Do you believe in aliens?

My friend and I disagree on this subject. I am very skeptical and I believe the evidence there is of Ufo's and other supernatural stuff is fake. I think believing it is very stupid (I'm not trying to be offensive, it's just my opinion). Anyway my friend believes in all the paranomal stuff and she is convinced that aliens exist and that they've visited us many times. Do you believe in aliens? Comment your thoughts on it if you wish.
*I know this poll already exists but people may have changed their minds since then.

Yes, I believe in aliens and you're stupid if you don't 51
No, I don't believe in that shit 9
I'm not convinced of either 28
Other (comment) 7
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Comments ( 39 )
  • -Solitude-

    I believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, which includes sentient extraterrestrials, but not that little green martians in flying saucers come to Earth to disguise themselves as our presidents. There's a difference. I would be very, very surprised if there was no life elsewhere in the universe, considering how many stars and galaxies there are. As far as other supernatural stuff goes, there seems to be no real evidence, so I don't believe in it. Trap Bigfoot and let scientists analyze DNA samples, and I'll believe sasquatch exist. Fuzzy pictures and footprints are not enough (and those cable shows are complete, annoying crap).

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  • Justsomejerk

    It seems unlikely that we are the only living organisms in the universe.

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    • That is exactly what my friend says. I can't really argue with that, but I don't think that the other living organisms have built any sort of flying object to visit the earth, so I think Ufo's are 100% fake. But I (kind of) believe that there must be other living organisms because, as you said, it is very unlikely that we are the only ones.

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      • Justsomejerk

        UFOs aren't fake, they're unidentified.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        We're a relatively young species, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were beings out there that are capable of space travel.

        "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth."

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        They found some. However they are no where as complex as people often imagine. They more like bugs and germs. So nothing like a mutated version of a dog. Like some people seem to believe. Which technically are alien. Also aliens are anything which is foreign to that area. So a french man going to Germany is an alien. So yes we get tourists all the time. I am surprised your country has never had at least one.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes, I do. I think it's very ignorant for humans not to. Think about it this way: We live in a Universe with many mysteries. There are countless of galaxies and in them are a infinite amount of stars, nebulas, clusters and so on. Some of the stars are part of system much like our Solar System and often what orbits around those very stars are planets. In Nebula, some contain mainly planets hence "Planetary Nebula". Each planet holds an untold world filled with life. Our Planet, Earth, is 4.54 Billion years old. For the time of other things:
    (3.6 billion years of simple cells (prokaryotes),
    3.4 billion years of stromatolites demonstrating photosynthesis,
    2 billion years of complex cells (eukaryotes),
    1 billion years of multicellular life,
    600 million years of simple animals,
    570 million years of arthropods (ancestors of insects, arachnids and crustaceans),
    550 million years of complex animals,
    500 million years of fish and proto-amphibians,
    475 million years of land plants,
    400 million years of insects and seeds,
    360 million years of amphibians,
    300 million years of reptiles,
    200 million years of mammals,
    150 million years of birds,
    130 million years of flowers,
    65 million years since the dinosaurs died out,
    2.5 million years since the appearance of the genus Homo,
    200,000 years of anatomically modern humans,
    25,000 years since the disappearance of Neanderthal traits from the fossil record.
    13,000 years since the disappearance of Homo floresiensis from the fossil record)

    There are over 7+ billion humans on earth and despite all this there are still many things on our planet that remain mysteries. Which goes back to my point about the universe, whose to say that there aren't lifeforms on other planets? Whose to say that there aren't other forms of energy, resources, vegetation and so on, that's yet to have been discovered by humans but it's all found on another planet? What makes Humans so special that they have the gull to believe that they are the only forms of intelligent life in this vast universe we live in?

    Think about all those theories that talk of Multiverses (Parallel Universes), String Theory that's extremely complicated but predicts that there are around 11 different dimensions, Dark Matter, etc. Whose to say that some of these aren't actually true? Sure, we can say that it's all nonsense but who are we to say these things if they are yet to be proven?

    There is countless evidence of the existence of Aliens that dates from the most ancient form of earth to the now, the modern times. There have been frequent sightings and so on. Remember when I talked about the mysteries of our planet? Think of the Pyramids, Atlantis and Lumeria, the Nazca Lines, Crop Circles, Abductions, Cave art and so on. Do you think that all of this evidence is somehow a hoax or do you refuse to acknowledge these things, think of them as being insignificant and not worthy of your precious time?

    Well, think again. The Universe doesn't work that way. Could there possibly be any one thing that is more important than the other? Whose to say that the inhabitants of this Universe aren't connected and somehow equal?

    It's allot to think about... but THINK you must.

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    • wigsplitz

      Everything you said could EASILY be a complete LIE. How would you know any different?

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      • Avant-Garde

        That's true, but how do we know if it is or isn't?

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        • wigsplitz

          Well, discount everything you 'think' you know and form an opinion based on what you DO know. That typically changes your answer radically. What matters more to you, what you DO know or what you might, possibly, in some way, make a guess from?

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          • CptBallbag

            He is pointing to pyramids and crop circles as evidence. LOL.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    The problem here seems to be that you're combining two ideas

    1) That aliens exist
    2) That aliens have visited us

    Those are two very different concepts.

    Aliens may very well exist. The next closest galaxy (Andromeda) is 2.5 Million light-years away. That means it takes light 2.5 MILLION years to get to us. So what we observe from them is ancient history, not current events.

    Even in our own history, 2.5 million years ago was BEFORE modern humans existed. So they could very well be looking at us and seeing no sign of intelligent life either, because they're not seeing us as we are today.

