Do you believe there is a god?

Please comment and tell me what you believe.

Yes 111
No 161
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Comments ( 98 )
  • noid

    Yes, I believe.

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  • dappled

    No, I don't believe there is. I believe the notion was invented when humans first started farming. Farming led to much bigger civilisations than hunter-gatherers could muster and, for the first time, led to civilisations which could produce more food than they needed (especially in fertile areas like river deltas).

    Having more than you need allows you certain luxuries (like people who don't farm for all their food themselves but perform services for the civilisation in return for food). It allows for things like armies, entertainers, priests (who have the ear of a mythical entity and can use their influence to improve crop growth). In actuality, the priests were early scientists who learned things about irrigation, crop rotation, etc. and so their learning is what "blessed" the crops.

    In time there was a schism and pure science was written and shared (as opposed to being used as a con-trick to avoid work). Science and religion separated and religion, realising the danger of science, sought to suppress it. Science was seen as a challenge to church authority because it disproves their assertions (which have no basis in fact). Scientists like Galileo were convicted of heresy and prevented from ever leaving their house again. Science has rarely imprisoned people for having a difference of opinion.

    Many forms of misleading guff are tolerated in society today (cold readers, clairvoyants, those passing on messages from the dead). It's a curious element of human nature that belief isn't about what is true but what people want to be true.

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    • disthing

      That's an interesting hypothesis.

      There are tribes that subsist on a hunter-gatherer lifestyle rather than farming who have their own distinct spiritual beliefs:

      The Botocudo people of Brazil who were nomad hunter-gatherers had their own spiritual beliefs - they thought that all evil was because of the night-fire (Moon) and all good was because of the day-fire (Sun). This dichotomy is interesting and is reflective of the evil-good partition in many religions. It's also interesting because one could infer the Moon and the Sun are deified within the Botocudo tribe. Thus the Botocudo are an example of a peoples who have gods, but who do not live off farming.

      The Matsés of Brazil believe all living things have a spirit, but also have shamanism within their culture - distinct equivalents of priests who can contact the spirits of the living and dead. They have settlements but are primarily hunter-gatherers.

      The Hadza people of Tanzania are hunter-gatherers who similarly deify the sun and moon. The sun (Ishoko) creates people and animals in certain tales, as well as impacts directly upon the livelihoods of the Hadza, allowing people to create fire and forage or hunt successfully.

      The Mbuti people of the Congo are hunter-gatherers who deify the forest within which they live. They perform rituals to celebrate the forest and believe it is their protector.

      So there are tribes around the world, past and present, with a culture of hunter-gatherer subsistence, who have both religion and in some cases gods. It can't be ruled out that this mythology was not attained through contact with other peoples subsisting off agriculture, but it also can't be ruled out that shamanism, deification and spirituality naturally develop within hunter-gatherer tribes and are not therefore a consequence of the neolithic agricultural revolution.

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      • disthing

        Thumbed down... Ugh! One apparently cannot challenge the sacred dappled without cruel retribution :*( You people and your IIN Gods! lol.

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        • dom180

          I'll thumb you back up. How anyone could thumb your comment down is way beyond me.

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          • disthing

            Ha it's the internet, it works in mysterious ways :) but thank you.

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      • disthing

        Whoops! *correction of an accidental double-negative: I meant 'it can't be ruled out that this mythology was attained through contact with other peoples subsisting off agriculture'.

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  • anti-hero

    I believe if you believe then God exists and if you don't believe then God doesn't exist.

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    • OswaldCobblepot

      That's not how facts work.

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      • anti-hero

        Who is to say what is real or fake? If you felt love for a woman, that is real to you. It would not be real to me. It is all a matter of what your view is, if you ask me.

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      • Dad

        That was good OswaldCobblepot.
        And Parrish still replied back with even more confusing ignorance. So sad.

        That's not how facts work :) I've got to use that line one day, as patronizing as it is, these religious people have the minds of toddlers.

        But don't worry, because god will save them :D

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      I heard this theory before.

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      • anti-hero


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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          Everything they make about greek/roman mythology. Why the gods want the humans to worship them. Since without the worships they become mortal and when this happens they die. A long with the religion that was following them. Well they do not die right away but like humans are at this point able to die of things like old age, illness, accidents and so on. It was applied to old religions however nothing like Christianity which is still alive today.

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          • anti-hero

            Okay, I guess that is kind of similar.

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  • Dad

    Man Made God In His Own Image.

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    • rosa333

      God made man in his own image

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      • Dad

        There is no God

        Pray all you like, its totally useless and utterly ridiculous.
        The fact that the US president consistently says words like, 'we pray' and 'I'll pray for you'; is pathetic, and if alien life did ever want to communicate to a mere human, the 'president' obviously wouldn't be the best option. He'd probably think they were angels :D
        Don't just separate church from state, remove useless religion all together, your children are being lied to and misguided by 'praying' presidents.

        But for a laugh I'd like to know why YOu would believe in a 'god'? Um Lol.
        Please note, no one to date has ever provided ANY reason at all, except fear of dieing that type of waste of a life worth living. In my view religious people are already dead they just don't know it! Some, mind you, CAN open up their eyes and get the hell out of this ridiculous religious myth. I say SOME - and they are the ones strong enough to actually live on.

        Would you trust your president from informing you that intelligent 'alien' life has been found? Its unlikely such a discovery could be published when 'god (lol) made MAN in his own image'. Wow, these aliens may be a tad upset at that. Plus the president would be thinking they only exist to eat or turn into medical research or something, since 'GOD' couldn't create OTHER intelligent life outside Earth, that's against the bible (except if 'angels' exist outside Earth) THAT's how ludicrous this religious MYTH is.

