Do you believe in god or any other type of god?
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I believe in something bigger than us and that we are here for a reason. I dont believe in a "one god" or "deities" or any kind of religion.
I think that that is exactly what god is. I think we just tend to describe god while saying "he" but it's really just because it allows us to describe "him" in the easiest way possible but what I really think god is, is the EVERYTHING behind everything.. if that makes any sense..
I believe god is a supernatural being, who lives outside the Physical realm.
I believe in one God. I know he's real and he gives me hope. There has to be a life after death. I know it doesn't all make sense. But does anything really make sense? Not really.
Just saw the movie "The Rite" and got confused about the existence of "GOD" , but now back to normal. There's no GOD fella's.
How do you define reality, Something which is discovered by science so far? right? what about those existing thing which are yet to be discovered?
Yes, things that are discovered by science and proved, and things that we can see, like the universe, evolution, nature, etc.
Not something made up 2000 years ago to scare and control the people who didn't know anything of science or the world.
And I highly doubt a god, or a hell, or a devil are probable.
And I will believe them if they are discovered and proven and presented for all to see.
I think other life forms in the universe is more likely to be true.
But if u die before that discovery than what? The only thing I wanted u to realize that start thinking in such a way that if some supernatural force exist who created everything in precise order that from an atom to galaxy the structure is same then at least u could discover something rather waiting for science to discover it
Well if God loves me so much he should have left some more evidence for his existence.
I mean he created the world in 6 days right?
But he leaves no evidence of himself or that he created the world at all..
While science proves planet earth is actually billions of years old.
It's like saying "this is an inch" while it's actually 500 billion miles, that's how wrong it is.
He sends his Jesus to the most savage place on earth 2000 years ago, while modern humans have been here for what, 100,000 to 200,000 years? It makes no sense.
I wasn't raised religious, all the religions were presented to me in school, and I made up my mind, there is absolutely zero reason for me to believe any of the religions or "faiths".
I use critical, rational thinking, that's the best thing us human have, our intelligence.
I honestly do not see how people still believe all the nonsense written in those 2000+ year old books written by MAN.
You can take out all the evil and horrific parts and talk about the good parts, but without religion, WE ALREADY HAVE THOSE.
It's called moral values and the law.
Think about it, use your intelligence and think really hard if any of your religion makes sense.
And remember, it's 2012, not the middle ages.
You can actually critisize religion without fearing torture or being burned at the stake.
Why people always relate GOD to religion set religion aside I'm just talking about the creator of this universe someone must have created all this, My intelligence my knowledge my life experience do not allow me to believe that it all happened by chance.
And maybe he want us to find him
That's the Christian version of god you're thinking of. There are many other interpretations.
No, at least not in the "traditional" sense that God/gods are usually thought as.
Im raised Catholic, go to a Catholic school, in fact Im going to one of the top 50 catholic schools in the country, and I believe in God. But what I dont believe in is the Bible. Im a straight A student, except when it comes to religion class. Ive never gotten more than a B- in religion because its all about the bible and worksheets and not really about being faithful, its about learning the rules of being Catholic, where I think the only rule should be to love God. I believe in him, but I dont believe anyone who says stuff about him but what I feel hes telling me himself.
I'm god haaaa bow before me pray to almighty blackgod Christian kneel before me and give me your women haaaaaaaaa
Well, I mean I believe in Nikola Tesla, and that's kind of the same thing.
Still got the atheists on the run. Didn't even need a single Molotov cocktail. Yet.
I don't believe in the bearded white guy living in the clouds. I believe in a higher power somewhere out there, as both a comfort and a way of thinking about morals.
I believe the earth and the universe as a whole is God,it is very much alive... watch KYMATICA to see what i mean..its a documentary,watch the WHOLE thing without skipping parts and youll know what i mean.