Do you believe in global warming?
Yes or no do you believe in Global Warming?
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Yes or no do you believe in Global Warming?
I believe in climate change. I feel the jury's still out as to how much is caused by man.
I only put no because I thought it was called climate change now. Speaking of which we cant really pin down how much heating or cooling human activity does to the climate.
That being said we can all agree that toxic pollution (pumping sulfur or lead into the air/sea) has more consequences than benefits. Nothing is wrong with nuclear in that regard as well. Least that pollution is so noticeable that you have to contain it.
Any climate scientist will tell you climate change will happen even if man does not exist anymore. Climate changes naturally. The only question is how much is man speeding it up. And if you go off their predictions in the 90s it seems they have no idea. Because the change has been no where as drastic as they predicted
Without fact checking the accuracy of that in any way, “in the 90s” would be the key part of that. Obviously a lot can change in 20-30 years, computers are significantly better and we have a lot more data go use. You can just look at how much more accurate daily weather forecasts are…I’ve always been a bit of a hurricane enthusiast, so I can tell you the difference between tropical forecasts in the 90’s and now are shockingly different. It’s a night and day difference even in the last 10 years, 20-30 years might as well be 100 years. So this is kinda like saying here’s no way race cars are actually going 200 MPH because the model T could only go 40 MPH.
Tracking weather can only be so accurate. Until you can track individual particles and where they will go you can only have a basic idea of future storms and severity. Not saying it's not getting better but theres a limit of seeing into the future. Not even including the added difficulty of solar winds and other astronomical changes to climate.
Oh yeah, no, it’s not just that forecasts have gotten better, it’s truly light years ahead of where it was even 10 years ago, let alone 20-30 years ago. I’m not sure how much you follow this stuff, but I’ve always been kind of fascinated by meteorology, so I’ve really seen just how insanely better mid to long term forecasts are now than they used to be. I’m sure there are plenty of studies on this that you could find but yeah, it’s like comparing the iPhone 13 to the cell phone that Zack Morris had on saved by the bell.
but i look at all the proposed 'solutions' and i dont see much that aint a colossal money or power grab thinly veiled behind a screena bullshit guilt trip designed to justify cripplin the economy and stickin the bill to the common man
Yeah, desotsw. The major population places are the major pollution places and when they care so little about humanity, proven by how they treat their own people, it does seem like a "drop in the ocean", (pun intended) for value oriented nations to bend over backwards and self sacrifice economically to fruitlessly attempt to make a change.
A belief is founded on something that cannot be proved but your inner gut tells you it's true. Global warming has been scientifically proved. You either deny science or accept the facts.
It is not a religion.
Tell that to the Pacific Islanders whose islands are vanishing below rising sea levels
Pray billions of people in China and India will engage in Western standards of caring about humanity and environmetalism, and maybe, if human action changed sea levels, the masses can manipulate them back.
*Hey Pacific Islanders* I am telling you global warming is not related to shit and your island is fine
Yes but we need better technologies to make our power production more efficent. Until then we cant halt our progress in the pursuit of a goal with arbitrary goal posts.
A good short term solution (20-100 years) would be finding a way to purify coal deposits of sulfur and heavy elements to make coal even cheaper while limiting pollution.
You dont hear of acid rain anymore because the coal plants stopped using sulfur heavy coal as well as them using static scrubbers in coal plants to catch most of the pollutants before they exist the smoke stack (which is actually steam)
Yes, but I don't trust everything the global warming side has to say, and I think they shoot themselves in the foot with the hyperbole they use. No, we have not got "just 12 years left", and when you say that it trivalizes your cause.