Do you believe in god? where are you on the 7 point belief scale?

Scientist Richard Dawkins proposed a seven point belief scale in relation to belief or non-belief of a god. A 1 would mena you know with 100% certainty that a god exists; a 7 would be 100% certainty that a god does not exist. He asserts that most thinking atheists would be a 6 and most thinking believers would be a 2. Where are you?

1. Strong theist. 100 percent probability of God. 46
2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. 19
3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. 21
4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50 per cent. 19
5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. 14
6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. 54
7.Strong atheist. "I know there is no God." 42
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Comments ( 84 )
  • I want to believe that their isn't but I'm afraid that I might be wrong and go to hell...

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    • rsw

      I pretty much agree with this. I'm also afraid that if i believe there is no God, that eventually it will come back to bite me when i'm knocking on the pearly gates trying to get in.

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      • But what if you choose the wrong god? There are thousands you can choose from. That is the problem with Pascal's Wager.

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        • rsw

          Good point, and you've also given me a new thing to check out on wikipedia, Pascals Wager. I love the internet !

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          • I used to hold a loose belief in god just out of fear of hell. I figured I would hedge my bet. I then realized it was ridiculous to believe out of fear, and that there were so many gods to choose from throughout history I likely wouldn't choose the right one anyway.

            You are an atheist when it comes to every god except your own. I just go one god further.

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    • Rufus

      Some religions teach a concept of "Hell". The concept is not found anywhere in the Bible, though. Just some trivia for you.

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      • littlelulu1999

        there are plenty of indirect references to what we call/consider hell in the bible....'fire and sulfer', 'hades', 'the lake of fire'....same thing...I also disagree with fearing Hell if you don't believe in God....if you truly believe in God or truly do not not, you should do either without fear or stigma...

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        • Rufus

          None of the Hebrew or Greek terms translated into "Hell" in English Bibles carry the connotation of a literal place where sentient souls are punished. In fact, the modern concept of a "soul" is not found in the Bible either.

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          • littlelulu1999

            I recognize your penchant for linguistics and you raise some interesting points..the Greek and Hebrew terms that were translated considered a place of punishment for the naughty, or a place and/or consciousness where both the naughty and the good go in darkness ...but the concept (not necessarily a literal place) of Hell as a not so nice place to go where for the naughty that really sucks, and which is indirectly referred to in the modern English Bible is what I think folks are referring to here....The King James bible also indirectly speaks of what we today consider to the concept of a soul--i.e. God breathing into man, giving him life and man becoming a living soul while other English bibles refer to a 'being' which is considered to be the same as soul...Nonetheless these are all concepts that have changed over time...

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            • Rufus

              The Hebrew term translated "soul" is "Ne'phesh". The term simply meant a living, physical being, and was used to refer to animals as well as human beings in the Hebrew scriptures. It did not refer to any sort of immaterial being that inhabited fleshly bodies and survived death. Interestingly, it is used to refer to animals before humans (Genesis 1:20). A "ne'phesh can die (Ezekiel 18:4). At Ecclesiastes 9:5, the dead are said to be conscious of nothing at all.

              I could write a book about this, but I doubt I'd be the first, and the Bible itself is of course sufficient for those with alot of free time. The Bible is alot like "Origin of the Species" by Charles Darwin; They are both very large and controversial books that nobody actually reads.

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    • hallietheadorable

      who created us?...................................................

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    • kismetie

      I use to have that same fear

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  • tox

    I don't think there is a god, but if there is some sort of being who for some reason decided to create a universe, I doubt it's concerned with humanity.

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  • Sillygoose

    I've never had a personal experience with a "god" and i just dont have anything to believe..except for Janis Joplin. Shes awesome.

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  • Darkshines

    God is whatever a person decides it to be.If a person decides there is no God that is there decision. If a person decides they want to follow the Christian religion that is there decision.

