Do you believe in karma?

Do you believe the things you do go out into the universe and cause you problems later?

Yes 19
No 15
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Comments ( 13 )
  • my_life_my_way

    No, awful people cash out the most from life

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  • Somenormie

    Karma will come to anyone whatever the cause is.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Things are just cause and effect.

    The idea of karma is magical thinking that confuses people into ignoring this basic concept.

    Bad doesn’t always lead to bad, nor good to good.

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  • YE


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  • No, it's all coincidences. Some bad people get their just rewards and some get rewarded. Good people get the same treatment. It's a comforting thought that people that wrong us will be reprimanded by some all-powerful force if we ourselves were never able to reprimand whoever wronged us but that's all it is, a comforting thought.

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  • Boojum

    I don't believe in karma in the sense that some cosmic judge or force is enforcing secret laws and doling out punishments and rewards.

    I do think that shitty, selfish people sometimes get away with so much that they start to believe they can get away with anything, and sometimes they eventually just go too far. I also think that some horrible people have a tiny bit of conscience lurking way down deep, and sometimes they unconsciously set themselves up to be punished.

    But true psychopaths can get away with a hell of a lot. If your definition of winning at life is having a comfortable lifestyle and accumulating a lot of stuff, they're winners. And since there is nothing after this life, they're not going to ever suffer for all the shitty things they did on their way to their final lights-out lying on silk sheets in the penthouse apartment of a building they own.

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    • Is a psychopath ever not restless? Are they ever happy or content? Can they produce endorphins naturally?

      A lot of times people can be shitty and never face subjective punishment but still live through hell on a daily basis

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  • Grunewald

    🎼🎶I believe in miracles...
    So where ya from

    But I still believe in miracles.

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  • bbrown95

    I've definitely noticed that life seems to have a way of coming around and kicking people in the ass for the things they do. Sometimes it's much later, but doing bad things does usually end up coming back to bite you.

    I do feel that it does seem at times that shitty people get a lot more respect and things their way than they deserve, but the catch is that we don't always know what goes on behind closed doors and what may seem on the outside like a great life may be them being extremely unhappy with themselves and their choices in their private life. Either way, everyone goes through their own ups and downs throughout life, and actions do come with consequences. Whether those consequences are visible is a different matter, as who knows what those people are truly feeling when they have to live with what they've done? Not to mention that shitty people typically aren't happy people, no matter what they try to convince others of.

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  • raisinbran

    No. I've done nothing but follow the law, work hard and help people around me, and bad things still happen to me. There's no mysterious cause and effect. You have no control.

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  • My thoughts on karma?

    I look at it like, there's a giant field, the universe, and an uncountable number of factors at play ranging from atoms, electrons, the concept of gravity, to planets, stars, solar systems, black holes, and closer to home we have societies, culture, family and friends, individuality

    So it's more or less luck with the materials scattered about the universe that life developed on this planet. The resources and conditions were met, based on how all the little things formed bigger things, and how the big things interacted with each other. A sect of primates was able to develop consciously, grew smarter, and sewed the world over.

    Plainly since the beginning of time there have been interactions between existing things that create change. Our planet, life, humanity and much more are only possible based on what was available, what actions were taken, and what were the results.

    Societies and cultures follow the same trends, moreso than genetics in the sense that they develop quicker and in greater numbers than the single zygote

    So we have all these things at play in a field with rules and stipulations, things interact and time moves on. From comets and asteroids clumping together to form planets to how we choose and accept to live our lives

    That overall system, I would call karma. Karma to me is defining the essence of something and calculating compatibility between more than one thing

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    no but its always funny when jerkoffs get comeuppance

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Sometimes but many horrible people never get bad karma and many good people never get good karma

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