO

        Animals learn from their mistakes too. The only thing that differentiates us from them is Ego.
        Don't worry my friend, one day things will turn and humanity will be sent to destination fucked.

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        • I wish such drastic measures weren't necessary to ensure things improve but, with the many of our species are too prideful to accept that we're fundamentally flawed by their inability to care for others of their own kind as well as other species, I can't help but come to the same likely conclusion.

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          • DIO

            What could work maybe is take every new born children and educate them to be caring and altruistic.
            But that's an utopia.

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            • You sir or madam are a genius

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  • NormalIsAsNormalDoes

    Humanity judging humanity and saying it's out of control? By what standard? Humanity's standard. So some part of us we at least deem noble. Yes, I think we're out of control but we're not 100% evil. It wouldn't make sense

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    • You're right, we're not all evil, nor all good. As someone previously said, "Some days I'm a nice person, others I'm a bitch". What truly distinguishes a good person from a bad one is (in my eyes) two things.

      1. The inability to see/accept their wrongdoings or misdeeds and/or refusal to improve them self
      2. A willingness to continue down a path that benefits them-self knowing it's at the detriment of others

      These two factors are what make someone truly a failure of our species.

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  • DIO

    Humans are intelligent, that's their skill. As bird can fly and fish breath underwater.
    No other animal can understand abstract concepts or talk about things that aren't there.

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    • Nikclaire

      Of course animals can understand abstract concepts. Chimps are able to learn sign language beyond mimicking. Dogs are able to learn click languages etc. I have taught my dogs the difference between which toys are theirs and those they should leave alone. All require cognitive reasoning.

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      • DIO

        Chimps are the exception (to a certain extend). Other animals can't.
        This is not abstract when you're using the examples about dogs. They associate a thing (visual thing or a noise) with another thing. This is everything but abstract.
        Understanding abstract is being able to understand concepts such as futur self, informations without visualisation or things bigger than ourselves.

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        • Nikclaire

          "Understanding abstract is being able to understand concepts such as futur self, informations without visualisation or things bigger than ourselves."

          If that is your definition I think you could make an argument that humans can't even do any of these things.

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          • DIO

            Humans can. That's why they work for money, can tell stories without any images and can understand that there's a world beyond the horizon.

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            • Nikclaire

              Working for money is no different than doing a trick for a treat, I have never heard or told or read a story without visualizing it.

              On the last one, a dog knows when their master is gone and awaits their return, so you can argue they understand object permanence which is the same as knowing there is a world beyond the horizon.

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  • Holzman_67

    I like to look at it as bittersweet. There is a power to kindness that I’m not sure would be there without suffering

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    • You're right. To some degree kindness is born from suffering. I often find those in poorer countries are much more likely to give what little they have than that of a person who's never felt true hardships.

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  • SmokeEverything

    The ruling class of plutocrats is out of control, people in general are extremely tightly controlled to the ends that the controllers want them to be

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    • A sad but likely true statement indeed.

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      • SmokeEverything

        Do you think those idiots in front of a green screen are really on a space station?

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        • I can't say I've ever held such a theory but It's certainly within the realm of possibility I suppose

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  • Aethylfritha

    I look at it in thirds. A third of people are naturally decent, a third are selfish or " bad" and a third are kind of neutral and adapt to their surroundings. They could go either way.
    Unfortunately the decent people dont seek power positions and just want to be left alone. While the creeps like to try to use and control everyone else.
    Its always been that way. Yes a large # of people are shit but a lot of people do really good things.

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    • Nikclaire

      I like this. I think it sums us up pretty well.

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    • It'd be wonderful if such statistics were accurate. Sadly I've struggled to find nearly as many decent/kind folk than that of selfish ones. You couldn't be more right in regards to decent people wishing to live a simple life whilst the selfish often take positions of power. It's that small portion of good people that shine a hopeful light on my otherwise despairing outlook for our species

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      • Aethylfritha

        I try to read * good news* websites it makes me feel better about humanity. Like people donating organs to strangers or adopting kids nobody wants.

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        • They certainly do provide an inspiring desire to see the world a little better don't they? Still, nothing beats being the one committing the generous act :)

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  • Mammal-lover

    Humans need to be minimized. Not big on people. Prefer the company of our 4 legged brethren

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Dont hate the player hate the game. The sooner you come to terms that the world is a nasty place the sooner you can get ahead. Its every man for himself really. I remember reading about some liberal girls that wanted to show how good other cultures were by riding their bikes around the world. They were raped a decapitated.

