Do you believe in reincarnation?

What do you believe ?? which of the following choices best describes your feelings?

no, bcuz im Christian/catholic & taught we live once 7
no bcuz im Mormon/jehovas witness, etc 0
i wasnt taught any religion, i just dont believe in reincarnation 12
im a different religion that doesnt believe in it 2
yes i believe in reincarnation bcuz im Hindu/buddist 4
yes i believe in reincarnation, nobody taught me, i just do 23
yes bcuz ive followed people like nostradamus, Edgar cayce, Plato, etc 1
i used to believe u only live once but now idk 8
i used to believe u live once, now im a firm believer in reincarnation 2
other (plz specify what other category i forgot to include!) 12
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Comments ( 26 )
  • disthing

    No, because as a man of rationality I can't put faith in something that has no proof.

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  • wigsplitz

    No, because it makes no sense.

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    • felixbelacan

      how bout believe in god?

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      • wigsplitz

        No. Never even considered it.

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  • DavidS.

    energy can be neither created nor destroyed only changed......there is no such thing as death...only varying forms of consciousness.....there is no past or the future...only the ever shifting present....what you call you...has always existed and always will...

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I don't know and I don't really care to. I think if I knew what happened when I died I'd be a little disappointed to lose the mystery. I don't think consciousness necessarily just stops... this is depending on dualism of course but if there is some "mind" separate from the body then it can't simply wink out of existence as matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

    I have read some interesting accounts of past life experienes, children who when they learn to talk speak of other families and other places and things like that. I still haven't seen the story of The Boy who Lived Before debunked, I don't necessarily know what I believe but it sure is interesting.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Meh, but I am waiting for my new birdbath.

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  • coltspm

    i believe in christian atheism, which is not exactly believing god or jesus, but believing the moral teachings of the bible. that if you follow those teachings you will live a successful life. at times i do wonder if and what its like if reincarnation was the true belief. im seventeen and am really into psychology, so i question so many things and wonder so many things.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Anything is possible. We do not know what happens to us after death. It is anyone guess.

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  • MCA

    yes, I believe in reincarnation because we are energy and that energy can't just disappear when we die. It must pass on and I choose that it passes on to a new life.

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  • th33INSAN33

    No, because I am an Atheist. I don't quite believe in reincarnation or the afterlife.

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  • dom180

    Technically it's possible that some or all of the particles which make up me will some time in the future make up another living being, but no, I don't believe in because I think that's a different thing entirely.

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    • felixbelacan

      yeah... your particle and mine or everybodies here who dies on the same day will regathered or combined to form a new born elephant dick in the future......

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • kelili

    As a christian I don't believe in reincarnation.

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    • do you think it is a 'sin' to believe something that is not accurate? (or to believe something inaccurate that we were taught since childhood)

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      • kelili

        I fornicate, I swear, I dislike some people, so who am I to judge?

        To answer your question I would say no. I think that God will judge us on our feelings for others and our actions. To be frank I don't know how to tackle your question.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    I am a believer of reincarnation in spite of being told otherwise by church growing up. ive done a lot of research with hypnosis, as a psychlogical treatment involving past lives. there are very many documented cases of people being successfully treated with hypnosis digging into traumatic events, either from a horrible death or other event(s). one case was on unsolved mysteries (called reincarnated submariner)

    Now, i dont call this proof, per se. i keep an open mind, regardless, only such convincing things make me more inclined to believe in it.

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    • Ekho

      Yes, there are a lot of documented past life regression sessions which has gleaned information that the regression patient could not know in the current life that can be verified (such as knowledge of a language they never learnt in this life and accurate descriptions of places they've never been to).

      If people think past lives are hard to fathom, the concept of future lives would blow them away. But to understand reincarnation, you have to understand karma; reincarnation is a process of karma.

      Anyway, we're not meant to know, knowledge of past lives is given if one was meant to know to help one develop further or as a karmic debt repaid. Read "Many lives, Many Masters" By Dr. Brian Weiss if anyone wants to learn more - he's one of the worlds leading practitioners in past life regression (he didn't believe in it as we'll either at first!).

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  • IrkenInvaderLesley


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  • I_got_a_cupcake

    I hope it's not real. lol unless your life gets better and better before you R.I.P. then why not.

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  • Ghost-of-the-Marlboro-Man

    I wanna come back as an ashtray.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    Why does reincarnation automatically get thrown in with religion..?

    I've explained this many times on this site. When we die WE aren't reincarnated, but our atoms are dispersed into the universe and are used to form other things. It's called science, look it up!

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    • I think that while sure, there is science to explain such things, but there is something beyond pure science. For example in 'ghost' sightings. There have been many, many different accounts of paranormal activity, that science has no clue. Don't have such a closed mind.

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      • NothingxCrazy

        Most "ghost" sightings are when it's dark. Your mind plays tricks on you so easily, and not many people are smart enough to debunk what caused it. I can't say for sure if there is or isn't something of the sort, but from my own experiences with shadows and noises, I have been able to debunk them all as being something that is definitely not paranormal.

        I also don't know if the human spirit definitely exists. I'd like to think it does, but I'm not too sure how that would work.

        I believe in science, but I do believe there is only so much science can show us, even now. I have an open mind but I'm also a rationalist and realist. I take things at face value and I am blunt about how I feel about things. If you take that as closed mindedness, then that's your opinion.

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  • Short4Words

    I didn't believe in it before, if only I entertained the idea, but don't believe in it now. I don't see the point of it.

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