    Science is important because as ThisIsNotAUsername said without science we would not be medically advanced. Science provide facts which in my opinion is more important than some religious ideology.

    Everyone's religious views are different and you cannot group them all together. We just got to accept them.

    Sorry if my spelling and punctuation is not correct.

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  • Chillpill

    I'm somewhere between 5 and 6. So I should probably label myself as agnostic rather than atheist, but people tend to think that means 50/50. So I usually say atheist for simplicity's sake.

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    • You're probably an agnostic atheist. People often get confused on the definitions. Atheism has to do with belief while agnosticism has to do with knowledge.

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  • dom180

    There is no reason to presume there is a god, and I have a 100% conviction in that. I have 99.999% conviction that there is no god, and I round that up to 100%.

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    • I'm with you. Dawkins himself said he is a 6.9 merely because it is impossible to prove that something does not exist. There is zero evidence a god does exist though, so I'm also a 6.9.

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      • RoyRogers

        The scale is complete bullshit and shows idiocy. We cant prove either way god, angels or an afterlife exist. We cant even prove if out of body experiences from near death are real, or the mind just overreacting to the fact you are getting ready to die(which in fact was a theory I had and evidence of this was confirmed to show its a possibility).

        Any intelligent person would realize this and not assert facts they know they are not able to prove. An intelligent man believes in probability when facing the unknown not certainty.

        Anyone who asserts either way has a very low IQ. Saying you believe there is a low probability of god makes sense, saying you believe there is a high one makes sense also. Only an idiot pretends to know things he can not be sure about.

        I guess stupid arrogant people would like to think they know everything. Since they believe of themselves as gods. Idiots who assert nonsense are so annoying.

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  • ThisIsNotAUsername

    I'm Atheist, but my boyfriend's Christian.

    I put my trust in Science, he puts his trust in God.

    If my boyfriend needs that there to comfort him, to get him through life, then who am i to take that away?

    Everyone's entitled to their beliefs, it's just not my cup of tea.

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    • Rufus

      This whole link between science and atheism that people keep bringing up is absolutely absurd.

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      • ThisIsNotAUsername

        It may be, however i am an Atheist and i've also spent the majority of my life studying science.
        Therefore, as a science nerd, i will always put my trust into that.

        I think you targeted the wrong Atheist, my friend!

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        • Rufus

          Science has nothing to do with atheism. That was my point.

          And what kind of a nerd forgets to capitalize "I"?

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          • ThisIsNotAUsername

            I'm a science nerd, not a grammar Nazi.

            You're right, science may have nothing to do with Atheism, but i think you'll find a majority find comfort in it. Everyone has faith in something, be it God, science, a Llama in a hat, they do. If any atheist decides to hold their faith in Science, we have a right to respect that without question. So whatever your 'point' is, i really couldn't careless.

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            • Rufus

              What is comforting about science? It will not save your life. Some people think that scientists will discover a way to make a living creatures, such as human beings, live forever, but the only thing more unlikely than this occurring would be this occurring in your lifetime. Science is not something you can put "faith" in; it is entirely the wrong category.

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  • God is awesome!

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  • De facto theist. I can be tolerant of athiests but usually the ones I've met enjoy calling me ignorant and foolish. It's very hard to be patient with them.

    On topic: I believe very strongly in God. I've felt his presence in my life and I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for Him. HATERS INCOMING!!! :))))

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    • Rufus

      I've had the same experience. The overwhelming majority of atheists are exceptionally rude, and have absolutely no idea how to have a proper debate.

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      • littlelulu1999

        Have to agree on this this has been my experience as well...atheists can be just as radical and imposing as some of the best religious fantatics...I believe you can believe whatever the fuck you want to believe in as long as you are not hurting yourself or others without silencing others...its not a contest to gather 'numbers' and get brownie points...

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        • Rufus

          "I believe you can believe whatever the fuck you want to believe in as long as you are not hurting yourself or others without silencing others"

          Not on the internet you can't. SERIOUS business.