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    • The old 'accept and adapt to survive' method huh? Unfortunately I find myself incapable of looking the other way. I seek to change things, even if only slightly. I'll use what energy I have and my sole voice to spread kindness to the hearts of as many as possible.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        I get it. I'm actually a nice guy. I try to treat people well. I think I've developed this way of thinking because I grew up around sketchy people. My best friends were drug dealers and they would rob other drug dealers. So from those people I learned if nothing else how to avoid being taken advantage of. I wouldn't "loan" people anything. Because people are never in a hurry to pay you back and they will usually dodge you or go awol. So I learned not to put myself in that situation. Because it's just gonna piss you off. So I never fronted people stuff.

        I grew up around the worst of people so I try to protect myself against it. I also see that other people that complain about how evil rich people are never end up being wealthy themselves. I feel like those type of peoples mind set actually prevents them from becoming successful

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        • Given the lifestyle you appear to have been involved in, I can certainly understand your outlook. I respect the fact you've come out and learned a thing or two. Ones mentality plays a vital role in how one gets around in society. Whilst I vocalise my feelings on the cruel, the bias and the deniers, I admit that I too can be bad at times. I found myself stealing from the rich whenever I get the opportunity to do so. When I see things they wouldn't miss just sitting on display, I'd replace it with a fake and sell the original. That money of course is put to far better use supplying those in need and my nearby orphanage.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            You gotta realize though rich people donate more to charity than middle class people and poor people. People say a lot of bad things about the rich but if you look at the overall contributions rich people are giving more.

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            • That depends on the rich household. The ones I had a hand in thieving from were far from caring people.

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  • KholatKhult

    I think many people deserve to die, maybe even a majority of people deserve to die. I used to be much more action oriented towards this when I was younger, but now I feel like I have too much to lose, so I’ve stepped back.

    Kindness demands action, and action can be scary or drastic. A mercy killing is kindness. If killing is too rugged then forced laboring could put a lot of troublesome people into a strict and resourceful path. If you can’t kill them, work them. Exhaustion tames any beast.

    There’s rehabilitation for bad people too though, which takes valuable patience from kind people. But why waste such an important resource like patience? I believe in reincarnation, a mercy killing is a reset button, evil is taught, so this gives the soul a new chance to be better.

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    • Aethylfritha

      I absolutely think certain criminals should be eliminated. They put down and animals. Not every violent crime but people who are just repeatedly dangerous can get off this planet.

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    • I couldn't agree with you more.

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      • KholatKhult

        Do you believe there’s a place for you in a kind and protected world?
        Are you confident in your ethics and actions?

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        • In a world of kind people looking out for one another, I believe I'd fit in nicely. I don't consider my life to be of any more value than that of another and constantly consider the wants/needs of others. That said, the making of such a world as I believe you're implying would require a certain degree of sin. In that regard I'm not sure I'd be worthy of such a place. I would however stare happily at my works and feel a level of peace I never thought possible.

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  • Bazinga

    Nice argument to keep expectations for terrestrial intelligence within probable limits for civilizations within the visible universe. The problem here is that your approach is a bit reminiscent of the divide between theoretical physics, and the observational world of particle colliders. In no way is nature obligated to comply to math that string theorists cook up, despite its elegance. Observational science is what is real.

    I do not wish to belittle well established statistical methods for the Drake equation, nor tout the Fermi paradox. But, we earthlings can only validate what we can see. If we stain the nucleus of neurons in a human brain, we SEE that there are 86 billion of them. We also see that chimps have 14 billion. This is our reality, and our basis for leadership as caretakers of Planet Earth. To this end, the OP asks a provocative question. Will we manage our future indefinitely, or totally fuck ourselves as well as our own biosphere?

    Btw, welcome back. Your intelligent comments are like a breath of fresh air.

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    • Vantablack

      Neurons are actually the basis of my argument but it's important to remember that the wiring thereof is more important than the count. After all, elephants have roughly three times as many neurons as humans have. We have to consider the cortical neurons, neuronal-packing density, interneuronal distance, and axonal conduction velocity in all animals we wish to compare.

      It's an imperfect science, but all things considered, humans seem to possess only about three times the overall processing potential of chimps and they don't even invariably outperform them in all cognitive tests, many of which measure traits classically thought of as markers of human intelligence. For example, chimps have been trained to memorize the positions of the numbers one through nine on a display and then tap the positions of the numbers in the correct sequence after they disappear. Humans generally require at least five seconds to do this while chimps appear to find it rather effortless. One chimp can perform this task with only 210 milliseconds to commit the positions to memory and has never been defeated by a human, including a British memory champion.

      All the same, there's no doubt that humans are the most intelligent animal on the planet overall and consequently responsible for it. I was only relating to the feeling that humans aren't exactly objectively as much of an outlier as they appear from a subjective perspective. Despite appearances, the lead is of a multiplicative nature, nearly an additive one, rather than an exponential one. Exploring the still-subjective (for the extraterrestrial) perspective of an observing extraterrestrial intelligence was only meant to serve as a catalyst for objective thinking on the matter.

