Do you believe in god?

What do you think? Is "god" an outdated theroy or is "God" a fact?

I'm Atheist, I do not believe in god. 211
I'm Agnostic, I don't think there is a definite answer. 97
Yes, I do believe in some form of divine spirit. 96
Yes! I'm a firm believer in the teachings of the Bible/Quran/etc. 130
I'm undecided on the subject... 32
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Comments ( 84 )
  • Your_Neighbor

    I believe in God, but Religion is all Bull shit.

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  • rico30

    I was told heaven was up in the clouds. lying bastards.

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    • wiip100


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  • I'm Atheist and will always be.

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  • -Smallz-

    Now this is just asking for a religious argument.

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  • Immortal635

    lets see. i don't believe in any specific religion. but i have my own beliefs of things. i don't believe in any form of a god. i don't conform to other beliefs as there's no reason to. the people who do are just robots. fitting in, doing whats normal. there are alot of them that take it way to far pushing religion on others say were gonna burn in hell. well when you get murdered for pissing someone off i hope they finally see that there is no god.

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  • attractive&in2plsing

    Its like this for those who observe variables...I'm gonna go ahead and believe in the God described in the Bible. My choice. And true to form I will beg no one to join me. No long winded plees. No opulent promises. No tricks. I instead will just live a decent life. Minding My own buisness and working quietly with my hands. I say true to form for this reason; I've searched the scriptures many times for an instance when Jesus literally begged and pleaded for our repentance. I mean really I could be wrong. I'm no scholar. And in fact if someone has found one let me know. Just makes sense to me that if what i offered free of charge was priceless....i wouldnt be begging or pleading for anyone to accept it. Now here it is ...if I'm right....I'm goin to heaven and surely ill be with my God. If I'm wrong...nothing lost. In fact I will have lead a satisfying life. One of good quality. How about those who don't believe. Oh yeah, that would mean they only stand to lose. Man what a loss that could be.

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    • Yes but, if someone simply doesn't believe in god, he can't "just say" he does to appease the possibility of their being one, that's not actual faith or belief, and is lieing.

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    I believe in many Gods and goddesses, I'm Pagan I was raised this way. Although I only worship one deity I believe in many.

    And OK Peace it's not your place to judge people based on what they believe. So don't go lecturing everyone because they don't believe the same as you. Everyone is different so don't judge just try to understand without prejudice.

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    • I know a girl who married a Pagan. He's a paratrooper and american, he is epic.
      Only slightly off topic there, sorry :P

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  • Lasci

    Sometimes, I find myself in a situation where I am inclined to say "What has this God character ever done for us?" But that'd offend lots of people. I don't believe.

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    • krystal4ever

      Now that's just asking for trouble, :D. I agree with you, has he tried to stop wars, has he built us homes, has he ever tried to save an innocent life. Has he ever done one thing after saying in all the books that he will help us no matter what as long as we do what he says (btw, that's just saying I will give you candy if you do sth.). I certainly don't know anything he did and that's why I don't believe in God, an equal to a mythological creature.
      Edit: It looked kinda mean, that was not my intention(sorry), I respect in what the books want you to do, but I don't respect the fact that if God was real and all those books were fully real and there were Heaven and Hell, we would be in a state where if we obey, we get presents (heaven), if we disobey we get punished (hell), I don't think that system is even right to be used on children (rather than talking in a correct manner and believing that they can understand what's wrong or right).

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  • emilio

    I stoped believing in got at the same time that i stoped believing in santa claus. Wich is like....8 or sometin. get the message?

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  • CrazyKatie

    Yes and I'm proud of it!

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  • dappled

    God was conjured up to make people behave. There is absolutely no God, but there are things which interweave, such as nature. I do believe people should be good to each other, but I also think that if people need the idea of God just to be good to each other, then they're not mentally strong enough to be on this planet anyway. Seriously, just be nice regardless of your "faith". That's what the end-result is, anyway.

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    • ☮PeAcE☮

      God is real. Okay? One day u will be in hell burning and i will be in heaven worshiping him..... He is great and if you believe you will be saved. Just believe he loves you!

