Do you believe in science or the bible?

the bible ( i believe that we were created) 74
science( i believe that we evolved) 228
Other (Add a comment) 59
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Comments ( 93 )
  • Why does science have to oppose religion? If there is a God, wouldn't He have created all the laws of science that we know today?

    So many people fail to realize that they both go hand-in-hand. And that science answers the question ''how?'', while religion answers the question ''why?''.

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    • darren3

      Sure, like walking on water, rising from the dead, turning water to wine,'s just good science.

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    • jkin431

      I've been reading the Bible, mainly Genesis, and I've been reading the theory of evolution. Figures of speech are the keywords here. Seven days? What we think of days is a whole different story in biblical terms, when the Bible was written billion was a very large number. The bible says God created man, and PUT him in the Garden of Eden. It doesn't say where he created him. Science says South Africa is where we evolved from. God made man and every other creature THROUGH evolution. He created the Universe THROUGH the Big Bang, many of the stories told in the Bible were over-exaggerated, the read-sea-parting thing could have been a huge wind that seemed to "part" the sea, when in actuality it was just very large waves. These stories were told by eye-witnesses who twisted the truth. Science and religion are like two people arguing the same case.

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    • Darkoil

      Actually you can't have it both ways, either you believe the bible (the word of god)and god created man in the form of adam and eve free from sin. Or you believe in evolution which has undeniable proof and.

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      • Vetterman

        oh really? undenyable proof? where is it? where is the proof of one species, completely different from another evolved from it? where is the cat/dog? where is any link between 2 completely different species?
        OR how about blood/heart/viens? why is there no species that has part of it, how could have all of it evolved at once? Where is the species that has an eye but no optic nerve? or a brain but no nervous system?
        There are so many interconnected parts in bodies that need each other, why are they all there intact, not only parts? Why is there no currently nothing evolving new genes? the only current evolution that is happening can be explained by selective breeding, not evolution. The proof is not there, thats why its called a theory, not fact. There is no new life being formed, no new type of life, so we can not prove it. Science, with all the techonolgies, can not produce life, so where is your proof?

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        • Hmmaybe

          Circulatory systems:
          There are fish which just have a sort of blood going all around they're bodies without arteries or veins, some of these have simple pumps, some later ones start to have the blood travelling in tubes to increase blood pressure.

          A piece of slightly light sensetive skin can be very useful to tell if something is over you. Even more useful if it is curved inwards so you can tell the direction of where this thing is so you know where to run. It is even more useful to have a globe of liquid solution inside this curve to refract the light.

          The nervous system came first, you can have basic reflexs without a brain. e.g. you don't use your brain when you touch a hot object and take your hand away.

          In science terminology a theory must be supported by a lot of evidence and be thought to be correct by experts in the field. It is not the same as the lay use of the word theory which is to mean idea.

          Why can't people realise that the importance of the bible is Jesus' message to us about how we should live. Whether we evolved or were created has absolutely no relevence to that.

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          • Vetterman

            First off, thank you for a well thought out responce. I still have to disagree with you on some points. With the Circulatory systems, this is the first that i have heard of this, please give me an example of the fish you are talking about, i would enjoy learning of it (my quick web search didnt reveal what you mentioned, not saying your wrong, but just didnt find it, and my time on the internet today is limited)
            With the skin, i wont argue about the sensetivy of skin, but it shows just more sensetive skin, not the formation of an orb, lenses, bone structure and nerves to work it to show all the eye sees. Even Darwin was problemed by the eye, according to what i was taught. If i had more time today, i would be willing to search this out, sorry.
            As a matter of fact, my load is ready, i only have time to reply quickly to one comment and I have to go, sorry. BUt, thank you for a well thought out responce, i will look up the nervous system next time I am on the internet.

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            • Hmmaybe

              This is the eye (roughly)


              I learnt about the fish in biology class while learnign about the circulatory systems of different chordates, so I don't know where to find it on the internet.

