Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes, I have seen one 27
Yes, even though I have never seen one 21
NO! I am not 5 years old. 25
Mostly no, but there is a small part of me that has doubt. 22
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Comments ( 13 )
  • mr.question..?¿?

    i saw my dead dog rocky i was about to go to sleep i got up and saw him on the couch it was scary and sad at the same time

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  • Karmasbitch

    In my old place I was walking into the kitchen to grab some snacks, before I flipped the light switch on, I saw the white silhouette of a woman In a Victorian dress walking into the dining room. I turned around and went straight back to bed.
    My mother in the same house, would always here footsteps up and down the hallway.
    I have a friend who caught a video of an orb outside of his house.

    So yeah, 'ghosts' exist in my book.

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  • Holzman67

    I had a few supernatural experiences as a kid, then nothing for the next 22 years. I started to think that perhaps it was just my hyperactive imagination as a kid, seeing things. Then 4 weeks ago when I was travelling Germany on a bike I was in a little country town called Seedorf staying in a little cheap room watching television. There was glare on the screen from sunlight coming through the window and I saw a dark silhouette, the figure of a hunched man cast on the tv. I looked around to see what object could be casting that upon the screen and there was nothing. Moments later, it was gone. So I guess I'm a believer again.

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    • Funny you mention that as a kid, you had some experiences.

      My oldest, when he was little, talked to a girl in our room. When he was older, he saw a girl floating above his bed. He'd point to our room when he saw ghost pictures in the Halloween season.

      My youngest talked about a "doggie" at the top of the stairs. At another time, he turned and focused (on someone), and proceeded to introduce my wife (his mom) to someone in his bedroom when she came in to kiss him goodnight. "This is my mommy..." they got older, these happenings faded.

      Makes you wonder what we teach our children "not" to see...

      Odd thing? My daughter never did anything like these.

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  • I do. I posted a similar poll recently.

    I've lived in and restored two old houses, and in both, unexplainable phenomena have happened; doors unlatching and opening/closing, cold blasts of air in sealed rooms, objects flying off shelves...even have a picture we took during basement reconstruction that shows an obvious face in a window.

    Our old house was really pretty creepy...not very welcoming feelings. Always felt like someone was staring at us. The one we live in now, even though it's even more active, is pretty benign.

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  • umph

    I am a ghost. But ghosts do not exist. Then, I do not exist either. So, everything is ok.

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  • me1993

    Aye i do believe in them, but i've never seen one

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  • GuessWho

    12 pot smokers and/or trolls have voted so far.

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    • GuessWho

      That's up to 20 as of now.

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  • Shroot

    I believe in ghosts

    My cat had recently died, and i woke up at like 2am to go to the toilet and i saw my dead cat taking a shit at the bottom of my stairs, was quite upsetting, looking back, it was rather humerous.

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  • college

    I've never seen one personally, but I don't claim to know for sure that ghosts don't exist.

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  • Phishy

    Ghosts are not real. They're like religions...just fairy tales.

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    • lala85

      I have always thought that if you believe in ghosts you must believe to a certain extent in God because you obviously believe in some form of life after death.

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