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          • littlelulu1999

            how serious?

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            • Rufus

              Serious enough for this debate to go on for three days. I'm as guilty as anyone. Actually, it's not even a debate, it's just me pestering people. What an ass.

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  • Ashlie

    There is no evidence proving the existence of a creator. This makes the notion of god entirely imaginary. Saying god is real because it is mentioned in a book is like saying the sun is made out of orange pulp because I say so.

    We have no clue how the universe came to be. Every theory we have is just a theory. Until someone finds a way to get back to the future we have to accept our ignorance on this matter and stop bickering about it. This is like arguing over whether or not flying spaghetti monsters are real.

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    • I agree with you to an extent. Every theory is not just a theory. In the scientific world something needs to be extremely widely accepted amongst the scientific community to be called a theory. To put this in perspective, something like gravity that we know to be true is still called a theory in the scientific world. Things like evolution and the big bang are called theories but are pretty much fact.

      Something that is still in the testing phase or not widely accepted is called a hypothesis. When the average non-scientists uses the word theory they really mean hypothesis.

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      • Rufus

        "Things like evolution and the big bang are called theories but are pretty much fact."

        A scientific fact is something that has been proven using the "scientific method". The scientific method has never been applied to evolution. Any scientist who accepts it as fact has betrayed the purity of science. Furthermore, science is rapidly proving evolution to be an impossibility.

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        • chubbawubba69

          I would love to see the evidence that evolution is impossible. Please don't tell me you're a creationist who thinks the lack of a crocaduck in the fossil record disproves evolution.

          Evolution has thus far stood up to the scientific method. There is no widely accepted alternative (in the scientific community).

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          • Rufus

            Actually there is a complete lack of any transitional fossils of any kind whatsoever. That is why evolutionists have increasingly been turning to the "punctuated equilibrium" excuse. Nothing you were taught in your high school science class is believed by modern evolutionists.

            And your last statement demonstrated that you clearly do not know what the scientific method is. To quote the Oxford English Dictionary, the scientific method is "a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses." The theory of evolution is a pseudo-scientific philosophy that is not supported by established scientific facts.

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            • I'm pretty much done talking to you. You make up your own rules of language as you go along. You also assume I have not taken college-level biology classes.

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  • tentacleTherapist

    I find that religion is ignorant, I hate the topic/subject and super religious people bother me.

    Still, I do not preach about my ideas.

    I am more on the science side (NOT scientology), I prefer to see things by fact, I also despise Christian ideals (I am forced into attending a religious program) as I find them mindless, arrogant fucks.

    I deny the existence of a God, I await 2012 of next year to see if this is really true. If my whole family ends up getting raptured and not me, I'll stay behind and fight demons with Jesus!

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    • Rufus

      "I am more on the science side (NOT scientology), I prefer to see things by fact"

      In that case, you must know that it is a fact that the first living cell could not have come into existence by chance, and that complex biological systems cannot arise by chance. Those are scientific facts. The idea that these things could have arisen without intelligent direction is a religious ideology belonging to the religion known as atheism, or secular humanism.

      And the whole 2012 thing has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity. You are the kind of person that makes intelligent atheists face-palm.

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      • chubbawubba69

        "In that case, you must know that it is a fact that the first living cell could not have come into existence by chance"

        How exactly do you know this? I don't think assuming some higher power did something is a better answer than "we don't know why".

        Where did the higher power come from? Why is it exempt from your rule of a designer?

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        • Rufus

          "Where did the higher power come from? Why is it exempt from your rule of a designer?"

          The classic answer is: if God created the physical universe, then he himself is not a physical being, and is not subject to physical laws such as time, and thus does not require a beginning.

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  • Unearthlyones

    People who chose 1 are idiots, What if your wrong?

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  • hallietheadorable

    choose the GOD in the sky

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  • Aleks85

    2. I believe in something bigger and more powerful than humankind. Is it a god or gods? Maybe. Maybe Aliens created us? But then they'd be sort of gods to us. I have faith that this life wasn't for no reason.