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        • Chillpill

          where's the proof for anything the bible says? All creationists contribute to the discussion, is to try to tear holes into the theory of evolution. Time is not on their side, as more and more evidence keeps getting discovered to support the theory of evolution.

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        • Darkoil

          You guys always come out with the same old shit so listen up fucktard - 1- Simple experiments have shown countless times that organic coumpounds like phospho-lipids can be created from in-organic compounds by reproducing what early conditions where like on earth. 2- Selective breeding? Lol evolution occurs by a small group of a population being isolated for hundreds of thousands of years while things like survival of the fittest occurs, also there are about 10 or 11 known ways for new genes to be produced, eventually this groups gene pool will be a lot different to the population it started out from and they will no longer be able to produce fertile offspring if they were to mate hence a new species is created. 3 - i didn't understand most of what you were asking so try to be a little clearer in the future. 4 - When darwin saw the finches on the galapogos isles and how they had changed to suite different conditions to survive on each individual island the theory of evolution was born, a theory that hasn't changed even after all these years because it is so undeniable.

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          • Vetterman

            Fuctard? WHy dont you grow up and respond like an adult? IF you read this entire post, you will find that most people on here are able to respond without attacking, so grow up, and people might read what you have to say. sheesh, children.

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        • DudeUrFuglyXox

          science can produce life, like babies born in labs and stuff like that for people who cant have children or gay couples. i kinda beleive in science and religion, but religious people take it too far sometimes, the pope is a child abuser and people start wars over religion.

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    • lc1988

      except that science disproves a god.

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      • dontpissmeoff

        that's the problem with people having eyes, they turn them away to protect their beliefs

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        • lc1988

          I've heard both sides of the story and I picked what had the most evidence...kind of what scientists do but hell, microbiology might make me a little biased.

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          • dontpissmeoff

            don't get me wrong, i'm for science. that comment was misworded it was talking about the bible thumpers who scoff at evidence without reading into it

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            • lc1988

              ooh okay! makes more sense now!
              I am ashamed to admit that I was a bible thumper once upon a time though.

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    • Chillpill

      Religion does not answer the question "why". Faith makes a virtue out of not thinking.

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      • wigsplitz

        And science does?

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        • Maven1976

          Science does indeed encourage thinking. Science wonders how something occurred, why a thing is the way it is, what does a test result mean, where a disease originated, etc.

          Religion discourages free thought by telling you that if you have questions, you don't have enough faith.

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        • Chillpill

          Science does not claim to have all the answers. IMO this does not mean that gaps in our knowledge need to be filled in with a belief in a higher being, but I can understand that others find their faith comforting.

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      • howaminotmyself

        I agree with you. The two are not answering the same questions. Science cannot answer the abstract and sacred books are not attempting to define the mechanics of life. We need both, without abstract ideas, there would be no science experiments. Without science, the abstract would serve us no purpose. Find a balance.

        It's like trying to gather water with a net, it won't get you very far.

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    • dappled

      Welcome to IIN, by the way. The first comment most of us have seen of yours is genuinely interesting and thought-provoking. I hope you stick around.

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      • I appreciate that.

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    • pr3tty1np1nk

      That's what I've been trying to explain to my boyfriend! I say, if you want to know more about God, squeeze a fraction of the universe into your mind, and you'll have a better idea of what He's all about. Because if he's real, he made all of this. He made the science.

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  • penguin1

    I believe both. God created us to evolve. Simple as that.

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    • +1. Believe the same.

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  • bubber

    I like these little arguments people make on this topic. ;D

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  • pr3tty1np1nk

    I'm open to theories. But definitely not religious in any way. To be completely honest, I think religion is a horrible thing.
    Yes, I know some very great and kind people who are religious, and I wouldn't change them. But in history, religion has caused many innocent people pain and suffering. Religion has oppressed and controlled civilizations. Religion has caused wars. And religion still causes people to be hateful towards other people who have done nothing wrong, like to gays, to intellectuals, to people of other race, and to people of other religion. Religion also stops people from being themselves. It stops people from wanting to learn. All because of fear.
    For the most part I think we've evolved. I wouldn't say I'm atheist at all, I'm spiritual in a universalist way.

