Do you believe in evolution or creationism?
Evolution | 186 | |
Creationism | 40 |
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Evolution | 186 | |
Creationism | 40 |
I don't know how you could NOT believe in evolution.....I mean...the evidence is just there. It's overwhelming. It'd be like reading a book about gravity and then thinking....nah dude, that's wack.
Evolution is very much science, and is supported by mounds of evidence and numerous (probably in the hundreds) of peer-reviewed studies. It is one of the most well-substantiated theories in science and the unifying theory of Biology. If you don't think it's science you probably don't know very much about science.
IF there be a a deity that designed humanity but left vast evidence for evolution anyway then it is obvious that he wants us to believe in evolution and not believing in it would be going against his specific wishes.
Times change, and things must adapt to survive. God intended for evolution to be this way. Just cause there's evolution doesn't mean there wasn't an intelligent designer who set it in motion.
Intelligent design normally refers to the ideology that evolution is either substantially or wholly incorrect.
You are referring to abiogenesis (the beginning of life). That is not related to evolution.
"Just cause there's evolution doesn't mean there wasn't an intelligent designer who set it in motion."
No offence but that is a classic argument from ignorance. A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
You are right, I just figured that since so many people believe there is evidence of evolution that God must have intended it to be that way. But after looking into it, there is no proof that the fossils and bones they found that look similar are evolved forms of one specific species, so they are more than likely different species altogether. Thank you for clarifying to me that evolution doesn't exist.
Well, I have often wonder exactly how the Universe, as we know it, came into being. If a intelligent being created the universe, where did this being originate? Who created it? The mystery would never end.
The mystery probably will never end, because we have finite resources and insurmountable constraints.
But just as there is the theory that the universe never 'began', that it's cyclical and infinite - without creation, one could suppose a deity like the Christian god could also be infinite, without creation.
God made the Universe! Nobody created Him. He was ALWAYS there. He even created our minds, which can't even comprehend how great He is!!
Isn't that being a bit unfair? Why couldn't I simply exchange your god for the universe itself. You claim your god doesn't need a creator, so why exactly does the universe?
All my question was stating was if "someone" created the universe, that someone would have to have originated from somewhere but from where?
This is why I hate getting in religious arguments because someone is always bound to get offended.
Ever heard of antibiotics that no longer work? Bacteria are evolving to survive antibiotics because the weak ones die off.
"Or the weaker bacteria just dies out, leaving the resistant ones to stay and multiply."
Thank you for defining survival of the fittest, one of the mechanisms by which evolution works.
Evolution is caused mostly by mutation in the genome, genetic drift, and occasionally retroviral infection.
By the way, have you ever seen the experiments performed in which speciation occurs in fruit flies, many plants through polyploidy defects, and many other organisms.
That's not the full story. They can also pick up resistance through mutations. Not only that, but exchanging genes with other species of bacteria is also part of evolution because it is a cause of genetic diversity--and natural selection acts upon this diversity.
Evolution can and does take place within a human life time.
Look at studies of the Pepper Moth.
I think that should be enough reading material for next 2 years or so.
Nope. The scientific meaning of the word theory is completely different from the colloquial meaning of the word. In fact, they're almost antonyms.
Theories are based on peer-reviewed evidence, of which there is MOUNTAINS of in the case of evolution, as you can see. There is no scientific evidence for "intelligent design". If creationism can't pass scientific muster, it is markedly NOT science (at best an unsubstantiated hypothesis) and will never be of equal value as a well-established scientific theory like evolution.
Let see do I accept the vast amount of scientific evidence available that prove the fact of evolution or do I think humans were made from dust as the Bible says...
Even if there was no evidence, humans evolving from less advanced species would seem more believable than being made from dust. In nature one can see a seed grow into a tree and can draw a parallel that evolution while very different in mechanism is intuitive to the natural world we witness everyday. Whereas I have never seen a clump of dust ever form into a complex life form and it does not seem intuitive that dust has that capability.
It's good to be open to both sides but it seems like some people were just brainwashed into thinking one thing as a kid. I used to believe in creationism but now I don't maybe some day I will believe it again if there is evidence.