      Thank you! I'm happy to be back.

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      • Bazinga

        You might enjoy the following article. It seems a new more accurate methodology for counting neurons has caused significant revisions to long standing numbers for a variety of species.

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        • It's fantastic to find two people who view things from a logical standpoint. I've run into dozens of people who struggle to accept the idea that we as a species are fundamentally flawed and do significant harm to both our species and other life around us.

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  • Fugazi,again

    Whose control are we out of?

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  • leggs91200

    "But some, that are kinder than any other. People that dedicate their lives to others without expecting anything in return..."

    When I got to that part, I started hearing a violin playing softly and was expecting to read, "Won't you send a monthly monetary gift..."

    I would bet TWENTY DYOLLARS on two things -

    The OP just got DUMPED by a lover and is now thinking the world is evil and everyone should drop dead. Like DUMPED big time, like a bucket of puke gets DUMPED in the toilet.

    The OP is probably sitting around sponging off the GOVT and took time off some facebook game to post this thread. Probably plays stupid-ass lottery tickets also.

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    • My friend you couldn't be farther from the truth but your theories did make me smile :) . If you're wondering what drives me it's years of attention to detail regarding human behaviour and historical events. I studied history throughout ancient, medieval and modern. I dabbled in psychology and came to the conclusion that a significant portion of our species follow the same patterns. Lying for personal gain, killing for ones beliefs/emotions, keeping historical records of what we've done whilst turning our backs on it by saying it was "necessary".

      I pay attention to every post someone makes on here out of pure interest in whether like-minded individuals visited this site and had thoughts of their own to weigh in. Also possibly express my ideology to the uneducated on the matter of human behaviour.

      Lastly, games of chance are not something I endulge in when my money can go toward more useful purposes. And please do hold onto that twenty dollars, you may cross someone in need :) .

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      • leggs91200

        In all seriousness, I kind of believe in "give AND get".
        I try not to be greedy but I also try to avoid being taken advantage of.

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        • That's an absolutely fair method of going about things. In circumstances however where one cannot give whilst they receive, I hope you're capable of adjusting your method though. There are some who offer no such kindness.

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          • leggs91200

            As long as it is actually needed. I mean I don't give money to panhandlers as most of them are NOT broke nor homeless.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Oh okay I found the disagreement :)

    I don't think humans overestimate ourselves compared to other species. I think we overestimate how we compare to OTHER HUMANS, but not other species really. I don't think people subconsciously compare themselves to other species the way we subconsciously compare to humans. When we think of "being better" we don't think "better than chimps" we think, "better than other humans".

    I suspect that as a result of this, people try to degrade the human race at large below what they actually think of it in order to make themselves seem superior to other humans.

    If people thought higher of the human race like you say, then they would have to expect a higher standard of themselves. If they thought lower of the human race, that would make their expectations of competence for themselves lower cause they would be better by comparison.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Oh so your saying the difference isn't *that* big but it's still there.

    Well there is no way to really quantify this so idk even if I agree with you or not lol. I feel like were overcomplicating this.

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  • 666XxFURRYBEASTxX666


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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Oh well I do in fact think we are smarter than chimps. Controversial opinion coming through. We can go to space and around the globe in hours and these mf's can't cross a fucking river.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    I disagree with this post very strongly.

    People have such a negative view of humanity as a whole and it's so stupid!!! Then people who "give back" and "expect nothing in return" are held as the fucking goal or shit that everyone should strive to be. How about fucking mind your own business and pursue your own goals without taking advantage of others and enjoy life while you have it. You don't have to go out of your way to make shit better for other people. People who hang their hat on that are just too fucking beta to pursue anything good for themselves. Humanity isn't doomed. It's hot any more out of control than it's been before and these "few special people" that have it right and don't "succumb to their primal urges" are fucking mouth breathers compensating for shit.

    Seriously mate? Succumbing to natural urges makes you bad? Let me just never eat or fucking have fun or have sex ever and donate all my shit to an orphanage lol. Happy now? Man this post is dumb I could go on all day.

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    • KholatKhult

      An alpha is ranked by the success of their pack. In nature the ability to provide for the family or community is the greatest achievement of them all.

      What’s a king without a thriving kingdom?

      Being alone and self reserved is as beta as it gets comrade

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      • leggs91200

        "Being alone and self reserved is as beta as it gets comrade"

        I am so alone and self-reserved that I am a master-beta at this point.

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        • KholatKhult

          Do you wish you were more socially interactive?

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          • leggs91200

            I have work friends and also have a room mate.
            Other than that, I keep to myself.

            It seems that the more of a social circle one has, the more BS comes with it. Drama, people stealing,asking for stuff, arguments...

            Sometimes it is lonely but also peaceful. I think I am happy the way things are.