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  • Variable

    "science and religion are nothing but a collection of theories written by human beings."
    But the theories in science come with PROOF..unlike religious cock n bull stories
    Religion expects you to have faith in some man in the sky theory without giving u any proof..Ur supposed to have "faith"(which is supposd to be unquestionable) in that theory and not listen to anyone who tries to disprove it.

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    • CuriousMatt

      Not trying to side with or attack anyone here, but the way I see it, both sides are the same. "Science" is merely another religion, with its own sets of dogma, priests and followers.

      Traditional religious writings are written by people based on what they have seen and experienced, based on what they believe to be true.

      Modern scientific writings are written by people based on what they have seen and experienced, based on what they believe to be true.

      Both schools of thought often present theories (or "proof" as they call it) that are backed up by writing from their own camps, and followers of both camp often have absolute belief in their own writings and ideas (or "faith" if you will).

      Often, their believe (ie. faith) in their own camps are so strong that they would not listen to any theories and ideas (ie. proof) that might contradict in anyway with their own.

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      • pr3tty1np1nk

        Okay but science makes sense. And people who are intellectual don't blindly follow one thing just because Steven Hawking said it. Science is full of theories, and to even study science you have to have an open mind about the possibilities.
        Religion however; the bible is full of contradictions, the people follow it and believe it is pure fact just because they're afraid of some magical hell their "loving" being created for most of them to be in when they die.

        So nooo. Science is not a religion at all. I don't know how you could even some up with that conclusion. There are so many differences and so very few similarities. I can't even think of any similarities.

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        • wigsplitz

          Science only makes "sense" out of what already exists, though. So what made science?

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      • Chillpill

        What you're describing is not proper science. Sure, scientists sometimes get it wrong, but theories that cannot be substantiated will not be accepted by the scientific community. Science is an ongoing, dynamic process with tangible results. Without it we couldn't even communicate the way we're doing right now via the Internet.

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        • wigsplitz

          Bull. Science only translates into our terms what already exists. It exists and happens whether we understand it or know about it or not.

          It's like saying Columbus "discovered" America. Well, did he? Not really. It existed, and there were people here, he just found out about it after the fact. It existed before he got here. So how does uncovering the so-called science of how things work a "discovery" really? It works because it works. Just because we give it a name doesn't mean we "discovered" it or that it's any more real or les real than what we have yet to understand or "discover".

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          • Chillpill

            but fundamentally, groundbreaking discoveries can alter our understanding of things. What about lightning? People thought it was an expression of God's wrath, before they discovered that it was an electrical charge, which they'd be able to manipulate and harness. This then led to electricity being used as a source of energy.

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            • wigsplitz

              But our "understanding" of it doesn't change what it fundamentally is. Understanding lightning isn't discovering or creating lightning. Maybe God created the possibility of lightning to show us the power of nature, that we cannot control. Does lightning have a purpose? Not really. The world could go on without lightning. Perhaps it's purpose and intensity was to keep us in check. No matter how much we understand about lightning, we can never control it.

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  • BeirutsFinest

    To most people, religion is like a software licence, they don't read it, they just scroll down to the botton and click "I agree"

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  • I don't believe that either are mutually exclusive.

    "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

    Metaphorically, in my opinion, this summarizes Man's evolution from primordial single-celled organisms, into the complex animal we are: capable of artistic creation, reason, and Love...which, by definition, describes the very image of God.

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  • alaskaforever

    Both! Religion explains to us why and science explains to us how

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  • chefassassin

    Catholic + believe in evolution. These two things are not at odds with each other. Intelligent designers should not have access to the latest antibiotics seeing as they don't believe in evolution.

