Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

Such as fate destiny and soulmates

No 23
Yes 17
Other ( comment ) 5
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Comments ( 18 )
  • No. Terrorism, starvation, and abuse do not happen for a reason. They happen being of the heartlessness of human beings.

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  • pendletonGibbs

    "Having a reason" is just a thinking mechanism primates developed to survive, but then took too far and created fantasies to explain things irrelevant to their survival. Now we are burdened with religions, superstitions and other nonsense.

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  • AgonLe

    Theres not a reason. It just his. And your actions have reactions. And others DO impede in your life.

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  • Dustyair

    No, and to look at the world as a whole you can see that most events don't happen for any reason at all. People get bored easily with life and want to think there are supernatural powers at work that may eventually work in their favor. Nope.

    I do think however, we as a life form may evolve into a supernatural entity at some point in time. We may even escape time altogether, who knows what future will bring. A large asteroid could hit the planet and wipe us out for good, and all will be for not.

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  • Nickvey

    just get careless in life and see how long it takes for life to teach you everything happens for a reason. you won't last one day.

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  • Jonniebonnire

    I put other, I dont really believe that everything has a reason, I believe that everything is some sort of test. Like its a test to how you live your life and how you react to different life situations.

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    • Jonniebonnire

      But, I also believe that I can be wrong and that it is possible that destiny exists even though I 100% sure that everything is a test. Same thing goes for christianity, bhuddism, jewish, etc. i am also christian btw.

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  • Fetiza000


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  • Boojum

    Cause and effect is a fact so, in that sense, a lot of things happen for a reason.

    But I don't believe that things happen for a Reason, in the sense of some cosmic masterplan.

    Pattern-recognition is wired into our brains, and we have a need to believe that our lives have some meaning. From our perspective, we are each the center of our universe, and it's painful to accept that we're actually just the latest in a long line of brighter than average monkeys on an piddling little planet in an insignificant corner of an inconceivably vast universe. So we decide that we're so important that the universe is sending us a personal message when our eyes meet those of someone cute in the same instant as our favorite love song starts playing.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    What?! That much people said yes?! There's no such thing as fate, that for sure. You are in full control of your life.

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    • Ellenna

      Who are you addressing in your last sentence? People with disabilities, severe or terminal illnesses, sexually abused children? That's just 3 examples off the top of my head.

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      • Pumpurrnickel

        I am addressing people in general. Their lives are more difficult and more limited, yes. Nevertheless, they can choose to live whatever life they can. Besides, it seems very strange to say "It was his fate to be sexually abused as a child," wouldn't you agree?

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        • Ellenna

          I definitely agree, but it's more than strange, it's insulting. That's why I used to have arguments with friends who were into karma and louise l hay bullshit that kids who are sexually abused chose those parents so they could learn that particular "lesson". After I'd been raped one moronic woman told me I'd attracted it because I was so angry: yeah right, I wasn't angry before I was raped!

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  • Maybe-Not-Who-You-Thought

    I believe that everything has the potential to have a reason.
    I believe that everything has the ability to be reasonable.
    I believe in karma.
    I believe in good luck.
    I believe in fortunes.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I believe that it depends on the situation, but I certainly don't believe in predestination.

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    • How about not being able to do something you want to do right in the moment no matter how much you tried but then it happens with no effort later, do u think the prevention of it happening was for your own good? Maybe when it happened later you met someone for example or you did smthg you couldn't have done if it happened before? Sorry if i did not make any sense.

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      • Tdrums17

        Yes. Left jobs/not gotten jobs/had college PAID FOR and doors have opened and closed very clearly for me in my life. It doesn’t seem like a good thing at the time but it’s always for the best. Here’s the thing.

        There’s 2 choices: Believe that all of this is arbitrary, that the earth, trees, animals, people, planets and universe have no purpose. That when you die, existence for you ceases, and you have no consciousness. <- Bleak. Dark. Pretty sad when you think about it.

        2. Believe that there is a God who, with great purpose and great skill, specifically designed everything and everyone. Purpose: Glorify Him and find our satisfaction, purpose, and drive in Him. Love Him. Live in eternity with Him. Or, choose to reject Him and spend eternity apart from Him.

        I believe in God. If I’m wrong, then it’s 100% fine, because in the process of serving God, I’ve loved and helped people in my lifetime and that’s worth it.

        If I didn’t believe in God and I was wrong, then it’s 100% NOT fine, because it does have eternal consequences like going to hell. Really sucks when you think about it. I mean we create movies, video games, books, music. All with different purposes in mind, but yes, with a purpose. We are creators. Wouldn’t our Creator do the same thing? Make all this with a purpose?

        It’s pretty simple, really. If life has no purpose, no problem. If life has a purpose, then I better make dang sure I’m following and fulfilling that purpose. And God calls us all to do our purposes. There’s gotta be a reason that so many people oppose Christianity; because it’s true.

        If it weren’t true, wouldn’t it have been wiped out by now? The Roman Empire lit Christians on FIRE while they were still alive for refusing to deny God. That should tell you something.

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      • RoseIsabella


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