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            • Nikclaire

              I couldn't agree more.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Never said anyone should be/has to be alone. I meant "mind your own business" as in don't spend a ton of effort trying to help other people.

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      • Alpha implies one being greater than that of another. I wish to abolish such mentalities as a whole. People simply live to both improve themselves and the world around them. No need for constrictions of politics, religious or social rankings.

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        • Nikclaire

          Alpha is merely a pack leader and very necessary for order. Without an alpha dog for instance, the pack would be chaotic and cease to function. This holds true for humans as well.

          Are you an anarchist?

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        • DIO

          When I'll conquer this world, I'll appoint you as my minister of equality.

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          • Hahaha I appreciate the fun sprinkled in all this talk :)

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    • leggs91200

      Donate all your stuff to an orphanage? I doubt they are old enough for some of your "personal" belongings, although the nuns could probably use them. Can you imagine hearing the nuns, in a moment of ecstasy, praising "OH MY FUCKING GOD! YES YES YES".

      You know though, people like the OP who call for "selfless giving" are often the biggest crooks out there. Like the kind of people who run charities that are "non profit" Bowlshit.

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      • You're absolutely right, there are many out there who seek to benefit themselves without regard of others. Giving away everything you own isn't necessary either. Simply a willingness to make the effort to benefit others represents more humanity than that of most those who somehow can be deemed members our species when they simply can't be fucked.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Haha well you drive a hard case there leggs. I own only own 250-300 of sex toys though, which is a fraction of my net worth. I spend that much on supplements in a semester. Then even more on food and other shit like clothes and cars.

        I do know, tho. That why I said it's usually people compensating for shit. It's just trying to signal your above everyone else cause you give or whatever. And anyone who believes these big non profit fucking things have 100% pure intentions breathes through their fucking mouth and uses a sweet potato as a fucking butt plug.

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        • leggs91200

          "uses a sweet potato as a fucking butt plug."

          See I don't get that. In my experience, cucumbers work much better.

          Oh nevermind.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Meant as an insult looool

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    • You're absolutely right, people don't HAVE to dedicate themselves to the betterment of society. It's nice when they do though. Without people looking out for one another you just have impulsive beasts trying to climb to the top of social and/or corporate ladders as a means of being "top dog". It'd be a lovely thing if people were able to mind their own business and don't take advantage of others. Sadly a significant portion of humanity does so without remorse. The idea of every man for themself, trying to survive for yourself, thinking of yourself as number 1 top priority. That's the frame of mind which creates these atrocious excuses for human beings.

      There's a difference between Succumbing to ones urges and indulging them. Eating to survive, that's fair enough. A desire to survive, that's fair enough. You're indulging your urges. When you succumb to them you'd happily choose to feed yourself when you're already full just because it's tasty. Even if there was a starving child outside you'd think nothing of it and continue on with your day. That frame of mind is what I wish to abolish from our species.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        People should be their own number one priority! Yes that's how this works. The more people that strive to be the best, the more people get pretty fucking good trying, even though only one can actually make it.

        So eating when your hungry is fine but once I'm full and I still go grab more mashed potatoes and stuffing at Thanksgiving dinner, NOW I become a horrible person who is what's wrong with society. Okay got it loool.

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        • leggs91200

          You better be using gravy as well. Don't dare call it a "Thanksgiving dinner" otherwise. Cause that is how it works.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Nope I get butter, salt, barbeque sauce and cheese instead. Yes that's how this works.

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            • leggs91200

              Well, that isn't quite "Thanksgiving" but it IS a good meal nonetheless.

              Wait, REAL butter, I hope, and not that margarine BS, right?

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        • DIO

          That's being egoistical. He's made this post for people thinking like you, only thinking about themselves and what they want regardless of others' needs.

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          • Nikclaire

            If everyone took care of themselves there wouldn't be as many issues in the world. I find those that try to "fix" others or do good works are often fundamentally lacking themselves.

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            • DIO

              Nobody is talking about fixing anything. Don't be dense too.
              I'm talking about helping people in need when they want or need it.
              People lacking empathy and compassion only take care of themselves, such as sociopaths and psychopaths and dense people like you two.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Yes I like being egotistical. I am number one priority from the perspective of me! Other people and their needs are important, just not as much as mine.

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            • DIO

              You don't have to tell me, it's pretty obvious from your posts how egoistical you are. You're everything that's wrong with today's society.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    That made no sense in the context of what I'm arguing. As in Ahhh zeeeero.

    Why does it matter that we haven't been that far into space? I'm comparing us to animals who use sticks to not bananas out of trees. Whether or not you think what we do is impressive or not does not matter at all.

    If we discover aliens who are wayyyyy better than us than I'll remember to come back and agree with you but as of now humans are the best. We are the superior species!!!

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