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  • Maybe science explains how and religion shows why. No one can really know. People that say we were just made accidently must also believe that they don'thave a meaning in life, people that follow religion follow the meaning of a creator other than following their own meaning.

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  • orinoco

    God gave us human beings the mental power to build theories, adequate to our human repertoire of thinking, and to construct explanations of the world created by Him. This helps us to find our way and should fill us with gratitude. The enormous depth of those theories may give us a remote idea of God so that His greatness will begin to dawn upon us. Studying the history of science shows that at all times people took the most accepted theory of their epoch as "the truth". And at all times there have been leading scientists who knew: There is more than science. Read Einstein, Bohr, Leibniz, Descartes...

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  • Smartasscookie

    Science, I only believe in things where I feel there is reasonable proof that it could have occured. But like many people who commented above, all of these are just 'beliefs' even if Science, to me seems the more reasonable option

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    • wigsplitz

      But what is science? It's merely observing what naturally occurs and giving it a name. The Earth still revolved around the sun before anyone realized it did. Same with everything else in this universe, it occurs with or without our understanding of it.

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  • wigsplitz

    I'm not saying I believe either way, honestly I couldn't care less about the origin of life, but if the Bible had been handed down to man in ancient times, and described the origins of life in a scientific way, how would it have been understood or have any meaning? Is it possible it was written in a manner that anyone from any time and at any age at any education level can grasp the fundamentals of? Imagine trying to explain to an ancient, the concept of DNA for example. It would have NO meaning-what would be the point? The Bible likely would've not been carried on through time if it was a cold, incomprehensible scientific textbook of sorts. Also, imagine how little we really know, how do we know that we won't happen upon something so complex sometime in the future that dwarfs our current understanding of the universe-yet the Bible may still hold true through any new findings. No matter how much we seem to find out scientifically, it has yet to disprove the Bible, and I think that may continue to be true, who knows. I think Bible and science can go hand in hand. Just sayin...

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  • xEmilyStrangex

    I believe that there is a bit of both needed, I would say that we deffinatly evolved, however whatever we came from had to of started somewhere, and I believe that something was created by God :)

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  • joybird

    I believe in both and see no contradiction. I studied the bible for A Level (18yo exam) and the Old Testament was handed down by people who did not understand the science of today. Yes of course, religion has been used as an excuse for evil (I know as I live in Northern Ireland) but if it wasn't religion it would be colour, wealth, height or anything else they could think of.

    One thing I've often considered is that even the remotest tribes in the jungles know that there is a higher power than them and so have some form of religion.

    I don't know about the 'Man in the Sky' religion but I know that just as there is evil there is also goodness. God is good.

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  • pixie_dust

    I believe that when science and religion contradict eachother then there has to be an error somewhere.

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  • BeirutsFinest

    None of the Above

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  • I believe in the ancient astronauts theory myself.

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  • anarchy-is-glory

    I believe, you believe, they believe, we believe.
    We all believe but we know nothing about the origin of life. Pure theories.
    Anyways... I go with evolution if that's what you mean by science.

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  • Ramit10

    Bible def!

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  • dontlookatmenow

    both are bs -.-'' who actually really cares where or how or what we came from? all that matters is that we are here now , dssnt really matter how we got here does it? :) be happy youre here

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  • dappled

    Neither are completely right. Neither are completely wrong. Never dismiss anything and only take what bits are right.

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  • XxXsm0k3w33d4lif3XxX

    LOL atheists are stupid retards

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    • spongerobert

      LOL theists are stupid retards

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      • Bubbles-for-life

        LOL atheists are stupid retards

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  • CuriousMatt

    Not trying to insult anyone here, but whos to say that "God" wasn't a giant monkey, and made us in his image... and then over time we evolved into our current modern day human beings (aka lazy moronic coach potatoes)?

    Seriously though both science and religion are nothing but a collection of theories written by human beings.

