Do you believe that religion is a major cause why people are divided?

i do.... but i don't consider my self as an atheist because im not

Yes 68
No 19
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Comments ( 19 )
  • davesumba

    Any form of differences divide people. Income, color, religion, where you are from, even what you are wearing that day etc. But religion is far from the one that divides people the most. You are ignorant, but so are the "religious" people that you think are dividing others. Religion preaches peace, it is people with their own agendas who like to do these divisive things in the name of their "religion."

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    • adrianhansen1212

      No, any form of differences is just "Differences".

      Religions are made to give hope to humanity. Imagine a world where there are no hopes. It would be a total chaos. We, the people, need help that's why there are religions. But as time goes by, religions are increasing. So do the numbers of division.

      And in this generation, the most discriminating thing is religions. They categorize people based on their beliefs. They hate everything that is not acceptable in their respective religion and that is without considering others.

      I don't hate religion, I hate most of the teachers/preachers of their religion.

      I think we, all the people, should have to have a common source of hope. Not like this.

      Humanity is already divided, it too late, you can deny it forever, but it is done and thanks to religions for that.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      This is true. I agree with this statement. Also to the OP I misread the title. I thought it was speaking of schooling.

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    • Anime7


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  • linchpin

    i think human beings have been generally shitty to each other for a long time now, thousands of years.
    That's as dividing as any religions that have come along throughout time.

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  • ScooterNyne

    I would have to say that religion is definitely one of the most dividing concepts in modern society. It may not have been as prevalent in the past, especially geographically speaking. But in today's world where everyone is connected and can share ideas, religion is certainly more controversial and isolating than just about anything else.

    And this is coming from someone who has seen both "sides" the the story. I used to be very religious. Grew up in a christian home. Went to church. Read the bible. Even encouraged others to look for god and salvation. Nowadays I am an atheist. And I find that looking back at that experience, as much as I thought I was doing something right at the time, I see that my religion and beliefs divided me from people and the world.

    Whether you agree with me or not, religion inherently divides people by developing judgmental, self-righteous, and ignorant attitudes. Religion is all about the black and white. what's right and what's wrong. There's little to no room for open minded ideas, acceptance, and respect for a different opinion. People should stop using the bible and religion in general as a crutch "peace"

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    • adrianhansen1212

      Well said.

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  • throat_cutter

    Yes Indeed yes indeed. It is an infiltration of the mind that hinders or limits it from its open mind and fullest potential


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  • chicanapride1041

    Yes I do believe religions are one of the causes that disputes people. I don't understand how people bash other people's beliefs when we all have something in common which is trying to be a good person from what we are taught. When they comprehend that, then there won't be so much tension with one another's beliefs. I am Catholic. I honestly don't care what you are just don't be judging my beliefs when I don't judge yours. If you believe in God, He would want us to love one another not viscously hurt and kill one another. That's what is causing such hatred in this world we live in. I just hope one day we all finally settle our disputes and get along, but it will never happen.

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  • Lonely2

    Part of the ego personified is the idea that The Ultimate Creator has some special relationship to you if he has some special relationship to EVERYBODY...then how are you egotism creates this idea thst God loves US but hates you is group egotism writ large

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  • RosesAndRavens158

    Yes, religion divides us but so do other things,Humans tend to shy away from what is different.Though you must remember what religion did. It caused wars for example the crusades and was used to justify slavery,treatment of women ,mentally ill,left handers and even unjust treatment those with neurological conditions like epilepsy.It cased persecution of people ,the death of people who did not convert. People trying to spread their religion often carried pathogens that killed many who were not used to them.It gave people a reason to take over places and more .Now,I am not bashing religion because there are many petty things that divide people,unfortunately religion is one of those things.

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  • anonymous9250

    in my opinion religion is a bigger part in everything than religion or anything else

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  • anti-hero

    We wouldn't have these problems if we all followed the one true religion... Islam. Praise Allah, blessing and peace be apon him. Or so I have been told by this black dude outside of the grocery store.

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    • adrianhansen1212

      Guys, this one is a proof of what I'm saying.

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      • anti-hero

        ^ Right over Miss Hansen's head...

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        • adrianhansen1212

          actually I'm a mister. When will you find that not everything is true, Peter Pan?

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          • anti-hero

            Ah, sorry about that sir. It is over your head because you don't understand that it was a joke. Do you see? The random black guy at the grocery store is an insane homeless person? I guess you have never had an experience like that? You must live in a nice safe whitey neighborhood, eh?

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            • adrianhansen1212

              Ohh! Why didn't you say so? But I thought jokes are meant to be funny. My bad, I should have laugh, at least for the moral support.

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