Do you believe that people slowly begin to have toxic inside of them?

The other day I have been thinking, do people slowly get the toxicity if so how? How does the toxicity start to toxify their whole personalities? Sometimes in my head I start to think about why people choose to become a toxic and their whole motivations.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Can you please define toxicity for the group?

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    • What I meant was the act of acting toxic, do people tend to slowly get it as time goes by?

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      • RoseIsabella

        A lot of so called toxic people come from very dysfunctional families which is where they learn their toxic behaviors.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The toxicity of our cityyyy, of our citttyy,

    YOU!!!, what do you own the world!?
    How do you own disorder!......
    Now somewhere between the sacred silence
    Sacred and silence and sleeeeep...
    Somewheeeere between the sacred silence and sleep
    Disorder, disorder, disorder

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  • LloydAsher

    I dont know what you mean. Tossing toxicity around like it's a feeling or emotion when it's a relatively new concept.

    To most of the world toxicity just means being an asshole. Some people dont have a tinge of being an asshole. Others embrace it dispite it being nearly a universally hated trait.

    In my opinion everyone has the ability to be an asshole, just that some are better at restraining being an asshat.

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  • Boojum

    People behave in ways that gives them some sort of pay-off. For non-assholes, the sense that they've done the right thing is often enough, since that validates their belief that they're a good person who complies with a moral code of some sort. Other people view life as a constant battle to prove that they're better or more important than everyone else.

    Everyone is born a self-centred asshole. The only thing that matters to infants and very young children is that they're happy and comfortable; the needs and desires of others don't matter to them at all. One of the most important jobs of parents is ensuring that their kids grow out of that and don't end up believing that the whole fucking cosmos revolves around them. Unfortunately, a lot of parents fail at that task, so the world is full of people who believe that they're entitled to use and abuse others if that benefits them in some way.

    If such people get what they want more often than not by behaving like an asshole, then they'll continue with that strategy. Sometimes, they'll escalate until something dramatic happens that makes them step back and reassess how they deal with people. But there's no shortage of obnoxious, selfish and just generally nasty old people who will die still bitter and seething at how horrible people have always been to them and how they've never gotten everything they deserved.

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  • It can be a slippery slope for sure. Toxicity can be like developing certain psychological stigmas like narcissism, pathological lying

    Like Sasuke from Naruto, he started out wanting to avenge his clan, he got stronger but realized it wasn't enough so he left his village to train under a terrorist basically, who he killed a little later on. Then he forms his own team to kill his brother, joins another terrorist group to assassinate people basically, decides he wants to destroy his old village, and fights in a war to end civilization and humanity. He starts out understandably wanting justice but ends up doing some pretty twisted things

    Or like Golem from LotR and Bilbo somewhat as we can see when he gives Frodo the ring. There are a ton of stories out there that depict toxicity as the tortoise more than the hare

    It usually starts with accepting a few presuppositions and building dogma. Just about every five year old will tell you bullying and murder is wrong, but with age people are more likely to rationalize and justify toxic behavior

    It's almost impossible to assess motives about a stranger though. Did Hitler do his thing because a (Jewish?) art school reject his application, because he didn't like his Jewish aunt, or a culmination of some other equally petty bullshit? Sometimes what's important is just recognizing where toxicity exists, but speculation like that can help to turn that discerning eye inward to keep yourself in check

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  • Tommythecaty

    *You there at the back..

    That’s a good question, an excellent question.

    Unfortunately a detailed answer to that question would require more time and patience than I, and the rest of us, have in us.

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    • LloydAsher

      You can only speak for yourself buddy... unless you act as a hive mind then yeah I guess that statement is correct.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Short answer, It’s not a question that is wildly subjective. Science has been used to largely answer the workings of human behaviour. You aren’t some special person exempt from this, from my answer.

        To be fair, I didn’t expect you to have known this because of your “borderline sociopathic logical reasoning” as you put it. They’re often deficient in employing either 🤣

        Good day sir.

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