    So seriously there's no way to accurately tell if life has now formed on other planets in other galaxies.

    As for aliens visiting us... I think it's interesting, but I'm undecided.

    I *do* think UFOs exist - but only because ANY unidentified flying object remains as such until you identify it. *evil grin*

    Sure sure, people now like to equate "UFO" with "alien" but really it's just something flying in air or space that hasn't been identified yet.

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  • flowergirl87

    Think about it, we inhabit one planet, in one galaxy, in one universe. There may be hundred or thousands of other galaxies. There may be just as many other universes. Do you really think we, the humans on this planet, are the ONLY ones? I even believe there are other humans elsewhere or something simlar to humans. If the conditions were right after the big bang etc, then it is possible. They could be further or lesser along the evolutionary scale than us. They could have invented things we haven't (or vice versa) and so their world could be quite different. Technically, 'aliens' are creatures from other planets, alien to Earth. People imagine these green and blue things with huge eyes - when actually, they may just look very similar to us. For whatever reason, maybe they do have green skin, but the typical fantasy alien often depicted in fiction is probably off the mark. But characterstics may be different for evolutionary reasons - so for example maybe they would have bigger eyes. I imagine there would be language barriers if Earth ever made contact with other similar beings too... it's unlikely they'd speak English, French etc!

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  • flowergirl87

    I also thnk it's a bit arrogant to think that we're the only ones, if I'm honest.

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  • dappled

    There's loads of evidence of UFOs that are extra-terrestrial in origin but not a single piece that is conclusive. When you look at other phenomena (such as the earth rotating around the sun or there potentially having been microbial life on Mars at one point), evidence gets tested, it builds, and conclusions are reached.

    I don't believe "life" is very special. It's just biochemistry. It's nearly impossible to think it doesn't happen elsewhere. However, humans are very special because we're at that stage where we're just about to destroy ourselves (to go supernova, if you like). Perhaps the period of time between life exploring space in our very limited way and self-destruction is small enough that sentient creatures from different planets will never meet. Statistically, I believe that.

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  • Until I see definitive evidence, no.

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  • wigsplitz

    Overall, no. But most importantly, who gives a fuck? Until it's a legit concern, why should it be of ANY concern?

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    • It's part of human nature to question ourselves about pretty much everything.

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      • wigsplitz

        I don't concern myself with anything other than the bare essentials. There's some things that are worth thinking about and studying and some that aren't.

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        • CptBallbag


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  • anonymous1503

    no, i'm not stupid.

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  • Wendell

    Time for me to go I guess. Idiots.

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  • Severus'sDaughter19


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  • CptBallbag

    It makes sense that there are other forms of life somewhere else in the universe, but if they do exist, I don't think they have ever visited Earth.

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  • I think there must be some sort of intelligent life other than on Earth. If there wasn't, if anything, it would make me feel pretty alone. Infinite space, but we're the only ones.

    I think there is. I think space is too big for there not to be. I could be wrong, though.

    I remember hearing something about the third man on the moon said that aliens do exist, and that humanity has been in contact with them for quite a few years, and that it was a secret. I don't know if that is true what he said, but it interested me.

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  • SangoNyappy

    I believe there are other forms of life in the universe but only since I've watched Doctor Who.

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  • bemah

    I guess i don't really give a fuck, either way. Even if aliens do exist, it's not like they would ever come here.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I think there could be aliens. But there's no way they'd ever contact us. Even if there was some planet that happened to have a funtioning ecological system. And Even if there were intelligent aliens who happened to live in the same universal blink of an eye. And Even if they had some way to find out about humanity. They could detect us in the stoneage and send a message that would reach earth a thousand years after humanity has ceased to exist.

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  • I think theres definatlly aliens. Even if you think they havent been to our planet how full of ourselves do we have to be to think we're the only ones in the universe. Personally I think they do come to our planet but I dont think its stupid to doubt that they visit here.

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  • Anime7

    I'd like to believe that there are extraterrestrials already assimilated in our societies, but I have no proof to back that up. I believe in beings not of this earth, but to them we're the aliens.

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    • dude_Jones

      Planet Earth is an intergalactic wildlife park. Earthlings are ignorant animals. Go to any college party for verification.

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      • Anime7

        Go to MIT or any Tech Institute and you'll see that there's still hope for humanity. A person is smart, people are dumb.

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        • dude_Jones

          I'm with you. A bee is dumb, but the collective intelligence of the hive is very smart. To the contrary, a person is smart, but the collective intelligence of people gives you wars, market bubbles, and mass hysteria.

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    • We are the aliens. That's an interesting point of view.

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      • Anime7

        There was actually this episode of the Twilight Zone I saw a while back. Basically it starts off with this war scene, like the humans are engaging in a war with these alien beings. The thing was that the humans were actually winning and congratulations were going around everywhere. Well the plot twist was that humans were the ones who started the war and as a result of us winning we get their resources. This question just kinda reminded me of that episode.

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  • kelili

    I have never believed and I'll never believe in that.

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  • scrount

    I think half the time people say they don't believe in aliens, it's fear of the unknown, not stupidity. How can you think something else isn't out there when you can't even comprehend how large the infinite universe is? I believe there must be SOMETHING else living out there, why would we be the only ones? The universe and space isn't made for just humans, it would be boring.

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    • dude_Jones

      This was all quantified in 1961 by the famous "Drake Equation". Click this link to calculate the estimated number of alien civilizations in the galaxy.

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  • Dot123

    Yeah, just watch Ancient Aliens.

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