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      • Blorgbot

        I would rather be in Hell than spending eternity worshipping a Jealous God. He has done nothing good for us, why should we worship Him? I am a little concerned that "worshipping" is what you call eternal bliss.

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      • wiip100

        yeah great way to persuade people God is great- you're all gonna burn!!! now I know why the vast majority of people here are atheists.

        Guys, please try to judge belief on the content, not the users. Ignore such tub-thumping numpties as this, and read up on the Bible/Quran/Torah et c. before you make your mind up.

        There are a lot of stupid people out there, which is why we get things like the Crusades or Suicide Bombings. We need to see past humanities frailties and see what's going on. I know you're sceptical, I used to be an atheist myself and pitied believers (despite my dad being a minister in the Church of Scotland :P), but if you look into it, God's something seriously good.

        Do yourselves a favour and look up TheBandWithNoName; fantastic musicians, profound Christians. They'll tell you what they believe, and why they think you should too. And no, they're not some Gospel Choir or happy-clappy hymn band; they do sort of hip hop modern stuff. Yeah we're not all 86 and shaking our heads at youngsters going past our porches on skateboards.

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        • krystal4ever

          I understand your opinion and I also think that all the sacred books (that's what they were called, I guess) are mostly logical. But I think that God and Heaven and Hell are just things made up by people so that they will do what's written in those books. What's written in those books is what should be done so that everyone can live happily. That's why I tend to agree with many people who believe in a particular religion. However, I really hate those "tub-thumping numpties" who believe every religion other than the one they believe in is plain bullshit and they should hate those people because they believe in different things. (Even though I'm saying all this I don't mean that you should believe in any religion, because some people just say that it's impossible to know what is right and they should believe what everyone else around them believes.)

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      • iboy038

        god is not real heaven no one can say its real its all in one's mind and also hell there two objects that are put into people mind without knowing the truth, so they just say its truth but its not

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      • Schythl

        Eurk. People like you make me sick to the stomach.

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      • Rawrtaur

        Circular, nonsensical logic.

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      • MahBoi24

        How do you know there's a heaven or hell? And how the hell do YOU know you're going to heaven? You just damned everyone to hell, so you may very well be going down with us. But hey, hell seems much more fun than heaven! You can be yourself in hell :-) This "god" thing doesn't seem to be cool with anyone who doesn't kiss his ass. Personally, I'd rather be my gay, agnostic self down in some kind of hell if it even exists.

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      • TheGod

        Ha ha ha haaaa!!! God loves me, the lover of the ultimately beautiful. God is a spirit of eternal youth, the fountain of youth is up in the high heavens, and the elixir of life restores youth so you won't have eternal life literally (O you who take any of it word by word), you'll look young in old age as long as you use (I don't mean the trademark) oil of ulan. Only eternal life can send you, if you see miracles beyond your imagination (beyond imagination means what can't be imagined must be real), to heaven. I have performed miracles, I have seen the ultimate beauty and what's ultimately true, only I've seen God for someone loving, and incredibly perfect, the rest of you have only seen what's in a boring old useless holy book!

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  • stevef4744

    Yes. I am a firm believer that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

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  • CaptainObvious

    God doesn't exist lol

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  • All I can say is, wait and see and you'll find out the truth.

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  • hellboy333

    ^This :<

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  • blizzard132

    There would be no Bible if it wasn't for the Ancient Greek philosophers.

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  • I don't believe in a perfect, amazing, goody good man sitting on a throne up in heaven.. but I do believe that there something out there. Everything had to be created somehow. We all had to come from somewhere.
    I think of god as the thing before everything. He's not a living breathing being he's not even a he. It just is.
    LOL ok my explanation was retarded and probably doesn't make sense but in my mind it does=P

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    • MahBoi24

      It makes complete sense to me :) I'm very much like you in my idea of God. I don't believe in the crusty old dude sitting on a cloud. It's more like an energy or force. But the idea of an old dude up on a cloud controlling the world seems really asinine :P I can't buy it.

