Do you believe the bible is the truth and way to everlasting eternity?

...or what do you follow and believe in for happiness now and forever even after death?

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 29 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Anonnet

    Is "I don't know" an acceptable answer? I tend to not question proven science, but it doesn't have an answer for everything. I have all kinds of existential questions.

    1. We think the universe began from a big bang. What actually caused that?

    2. There's a million theories on what happens to you after you die. Which one's correct? I consider myself a Christian, but I don't actually know. Could it be nothing? Could you even perceive that? The idea of a complete loss of perception, honestly, isn't something I can clearly imagine, which is probably why there are so many theories. It's not just people being "afraid" of the afterlife, it's that the idea of this literally being all there is doesn't immediately make any sense. You only have about 80 years to do anything on it before you disappear, and you can die way before that for any random reason. It makes me wonder how atheists aren't all also nihilists. You think your friends and family will remember you? People die all the time with barely a record of them even being born.

    3. How am *I* HERE? The body moves based off of various organs and synapses controlled by the brain. That seems like something that could work autonomously, so why does it require my "consciousness"? By that I mean, my static viewpoint from inside my head looking out these eyes. The brain is such an enigma that it can actually generate self-awareness, but it also makes me wonder how "I" got placed in a body in this specific time period, in this specific place. Why am I controlling this body and not yours or that guy's?

    Anyway, back to politics and video games. You won't know for sure until you die, anyway, so just... you know, don't make things harder for the rest of us.

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    • LloydAsher

      It's a completely valid opinion. I hold heretical views if taken in the direct perspective of the bible. Preferably I would want god to at least be accommodating to people who have some skepticism, as that pragmatism keeps society from going too far off the deep end.

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  • litelander8

    I think kindness and compassion are the key to whatever the afterlife holds.

    I think a big thing for people who cling to religion is being scared of the afterlife. It makes them feel more confident that it’s a happy place. And that’s cool for them.

    I personally believe that there’s is one higher power but that mans depiction and dictation of it is trash.

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  • Grunewald

    I don't follow the Bible. The Bible isn't a deity. However, I do appreciate it containing essential literatures through which we can learn about God.

    Which book of the Bible can I even start to describe? They were written by different people for different reasons, at different points in history. And they are mostly books written for societies that were at least semi-literate, with a community readership strongly in mind. Few of the authors set out to lay down a 'philosophy' of God except to explain how Jesus' divinity and atonement work, and surprisingly little of the Bible's books are lists of commandments about how to behave. Even the longest 'behaviour' lists that there are, tend to be treated by Christians as artefacts that reflect on the nature of God, rather than direct commands, because when they were written, Christianity didn't exist.

    I follow Jesus. You can read about him in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - all primitive biographies of different authorship, with some collaboration. Each takes a different slant on his life, usually for a different audience. They select different stories but often corroborate with each other. The rest of the Bible relates directly or indirectly on what comes out of those four - about Jesus, about his mission and his Jewish identity, and about the character of God and of people, and the ways people relate to God and to each other. And that's the tip of the iceberg.

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    • LloydAsher

      Reading the bible with the historical context in mind really changes how you read it.

      Heck the entire reason why jesus was born in Bethlehem was because the Roman empire was doing a census to determine how much manpower/food/taxes the area could be support.

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  • Crocotta1

    I was already baptised

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    • Crocotta1

      Other than porn addiction I’ve also been doing sexual things to plushies because I felt so lonely, I felt extremely guilty about humping them, I realised how disgusting it was. Last night I prayed a lot and then I started to get this rumbling in my chest, I wondered if it was god pulling the daemons out of me.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I've never believed in Adam, and Eve.

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah I take genesis as a metaphor anyway. A lot of the bible can be taken as a metaphor.

      One has to remember when christianity was founded there was a dozen and a half cults that were spouting the same deal. Christianity won the favor of its conquerors, thus spread throughout the world.

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  • dabadedabadie

    I don't know if a god exists but the Bible, well the ten commandments at least, is a great way to teach morals. Then again you shouldn't need a book to tell you to be a good person.

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  • malaparte

    It's a bunch of poetry and short stories cobbled together. Some of it is okay as literature, but definitely not something to base your life and ethics on.

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  • Crocotta1

    Yes, I’m Jewish (Jews and Christians read from the same book). But in order to go to heaven I must give up my sinful ways, and I should read the bible more. I have a severe porn addiction that I’ve been praying will stop.