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  • ijustsaidthat

    first, i refuse to argue. i am just answering the question honestly in my own opinion. i believe in my version of "god". i believe with all my heart. nothing i read or that is told to me by any human man will change.also, i was raised in a atheist home. i choose to be religous. not because i am not intelligant, or because it just comforts me. i am also not a teenager, i dont go to a church or temple. i dont even read or follow a bible. its just something that i slowly found for myself.i believe that my life is better for it, and i enjoy my life as it is. also, i believe in facts and science. i dont think you have to give up one to believe in the other. i think that putting religon into a small frame work is like sizing a pair of jeans as one size fits all. i have read this entire tread. and like all the other religon/anti religon debates, its tiring and every one is so defensive and rude. every one is trying to be smarter,to be right. there is no one truth. just as our brain structures are differnt, so is our thought process. until its proven in actual facts we cant prove there isnt a god, just as some feel we cant prove there is.

    also, my computer keys are fucked, so my typing is horrible. too much of a chore on this old beast to make sure its perfect.

    as stated these are just me own truths. they may not work for you, but they are mine and have a good holiday season

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  • Ive said it before, the worlds so messed up its just proof that there is no god.

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  • I believe that whether there is or isn't a god I'm here either way so I might aswell make the most of it.

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  • littlelulu1999

    Some days I don't and some days I do and that's more honest than a lot of other people care to allow themselves to be....its a work in progress...and I don't believe there is sufficient evidence for either side to outweigh the other on this topic....I respect both sides....and yet it is fascinating (through my own conversations and by reading the posts so far) that many on both sides are borderline obsessed with changing the views of the other....good grief...believe in whatever gives you comfort, whatever makes individual sense to you, whatever you feel you can intellectually or logically support...

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    • The thing is there can't be evidence for atheism. You cannot prove that something doesn't exist. You can't prove that there isn't an invisible microscopic space alien living in your bloodstream.

      Why would you believe in something (god) without enough evidence? Atheism should be the default. We are all born atheists.

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      • littlelulu1999

        We make and believe in many decisions (both meaningful and insignificant choices) on a hourly and daily basis without any or sufficient evidence. Some people attribute these decisions to gut instincts/purely us/physiology, and some people think its divine intervention... (the choice to eat a certain food believing it will taste good, or it will be good for us; the choice to walk down a certain street or drive down a certain road believing it will just get us where we need to go or that it will safe; the choice to say or do something cruel to someone believing it won't hurt them, purposely hurting them, or that we are justified in saying whatever the fuck we want when we want and who gives a shit about the other person's feelings; the choice to to defend yourself in a physical attack instinctually believing we should protect ourselves at all costs or believing we even have a chance at surviving the attack because we are being looked after/watched ....we make 100s of decisions each day without any evidence or sufficient evidence either way, and our choices change on a daily/weekly basis)...

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        • The difference is that all of these things are safely assumed based on past experience. I have had many hamburgers in the past and can safely assume I would like one again today. I will take the same road home today because it also led home yesterday.

          All of your examples are based on logic and experience. All of these things are absent in the case of God.

          I sure haven't met him or had any reliable results from prayer in my life.

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          • littlelulu1999

            I respectfully disagree. I think it can go either way and there really is no guarantee of a safe/correct assumption with any decision/belief whatever that decision is based on. Nothing is really conclusive. Not all decisions are based on past experience (yes some are)… oftentimes people take chances on new choices/ideas without prior experiences—you could argue that half the time we are pulling shit out of our asses and hoping for the best based on what we think we know, what we've experienced, and what science tells us to believe, and the other half we are throwing shit up to the wind and leaving it up to some external entity to decide again hoping for the best). I think my examples (although simple ones) can be based on either divine intervention or logic and experience, and this can go back and forth on a daily basis, that is the honesty that I am trying to convey...I can honestly say I go back and forth on this particular topic...and I don't think I am alone here....everything is in a constant state of flux....scientific theory changes over time...religious beliefs change and adapt over time...nothing, science/logic and religion both, is conclusive or set in stone...I prefer to recognize the value of and enjoy the journey in working towards a synthesis of ideas…however long that the end everybody on this board is just trying to make sense of and/or define their purpose in and alleviate the uncertainty of life while we still have life...

