Do you believe in god?
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I don't know? I guess in that case I would like God to be a very large, sassy Black woman with attitude.
But since I'm Catholic the divine feminine for me would be Our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. I don't believe she's God of course. But I do believe the words of the Hail Mary.
I guess if God was female and some entity other than Father, Son and Holy Spirit I would have to cross that bridge when I got to it. I don't actively seek to judge and condemn non Christians so I would hope a different deity would take that part of my life into account and show me grace and mercy.
i hope for A God, it would be pretty cool if there was something after this life
Not the Christian God, my gods and goddesses are all around me, they are spirits in nature
There is no God. The idea of God was developed to control the masses. Only really stupid people who do not have the backbone to take responsibility for their own actions believe in God.
God is just an excuse for so many to murder and hurt others.
Would a real, all powerful being, allow thousands of people to starve to death when he could so easily allow a bit of rain and some seeds to blow around in the wind, creating food for all?
Would that same being allow the Muslim crazies to kill and maim in his name? Would he allow children world wide to become sex slaves and be murdered? Of course he wouldn't!
How could any intelligent person believe in such a cruel and horrid God?