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  • CrystalMoonlight

    Think about it, when was it confirmed the earth is round? The bible has said from the very start that the eart was round and floated on nothing-ness, and that first there was water, then came the land, etc. It said that long before scienists dicovered it.
    I'm not telling you that you have to believe in God or you will go to hell, blah blah, whatever, but I have seen God's miracles for myself, it's your choice whether you choose to believe in God or make up all sorts of random exuces and theories to try and prove Christianity wrong and covince yourself God doesn't exist.

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    • TheLogicalSkeptic1

      It said that the earth was a circle, not a sphere. It also said that the world was set in a fixed point in space, this is why the Catholic Church fought so vehemently against the idea of a solar system in which the earth orbits the sun.

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  • HugeDong87

    Religion is a joke. All those priests involved in child sex scandals and what not. The pope could make it all go away if he could demonstrate one miracle that would help humanity like feeding starving people. Just think of the affect that would have. It would help restore some faith in the catholic religion, it woulds suddenly make all catholic miracles real. It would also convince catholic parents that they're children were touched by the hand of god, and not by some creeping nonse in a dog collar.

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    • Titans00

      Catholicism is one religion. lol and your display name refers to your "dong"...if your not a joke i dont know what is. hahah clown

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      • HugeDong87

        Does'nt matter if they are catholic, protestant, muslim, hindu or fucking john the baptist, all religion is bollocks and should be treated as such. Tell me this if there is a god, then why are'nt everyone the same religion? There can't be more than one god surely? and if he does exist then he was'nt very clever was he, he made me a fucking atheist.

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  • CaptainObvious

    There is no god, probs.

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  • I believe that there's a supernatural being that created the earth, and deserves to be praised. However I'm not sure if I believe in "God" per say. I am Christian and all, but my brother is Atheist. I've got a lot of reasons NOT to believe in God, but I refuse to live a life without a religion. :)

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    • attractive&in2plsing

      I don't mean to be preachy...I'm certainly no saint...but aren't Christians believers and followers of Christ...He certainly believed in God the Father. So then...aren't Christians supposed to...just wondering because u said u were a Christian?

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  • peterrabbyt2

    Watch your life change when you become a believer.

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  • YummyRee

    I believe in God. I know his real! Believe in him. He is SO real. :)

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    • Uzzie101


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      • YummyRee

        Smh at You!

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        • Uzzie101


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  • penguin1

    I believe there is a God. I just don't follow any specific religon. My family always told me that it doesn't matter who you are or where you are. God still loves you and listens to your prayers.

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  • Jessie735513

    I believe in something like Eywa or Gaia...

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  • karmasAbich

    Can't we all just... get along? break out in song? play some ping pong? while aunt freddy wears a pink thong? theres nothing wrong, we just need to get along.

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  • TheGod

    I saw heaven, and it's not the stereotype with angels and saints (praise the Lord), it's a fantasy island with a very large tower and oil of ulan, and the fountain of youth, and songs in their highest excellence, pop music that is, singing "higher than the heavens of earth", which is on Earth, and I saw the ultimate beauty in a river by very green grass (on this planet), it's changed my life, heaven is on this planet, intensely beautiful, miraculous, I say it's God! For what I saw was a cold winter, and a rainy day reveals nature as the incredibly beautiful, and no words can describe what I call heaven. Ka-zam!

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  • TheGod

    I say let there be all of the monotheisms, it's all good! Judaism, Platonism, Christianity, Islam and Deism, all created and trembled at by the Lord! Let there be light, as the witness of God, I testify! Proclaim polls and messages of faith, and do good for the Lord! Those who think religion is true, only God is real, halleluia!

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  • this is all God Damn bull shit. believe whatever you want.

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    • If you believe in something, why call it bullshit? If your really, truely believe something as the truth...shouldnt you tell ppl?

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  • tomas

    Not if your God is an old man in the sky - that's immature. You have to say what you mean by God - the God of the Southern Baptist, of the Quaker, of the Hindu?

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    • A divine creature/spirit/etc who created existance.