Evolution is factual, regardless of belief structure. Creationism requires evidence, for which there is none whatsoever.
I don't believe in evolution, but I do believe in minor changes over a period of time. I'm not going to talk about my beliefs because I prefer not to start a religious debate..
Both. I believe in a Creator. But I think it highly likely that He created his creation through evolution. I don't see how these have to be mutually exclusive.
If there was Adam and Eve and they had two sons Kane and Able, so there was only 4 people on Earth. So who did Kane and Able fuck?
No wonder Kane killed Able, he must have caught him fucking his mom.
I don't believe in "sliding tectonic plates" either! There was no such thing as Pangaea(one side of the earth all land and the other side a ginormous ocean hemisphere) No! The Earth grew like blowing a bubble.
I don't know how old the earth is but I do feel that both while certain species may have evolved slightly, that we most likely are not the result of evolving apes or a big universal explosion. I believe in intelligent design and that we most likely have a purpose as well as a higher power or divine source. Beyond that, I don't really know much. In fact, I don't know anything at all. I can only speculate.
I believe in the creation and humans are kinda simalar to primates, so I believe in both.
I believe in evolution but I am not an atheist. I am an agnostic. I'm not going to immediately assume that there is no higher power. I don't know how things work around this universe. Anything is possible.
I am firm in my faith that God is real and is my Lord, so I voted that. I do believe, however, that God made evolution possible for things today..... I rather not start a religious argument so I'm sorry if this offends anyone but everyone believes something and this is simply my belief.
I believe in evolution and that God is the Creator. I don't see any real conflict between the two. Theories of evolution depend on the randomness of genetic mutation and natural selection. A religious person would say those things are controlled by God. A non-religious person would disagree. But one theory does not preclude the other.
Believing in actual scientific findings and real evidence does not negate the Believe in a Superior Being Beyond Human Understanding
Confession: If someone believes in creationism, I immediately assume he is an idiot. Possibly, because he is.
Evolution is a myth spread by satan. There is proof of creation in Genesis. I can't remember which song exactly, though.
I believe in adaptation, for we (humans) aren't better physically than most primates and would probably die to one easily. To me evolution is like an acorn to an oak tree or a fetus to a human. In opinion, we're more like another species of primate that adapted into a making of our own kind, but we're still primates. Kind of like a species, examples being like an ape, baboon, or chimpanzee (still primates, but of different types, much like human races nowadays). Either way I could careless where we came from and am just happy to be alive.
You mean "couldn't care less" right?
I keep hearing this. "Could care less." Doesn't make sense unless you actually mean you care a lot (or more than not at all). I can be a pedant sometimes :P
Also, what you believe is pretty much common knowledge, established by anthropologists. We, and all the other apes, evolved from a common ancestor.
Actually the question is malformed. Someone would "believe in" evolution because it is a predictable model of the universe and they view predictable models as more valuable than non predictable models. Someone would believe in intelligent design, or creationism because it makes the bible make sense.
These are two different methods of coming to "believe" in something. The scientific method vs the word of God. Apples and oranges.
You're making me pick ONE or the OTHER? I believe God was the man behind the helm of evolution.
I still vote for neither. As narrow minded as people may be. I have a right not to choose. To believe that god created everything and demons control our every bad action is ridiculous.
To believe its impossible that there might or might not be ghosts, aliens and other such creatures we have yet to understand or study is ignorant. OP wants ignorance and I refuse to fall for that.
Anything is possible. I am not going to close my mind to the possibilities since it has not happened yet. We have new inventions from the beginning of mankind. All of this was for the reasons someone said "What if"? If I really am going to close my mind because I never seen it Im one of the biggest fools in the world.
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound"? Well of course it does. Why would it not make a sound since we can not hear it? Just because something is not possible yet does not mean sometime in the future wont create it. If something is not known it does not mean its wont be discovered later.
I guess that might sound like a stupid answer but it just shows Im a lot less ignorant then most people. They thought octopus were monsters but its just an animal. How is anything else different?