    I must say however that the bible needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Think of that "Chinese Whispers" game that kids used to play. The bible has been translated, mistranslated, and revised so many times that one can't really take it seriously. Who knows what the original bible was and what it actually said? Ancient novel about Spider-man, or some kinda cavemen Martha Stewart cookbook? You decide.

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    • UliNalaMansae

      i like ur thinking. why anyone blammed you has their head up their ass.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    I think that it's asinine that religion and science have to contradict eachother! I think that in itself proves there's some bullshit in the works. When you break down the different religions of the world and compare them to eachother. Now, bear in mind people in every country, language and religion are taught this from birth and are taught this bias. I think that works from Edgar Cayce for example are where religion and science tend to come together and makes more sense.

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  • isitnormalsucks

    christians make me feel sick

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  • Riddler

    I believe in most of the morals of the bibles. Just for the fact this stuff is really logical most of the time if you think about it.

    1. Dont have sex before marriage(may not be ready for a kid)

    2. Dont cheat on your wife/hus(No one likes when you cheat on them)

    3.treat others how you would like to be treated 4.What goes around comes around(The law of cause and effect)

    People try to say everything in the bible is automatically wrong. How is not cheating on the person you marry wrong? Does that apply to your GF/BF too? Unless you are a self centered dick you have admit that having morals is not a bad thing.

    I think most of the stories and information was either misinterpreted or just fables. Meant to teach us lessons.

    I don't think "being a terrible person" is something we should all strive for though. If you believe in religion or not. You can still be a good person.

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  • ZoZo_ZiZi

    why either? why not both? I dont think they thinkl of bible and God as he made humans and finito. We could have let us evolve on purpose for something to discovere by us. same with teh big bang

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  • disthing

    Just to clarify, the Bible exists, so does science. Both exist, so I believe in both.

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  • mateo

    the bible was written by drug addicts that were obsessed with the sun,you know,the sun of god,its outside right now...i knew he would rise again one day!!! lol,simpletons,the bible is just like all those harry potter books but less believable,i still think theres a "god" or some sort of higher power but hes not an old man with a magic wand appearing to people telling them to write some crazy shit down,those people were on drugs,mushrooms to be exact,think about it with your closed mind

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  • t(°^°)t

    Were born. We live. We die. Thats just how it works. Also funny how a bunch of apes learned to walk and talk. (besides the fact that they are the smartest animal on the planet and are the closest to a human being) I believe both, God wanted the Big Bang Theory to happen and then thats when all the dense materials were pulled by gravity to form planets. Then, as said above many times, the evolution begins. °~°

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  • UliNalaMansae

    nooo... i believe in science, that doesn't mean i completely outlie any reason there would some other incredible invisible force driving us in the world, much like gravity. I mostly doubt that thought, but never impossible. The bible however is a black & white intolerant book of fairytales. It's so very human in a sense.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    I don't Believe in God I believe in a bunch of whizzing atoms and chemicals because that's what the wold is. I don't want to offend christians but the bible is like a fairytale book for adults.

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  • thewho?

    I haven't seen any evidence of a so called god

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  • KickTheDog

    all fail
    The Universe was created by something or someone or plain randomness. That is "God". NOT "your god". Einstein called him "the original one".
    Based on the rules that drives this Universe we evolved.
    I also believe in physical gods, god as codex and gods as entertainment (fairy tales).

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  • xjeremyo16

    there IS a "CREATOR" BUT NOT a text book religious god. and we did evolve but science is a part of our spiritual power in the universe.

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  • wigsplitz

    I caught a show called Ancient Aliens.....they were talking about Noah's Ark. The story itself is implausable, completely. But they explained it in a way that made sense to us today.....we have DNA banks and a seed storage facility that stores every species of plant, and DNA (in a different facility).....could this be what the story is about? History repeating a way that anyone from any time can take it as a "truth" of sorts?

    Of course 2 of every animal and insect caoul not be kept on a floationg ark for that amount of time. But the DNA and seeds, they could. They could've been preserved and held somewhere, and later re-vived. The DNA of millions of animals could fit into a few small vials. Could it be true? Who oknows?