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  • StrangeQuestion

    P.s sorry for all the spelling errors. Testator?! WTF

    Fucking iPads

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  • StrangeQuestion

    I don't understand how christians can go on believing, or any religious person for that matter, if their are so many religions with equally loyal followers. It seems to me that not all can be right, that's illogical. But rather than arguing for one to proclaim absolute truth why don't the majority of believers question whether or not their belief is valid in the first place.

    Secondly I am so sick of people stating passages from the bible as proof. The bible is not fucking truth, just as the Koran or Torah is not. It's subjective, written by humans, for humans, in order to help them navigate through the meandering difficulties of life.

    Religion has always been, and will always be a method of explaining the mysteries of our world. When will people that the method and process of scientific inquiry is the only way through which to analyze and understand the world. Science is not a religion but a strategy for engaging with the world. It is not dogmatic and does not preach a single proof. All findings are always open to further analysis and improved findings, based on scientific and testator proof.

    Religion is dead fuckers

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  • hsk12

    What about getting rid of the idea that something outside us (whatever it was energy, god ect...) and belive in the idea that what created us is there deep inside each and every single one of us, and its the base that if we ever reached show us that all of us are one, seeing the whole world from different eyes, feeling all what we do from different hearts enrich our own general yet private selves to move on with the path of struggling to know the truth....all the energy of the whole world is in all of us...we have the power to give life and let it experience whatever it wants...and when it leave it will be back again at some place in this universe...we are god and if we knew that then this planet will be a much more better place to live in...

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    • (Sorry, this will be my last comment on this poll)
      I don't see how the common good within mankind qualifys as an intelligent creator...

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  • Webbster

    I am a pagan. It's easier for me to accept many gods who are fallible than one who supposedly is not.

    When bad things happen to good people Christians will say that God is testing them or that he works in "mysterious ways" that we couldn't possibly understand.

    A: Try me. I can comprehend a pretty good amount.
    B: When you ask me that, the response is "My gods are not all powerful, humans have the ability to affect their lives as much as the gods do."

    The belief in gods who can make mistakes is better for me because it makes their nature similar to ours and thus easier to understand.

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  • stevef4744

    I like to add that I do not judge others and never press my beliefs onto you. You do your thing and I'll do mine.

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  • My Last Comment on this:
    I think ares.self might be trying to say god is a metaphor for love in humanity, the good within us, or other similar concepts. This is all well and good, and is an excellent thing to live by, but I'm talking of god as something that has created, not a concept we've created. Does an actual, living or otherwise God EXIST?

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  • angelbaby01258

    yes, i believe in god so much . i have nothing against people who dont, its there life not mine. befor my mom died she always said that she believed in God because she would rather spend her whole life beleving in him and finding out there isnt one there spending her whole life not beliving and finding out that he is real .

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  • Painfulnote

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  • There is probably something out there. but it's nothing that humans can ever conceptualize or understand. ie every religion that cultures have come up with is all bs to me.

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  • Babel

    i believe there is a god out there, yes, i mean just look around, nature, the universe, and all the complicated things about life and matter pretty much shout his existence, or to me it does. not to say i believe everything in the bible, no, even though it has some good quotes. like "how do you behold the speck in your brother's eye but do not see the beam in your own eye, first remove the beam out of your own eye then you can proceed to remove the speck out of your brother's eye" or that "nature proclaims god's existence" to name a couple

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  • fuckmybdaybitches

    ORGANIZED RELIGION is a causes nothing but wars..and IS HYPOCRITICAL..they teach love but are all about hate..Iam SPIRITUAL i believe There is a high power and a spirit in earth and energy in everything. I believe people CLING to church and religion out of FEAR for the unknown. But if you are a good person you dont NEED to hide behing churches and religion. THERE IS MORE than what we know and it isnt a man floating on a cload with a white beard and some pearl gates. LOL JUST ENJOY LIFE AND DONT EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT!

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    • It's possible to enjoy life, and still take subjects such as this into consideration. It's impossible to be the life of the party all the time, it's impossible there has to be some serious thinking moments too, lol. But I like how you say that we don't really understand, at least... that's what I think you're saying? Although it's worth thinking about, for personal reasons, we all have to admit that humans do not know everything about the universe. As Richard Dawklins once said, we're "struggling towards the truth...".