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    • litelander8

      But Christians only have one book in common.

      I was under the impression that all Jews go to heaven. In their belief.

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      • Crocotta1

        Yes, I’m Jewish Christian, just forgot to type the Christian part.

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  • BleedingPain

    I believe in the pursuit of happiness, but I dont think following any religious text verbatim will lead to eternal happiness.

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  • Solarith

    Fking delusional

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  • LloydAsher

    The bible does teach good lessons on how to live, dont have to be religous to see that.

    Since I haven't died cant guarantee that's the way to salvation. But I'll hedge my bets and just be a good person, god cant blame me for being sceptical either with how the Catholic church presents itself.

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  • olderdude-xx

    The Bible has truths in it. Many are just about how to live together in a decent society. Many of these are not religious in nature.

    I and others believe that the Bible does have certain religious truths in it as well. However, they are often buried and misinterpreted by lots of people (and modern Bibles deliberately hide a bunch of things from people by the fact that they have inserted the word "god" for all the plural "gods" (about 2500 of them) and also usually insert the word "god" for the name(s) that the god of Abraham had (in the range of 4000 of these substitutions).

    Here's a fundamental question: Judaism in poly-theistic in that there are acknowledged to be many gods. But only 1 god counts (the god who made a deal with Abraham and his followers).

    Jesus was Jewish. How is it that so many Christians have this belief in only a monotheistic religion?

    I believe that the evidence (which applies to all cultures and religions in the world) indicates that there is some form of afterlife with some form of heaven and hell (do a web search on "near death" and "died came back to life" experiences).

    Overall, if you follow the correct rules I believe that the evidence is that you will go on to some form of heaven with an afterlife.

    Can you study the bible, and related research information, and figure out what are the correct rules?... Yes, people can. But, that's not a guarantee... and in my opinion - especially based on some of the teachings of the current "Christian" churches that have no biblical bases and in some cases are directly contradicted by the bible.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    At the end of the day, it's made up bullshit.

    And to think people actually let a stupid book dictate what they do...🤣

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  • Holzman_67

    Eternity isn't some later time, eternity isn't a long time - Eternity has nothing to do with time!
    Eternity is that dimension of here and now which thinking and time cuts out
    This is it -
    If you don't get it here, you won't get it anywhere
    And the experience of eternity right here and now is the function of life.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes it's normal, but I think religion's a cause of either happiness or suffering, the Bible says a lot of stupid things, it refers you to chest pain to not "take it as a disgrace, it's a blessing", black magic in the Bible, and it causes chest pain, if you pray to God to make the chest pain go away he makes it even worse. Don't tell me this isn't real, it can happen.
    The problem is reading the Bible in ways you think would make you happy unless you follow a Christian sect, to which you would be happy although secular people would disagree and as a result they have an anti-religion and rationality to believe because they have no proof of religion. The Bible is the truth but it won't lead to eternity, although not literally, you just have an eternity of believing in the Bible. I might be right about this, people assume things they were encouraged to believe when it feels safe, I know of no religious believer who would do anything besides a religion that feels safe.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I admit i have no idea how we got here but I personally think the bible is more likely to be right than the bs the scientists say. I dont understand how anyone with an IQ over 80 thats looked into it believes that garbage they're pushing.

    Nasa said in 1999 that by 2016 the arctic would be completely melted. They get shit so wrong over and over and over but I'm supposed to believe they know we got here exactly "4.3 billion years ago" from a random explosion. And they know this because they tested some gasses and did some mathmatic equations now they know the secrets of the universe. Its purposturous.

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    • litelander8

      It’s been edited 736373 times.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Someone in the clouds watching over us > random mutations turned a fish to a human out of pure chance

        I think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Maybe theres some devine intelligent shit out there that we dont understand, doesnt have to be the God we speak of, but fish dont just turn to humans by accident thats retarded

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        • litelander8

          Retarded fish is our fate. But I agree on the in between. Not necessarily of just one faith though.

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        • LloydAsher

          I believe in a mixture of this as well. God being whatever entity created the conditions for life. Perhaps we are the Victor's of the grand game he set forth called evolution.

          I mean on the practical end of things if I was a god I wouldn't want to micromanage literally every living thing in exsistance so a simple system was created survival of the fittest. A billion and a half years later you have a species that has advanced itself above the animals. We are the ants that will conquer the stars.

          The bible though is filled with how to be a good human so I'll refer to it as a baseline behaviour to strive for.

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