Do you believe in black magic
What do you think about black magics ?
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What do you think about black magics ?
No. Believing in magic(whatever color you claim it to be) is incredibly irrational.
It doesnt mean any race ; you are mistaken ;black magic means magics that are workout for revenge or somehthing like i think you are not much aware about them..
I was talking about the color of the magic, silly. You misread it. I really don't care what it represents, it's not rational. The idea that there is some force or whatever with no position in the physical world(can't be tested physically sensed or collected information from) can act on the physical world and make change yet leave no trace. That's silly. How do you prove something like that exists? Why do you assume it does other than something like "I like to believe..." Which isn't a reason, it's an excuse. To think something like this is closely related to emotion or...."spirit" I could go on for months about the idea of a spirit alone and how that word doesn't even have a valuable meaning. It's just silly. All of it is silly. You people have excellent imaginations, I can appreciate that much.
White magic probably oppressed them and now they want equal rights and free housing
I think that, if magic is a possibility in this Universe, then it is affected by consciousness.
If that is the case, then negative emotions can elicit a response just like positive emotions.
I would suggest keeping one's emotions positive... that any given black magic doesn't need to be shoved up one's own ass.
just sayin...
It has been scientifically proven (by a team at Princeton University if memory serves) that the human mind can affect the outcome of a random system - albeit very slightly.
One may therefore contest (arguably) that "Magic", at least in as much as being able to affect the outcome of an event through nothing more than force of will, is theoretically possible.
Black magic, white magic - it's all the same - the only difference is the outcome you seek to create.
It may not be anything but a mental state but it makes me feel better when I stick pins the Voo-Doo doll I made of my ex-wife.
Poking it the eyes and vagina gives the most satisfaction.
Try it, you'll like it!
If magic exists, it has no colour.
No, this isn't racial politics. I know at least a couple of witches and spoken to dozens more. Witchcraft, or magic (somewhat different), can have a method used both to help and hinder, so magic is only "black" or "white" depending on the circumstances.
Why do you ask? You want to do some, you think someone's inflicting it on you or are you doing a survey?