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  • Rufus

    Can anyone here explain why God would allow humans to experience suffering if he really exists? Anyone? Do I seriously have to do everything?

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    • littlelulu1999

      Did it ever occur to you that we are the ones creating our own suffering...why should God or any other entity have to be assigned to clean up our messes...why does anybody foolishly think God sits wherever it sits and decides who suffers and who doesn't....nobody takes responsibility for their own lives around here....its truly pathetic...

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      • Rufus

        Has it occurred to me? Yes. To the overwhelming majority of atheists? Evidently not.

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  • Rufus

    Thus far, the atheists and religious people in this thread seem to be equally retarded, to use a modern expression.

    ATHEISTS: Shrill teenagers who will do anything to come across as being intellectual and will believe anything a person in a white lab coat says.

    RELIGIOUS PEOPLE: People who are too lazy to question the values and beliefs they were raised with and prefer blind emotionalism over reason.

    There, I said it. You're both idiots.

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    • I don't think all atheists are shrill teenagers trying to sound intelligent...I created this thread and am well beyond my teenage years.

      I don't know if all religious people are too lazy. Some don't even think to question it due to the thorough indoctrination they received from birth.

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      • Rufus

        Atheists just screech insults and quote Richard Dawkins whenever they don't know what to say, which usually happens very quickly.

        As for religious people in the developed, western world, they are exposed to far too much "rebellious influences", for lack of a better term, to have apply to them any excuse such as "indoctrination". They are just too afraid to risk ostracizing themselves from their family or community, of which their religion is merely a side-effect of sorts.

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        • dom180

          I'm a teen atheist and I don't know any RD quotes. I make my own decisions. Just sayin' :)

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          • Rufus

            Decisions based on what? Emotions? Popular opinion?

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  • thecheese

    ''God'' is just something people believe in for faith or they go to for help. But ''God'' can be anything. Its not real tho, its just an idea, people believe in it so much they make it real, but in reality its not.

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  • webs

    If there is no God, then why is there a such thing as good and evil, right and wrong? Don't get so smart to where you become stupid.

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    • dom180

      I say that there is no such thing as good and evil, other than the right and wrong that society creates for itself.

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      • Rufus

        Define "society".

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        • dom180

          No. For the following reasons:

          1) I cannot speak for all atheists. We all have different views, because we have a wider range of influences than one book.

          2) You didn't say why. Without saying why, I don't know in what context you want an answer. I can't see any reason why it is relevent.

          3) I don't want to be roped into a frankly ridiculous religious debate, which will do nothing but create bad feeling between atheists and theists, and serves no other purpose. As such, if you choose to respond to me, I will not respond back. It was a mistake for me to comment on this poll in the first place. There are a thousand things I'd like to correct you on, but, looking at it critically, doing so would be pointless.

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          • Rufus

            Debating serves the purpose of entertainment. By taking it so seriously, you have lost. I may very well be an atheist myself for all you know. I like to argue against popular opinions, no matter what my own personal beliefs, just for amusement.

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            • littlelulu1999

              Devil's advocate for amusement....not to be taken seriously....

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    • Darkoil

      Good and evil, right and wrong is a matter of opinion.

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      • Rufus

        How convenient.

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    • Rufus

      What is good and and evil? How much do they go for per pound at the market? What color are they? If you are going to use such ridiculous arguments, go over to...well... I guess IIN actually is the place for pitifully low brow religious debates, so never mind.

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