Do you believe in god?
an intelligent creator?
comment: what is god to you?
Other (Add a comment) | 21 | |
no | 138 | |
yes | 81 |
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an intelligent creator?
comment: what is god to you?
Other (Add a comment) | 21 | |
no | 138 | |
yes | 81 |
I don't believe in a white-haired, all-powerful, anthropomorphised creator. I do believe in a faceless, soulless facilitator whose rules brought us into whatever this thing we refer to "being" is, and whose same laws will sweep us from the planet once our allotted time is up. It's commonly known as science.
However, when you look at it in those terms, it's so similar to the ideas of religious people that maybe we all are really talking about the same thing, and shouldn't argue too much about our interpretation of the universal truth we all believe.
I'd rather look at where we are all similar than point out our difference.
that being is satan. you must die.
from the catholic church.
(sarcasm sign)
every state of being has a soul and a conscious and and when you add every living things soul and conscious together as one. that is god. and whatever "god" is, we are part of it
No. I belive in a cosmic force that trys to hold everything together. Not God, Chuck Norris maybe, but not God.
eff no..i was raised in the church became like 12 and thought this is makes no sense by age 13 i said eff the church and it's i like walking by church on a sunday morning and ask them "what guilt brings you to church this fine sunday"..banging the baby sitter while the wife is at work?? stealing money from hard working ppl?? watching child porn ?? dong the pool boy?? all the same reason ppl doing ish they feel bad about so every sunday they run to church so they can wash away the filth for another week
I believe that there is a higher power that is controlling the universe, but I do not believe in what may be colloquially understood to be "God" (e.g. big guy with white hair ruling over heaven.) However, I am willing to listen to and try to understand other people's beliefs.
I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I was touched by his noodle appendage and he will save my pirate soul.
Let us pray
Our Pasta, who “Arghh” in heaven, Swallowed be thy shame. Thy Midgit come. Thy Sauce be yum, On top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread. And give us our cutlasses, As we swashbuckle, splice the main-brace and cuss. And lead us into temptation, But deliver us some Pizza. For thine are Meatballs, and the beer, and the strippers, for ever and ever. RAmen.
i belive that if mankind had the will, that we could control everithing by just thinking it.
but ofcurse it had to be millions thinking and focising att one perticular object
People escape god because they do not let him close. Sharing is what it all about. God gives a fuck, u should to.
Now you can think about God.
There is a God that created us all to be unique! HE does exist because I know of miracles HE'S done for me not luck but MircalesB I know this because my life changed and HE is not imaginary,,, There is more evidence to prove that Jesus existed than there is to prove Napoleon existed,,, I'm not posting to say yall are evil etc cuz being Christian is to accept and love everybody as you love yourself! One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is King of Kings,,, None of us are our own gods , yes you do have control over yourself but you can not create humans from dust, you cannot save peoples souls and a soul cannot be "made" through science!
It's not a big deal to me. But what annoys me is people who speak really horribly about either not being raligious or being raligious! A guy I know what saying God is shit he sucks there's no such thing he's nothing but a myth. And he said Jesus was a con artist and Mary was a slut. Now I'm christian and I don't mind people not believing in god or jesus or someone believes in a different god. But I hate when people shove and shove what they think down on you and wont shut up about it! I believe what I believ and stop pushing what you think on me and DON'T disrespect the other persons religion when you're trying to convince them! It's not going to work! I understand if you don't believe that's fine don't push me I wont push you.
i think there is something there, some warm love thing i have experienced once. as corny as it may sound a light in the darkest hour radiating love. hard to explain
I've felt loved too, and joy, but I'd hardly call it "god".
I understand, it's a warm, comforting felling like no other, but...god? nooooooooo.
It's just an emotion you get after desperation, when all becomes clear.
Sure there's probably a god. But he's a cruel sociopathic control freak. I respect your right to belief and religion but I have deep hatred for all who justify their actions with the excuse of "god's will". crusades, jihads, terrorism (Not just Muslims you prejudiced fuck, Catholics kill people too.) killings and disrespect or prejudice with the illusion of religious morals is not just evil, it's fucking retarded.
No, I am Agnostic, i don't believe God exists, nor do I believe he does not. I like to think of myself as a man of science, though the more secrets we uncover about reality, the weaker my already very frail faith becomes.
Furthermore, you failed to specify what you meant, do you mean god (as simply a higher, more powerful, and/or advanced being than ourselves, or are you talking about GOD, an all-powerful being and creator of the universe?
It really makes no difference, the answere is still no.
Dude no! I voted other because i am in a catholic school by force. I hate this stupid religion. How is it that some retard gos around saying obey me. Its a shame to be baptized. At least my parents wont let me be in a public school. Jeez that road is scary.
With all the suffering and pain in this world, it's difficult to believe in such a being.
My mom died from cancer, so yes but no, because how could anybody take my mother away from me? I believe in angels because I believe she's up there, but to me god is evil for doing that to me
I can't say Yes or No because I honestly have no idea. The big man in the sky? No...but some sort of higher power...WHO KNOWS?! :P <3
I said this on a story posted here some time ago, and I'll say it again. God is merely an excuse for the weak. Or, as That Guy From the Party said, it's an imaginary friend for naive people.