Do you believe in reincarnation?
What do you believe ?? which of the following choices best describes your feelings?
no, bcuz im Christian/catholic & taught we live once | 7 | |
no bcuz im Mormon/jehovas witness, etc | 0 | |
i wasnt taught any religion, i just dont believe in reincarnation | 12 | |
im a different religion that doesnt believe in it | 2 | |
yes i believe in reincarnation bcuz im Hindu/buddist | 4 | |
yes i believe in reincarnation, nobody taught me, i just do | 23 | |
yes bcuz ive followed people like nostradamus, Edgar cayce, Plato, etc | 1 | |
i used to believe u only live once but now idk | 8 | |
i used to believe u live once, now im a firm believer in reincarnation | 2 | |
other (plz specify what other category i forgot to include!) | 12 |