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  • sosurena111527

    I, believe that there is some power in the world which is in the body of every creature in the form of 'Soul'.It exist till the time of our last breath.We don't feel anything when the power goes out of body.Why it is so? Therefore there is something which makes a big difference.

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  • HelterSkelter

    it is just as foolish to believe something is impossible just because there is no proof of its existence as it is to believe in something without any proof of its existence.

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    • Prehaps so, HelterSkelter (I love the Beatles, btw).
      But is it not more ridiculous to believe in something that has be suggested and pondered since philosphy and logic began, yet is still completely absent of evidence? Most scientific theorys are proven or disproven within a few years of their publication...god has been around for thousands, and yet not one shred of evidence. Unless, of course, you include the countless prophets, 'miracles', etc as evidence. That's a personal choice. I'm trying to be as unbiased as I can here, but I find not believeing in something that has no evidence is much more logical than believeing in something without, see? Sorry if I'm slightly incoherent, I'm only after waking up.

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  • revelry

    i believe that there is something of a higher power that created everything on earth, including earth itself. i can't believe that we were made from random particles joining randomly. if so, where did the particles come from? i think it's human nature to question. therefore, i think that there IS a higher power or a "god". however, there is no definite answer. and no one knows anything more than the other until death.

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  • thatwaswise

    Do most people really doubt there is a personal God or is it atheist are more often draw to this question?

    I'll go with both...lots of doubters in the closet.

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  • rick12101

    there no atheists in fox holes,,just in hell,,,,

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    • but rick, couldn't you also say, there are no dead christians in foxholes that didn't pray?

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  • pambambam

    YES!!! Theres a creator who loves humanity and created everything there is. it would be a shame not to believe in him and find out too late, after death that he is Lord of Lords and to spend eternity apart from him .

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  • Jjinxa

    wow what feed back! hot topic. im not a beleiver but kinda wish i was.

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  • ladyluck31

    Well i strongly believe in God but, im not a saint either. It's like... when bad things happen to good people, and seems good thing happen to the bad, thats when i start to have doults about God because it should'nt be that way, it should be the other way around.

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  • Uzzie101

    Sorry for the typo :P

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  • dummyme74

    Growing up I was very afraid of him (God). After trying silly stupid religions such as christian, evangelic and catholic I realized the people in those churches are full of sh**. I recently started reading about the Islam and even though I find this religion better than the others, it has many rules--but I would love to become part of it someday when I really have the time. I go for Allah. The rest of religions are fake and full of either sexually sick people, abusers or money hungry people. God does exist but he is not the typical white man with beard that died in a cross.

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    • Why don't you make an attempt to come to your own conclusions, and believe in God as YOU want to, not how the philophsers of some religion tell you to?
      Just because the Catholic Church's art protrays Christ as a white, bearded man, doesn't mean YOU have to take him that way, and the same can be said for any other factor.

      Also, don't you think the Islamic chruch can be corrupt aswell? People are stoned to death in Iran for being homosexual (the Qur'an is against it), yet we can prove being gay is genetic, and not the fault of the individual.

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  • yournewBFF

    Your all retarded. Way to validate your personal preferences and beliefs by stating them on a website anonymously. If you have faith or are so sure that god doesn't exist why would you bother trying to talk someone else into or out of an idea? Insecurity is a bitch huh?

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    • It's called voicing your opinions, and people do it in the real world to. When someone brings up religion and you tell them most of the time they are curious as to why, especially when they talk to me because I personally don't believe in god.

      Out of curiosity do you believe in god?

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    • Blorgbot

      You are a hypocrit, first off it is Christians job to spread the word of God, second off, you are doing the exact same thing, how many people are gonna stop posting on forums because your comment really spoke to them? Ha, what a bitch

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  • Mitsyrules

    So many atheists on here! And it seems as if most of the people on here are pretty young! That's kinda sad.

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    • Why ist it sad? I don't believe in god and actually find it sad that when I tell Christians this they feel it is their responsibility to convert me.

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