    A virgin birth? Well, it could happen now. AI. Could this just be a simplified version of an old-time world calamity, put into simpler words for all of time?

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    • wigsplitz

      Actually I think virgin was mis translated, I believe it really meant "young woman" in it's original language.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    i use to be catholic (not by choice) now im a buddhist which is more to say a philosophy of living rather than a religion i think. its more what makes sense to me rather than believing, because even if i wanted to i could never belive there was a god again. God is just something people made up to have a reason to not act like animals.

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  • Narutofan

    I believe that the stories in the bible are not to be taken literally, but some may have a correlation with science if interpretted a certain way. Such as genesis and the big bang theory.

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  • zenji

    Sorry, but there is a reason for everything. Fairy tales are just that, the bible is a fairy tale book.

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  • joybird

    My dad always claimed to be an atheist - until he had a week to live! He talked to me about God and listened to hymns. Maybe he was just hedging his bets but, for me, better late than never.

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  • What'sMyName?


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  • The bible, as you know it today, is a joke. Its been changed NUMEROUS times by man in order to suite his own needs. Why do you christianiy has FOURTEEN DIFFERENT denominations??! Its a lie.

    European christians manipulated christianity in order to justify enslaving the rest of the world. Christianity as we see it today, is false. Simple as that.

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    • Vetterman

      The dead sea scrolls have proven that the old testament has not been changed, only an occasionally minor spelling. What you may be saying is change is the different translations, which say the same thing different ways, so that people can understand it better. That is not a chaning of the bible. There are many, many fragements from the new testament that have proven the same thing. The only bible which has changed things on a major scale is the New World Translation, used by the Jehovah Witness; and every other major religion, every bible scholar will tell you that its a false translation.

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      • The dead scrolls < My ass

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        • Vetterman

          oh wow! What a compelling arguement to go against a real find, which many scholars have used to prove the accurcy of the jewish scribes over the centuries, and that has been so well documented!

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          • You're a fool. I'm not one to cause debates over the internet, especially over a topic so mundane. Thats why I simply dismmissed your arguement, but in this case I'll make an acception.

            The dead scrolls are false my friend. I think you are so desperate to believe in something, that you'll grasp at absolutely anything. You said that the ONLY possible errors are ''minor spelling'' errors, right? I read that part and couldn't read your response any further. Hahaha. Minor spelling errors?? Are you an idiot??? That means that the people write your false fairy tale books are ILLITERATE. You ARE a fool.

            Listen, if you want to believe that which has been manipulated by man, then be my guest. There is plenty of evidence to disprove you, evidence which I don't feel like spoon feeding to you. Look it up yourself.

            In all honesty, you would be MUCH better off following the Quraan.

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            • Bubbles-for-life


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            • mtg710

              Viewing the spelling and usage of words:

              1. That's
              2. Dismissed
              3. Argument
              4. Exception
              5. Spoon-feeding

              The Grammar Nazis have spoken. Have a wonderful day. :)

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  • haze_hypnosis

    if human life started in africa, does that mean God is african?

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  • karmasAbich


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  • iwishirealized

    I believe in both. There are some parts of science and religion that contradict each other, and parts that seem far-fetched, but not every single bit of each has to be 100% correct. What's to say God didn't push evolution, or that the Big Bang didn't create God/some greater force?

    Besides, when you think about it, they both start in a similar way: A space filled with nothing had a little bit of something that, somehow, managed to create everything.

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  • likewhat

    I dont "believe" anything i just know? i dont care cuz im just gonna die anyways..

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  • 4392Moron

    The only thing to believe in is the Precious Word Of God, we are deffinately made after Him, and I am glad that He lives within me and my family.

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    • wigsplitz

      I respect what you say. But God created you to work in a "scientific" way.....everything works "scientifically" god created teh science of how things work. We merely figure out what God already knew and created.

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  • WolfenCub

    These arguements are basically why i remain agnostic.

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