        But, don't worry, keep loving your Allah. Millions and millions do. Oh wait, your is that magical mythical jesus myth, LOL that ones even MORE stupid.

        Wake up, whilst you're still alive, god does NOT exist. Let the children know.

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        • nerdygirly

          i now worship you!!!!!!!

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          • Dad

            Thanks nerdygirly.

            It has taken me a long time to be straight out and direct.
            I started at agnostic (a LONG time ago) because I had the 'logical' opinion we just don't know, and anything is possible!
            After I realized that the possibility of a 'God' and then that he made MAN in his own image, was SO far fetched I decided to read more up about religions in general.
            And THAT'S when I became atheist. These days it seems more than common sense that a god doesn't exist, it just seems natural that LIFE any/all life evolved, just like planets and solar systems do. There's a lot more, but I found keeping to basics helps children and the ignorant.

            After realizing atheism is the obviously natural and most enlightened answer. I then became more interested in atheism forums. BIG MISTAKE. It seems atheist forums (ALL of them) have a similar aspect to religious forums.

            Religious forums: Read the Bible (or Qur'an, whichever you feel is the one that won't torture you forever!!)
            After reading the Bible for years and reinterpreting it a thousand times over! THEN attend church regularly, and finally take 'Jesus' into your heart! Say what? AND after that (ie years later) I'll see the light! Lol

            Atheist forums: Read the Bible (Um what?) Then read a multitude of science books! (you must know EVERYTHING you see!) Then maybe (just maybe) after about 5 to 20 years you'll see that atheist don't feel there is evidence to a god existing and therefore they are HAPPY to have religious (FOOLS) in society, but just want to inform them they have NO basis at all to believing in god for all these reasons...

            ? What the damn hell?
            Pretty sure a 10yo would know god doesn't exist within say 1 minute!
            All I'd have to say is do you REALLY feel there's an all powerful manlike superman watching over you? Um No. Because that's just creepy and sick. Plus why isn't god a plant? There's more plants than humans, they have existed way before humans did, and plants generally seem to be beautiful. The reason why 'god' is not a plant, is because MAN made him up, and people actually believe in this religious rubbish!

            I tried to inform 'religious' forums all the intelligent and rational and reasons why they were WRONG. Not once did I fault. Members came on and said what about Jesus rising? My response: There was no recorded history of ANY man called Jesus Christ when he was supposedly alive. I mean there is NOTHING. Even if I was born then, even I would have written something down, like wow this Jesus is a good magician, but NO one wrote anything at all, NOTHING. Therefore 'Jesus' did not 'rise from the dead', and by the way that is just SICK, was he zombie? The whole thing is ridiculous and people believe it, what a joke. At which time the 'religious' forum ban me. There's free speech for you.

            I tried to inform atheist forums that 'God' does NOT exist. OMG! You should have seen the replies! How dare I assume that I 'know' this to be true. Why, that's just as bad as religious people! I should really read up for the next 20 years!!! ' m a y be then, just maybe I MIGHT be able to have some input.
            My response: Oh sorry, forgot to inform you, I'm not a scientist and don't plan on being one! My 'understanding' and 'knowledge' is based upon REALITY. And since I CAN'T lie to a child that asks me does god exist, I IMMEDIATELY say NO. As I'm interesting in HELPING others, not providing even more confusion!
            At which time the 'atheist' forums usually inform me how wrong I am, and that I'm best not being involved in their forum. My last comment is usually: By the way, what do you say when a child asks does god exist? I have YET to have an honest answer from these 'nerdy' (no disrespect intended) science nuts.

            I am the NEW atheist. Think of me as future generations looking back to ours, and saying wow, these fools STILL believed in 'god' as late as 2013. We now teach our children the world is not the center of the universe and god is not real. The lesson takes 5mins, and we reference a MILLION books on the matter if any child wants to question it. I LONG for that day ;)

            So, please HELP the children away from religion. Then live in a better world.

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            • nerdygirly

              im with you there and also my grandparents are always like you should believe in god and i keep telling them why should i believe in him for one hes not real and people are dumb to believe that he's real. then they keep telling me about how i believe im mermaids and my answer to that is, back befor when we were apes the world around us started to go under into the water and a small part of the apes when into the water and started to be able to last minutes under water without breathing and they stared to evolve webed hands and feet to help them swim, they lost all there hair, after a couple million years their feet becames identical to the animated mermaids feet/tail. their were some bodies found in 2011 that could not be identified but after a long 2 years they found more and more wash up the coastlines then the figered out that these “creatures” had hands and the only thing in history that has had hands would be the human race and to this day they are still out there swiming among thereselves and if you ask how did we not know about them befor is because they are exilent hiders and they will stay that way cuz they know as soon as they come out of hiding were gonna kill/expirment on them. so thats what i tell them and they get mad because they know im right and they hate that. so why people believe in this so called god i dont know.

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  • SirSlenderMan

    I don't care what other people choose to believe but I believe there has to be at least some sort of creator because there is WAY too much order in the universe for us to be just some cosmic fluke.

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    • lufa

      If the universe has a creator, then the creator has a creator, who created him and so on? Where is your creator, what direct evidence do you have to irrefutably prove his existence?

      To say the universe MUST have a creator is not evidence, it's just a firm feeling/conviction. Saying my car MUST start doesn't mean it will.

      And actually the big bang being a cosmic fluke is definitely the right answer. Our universe has the right set of constants for mass, light, electrons, etc for matter to clump and for stars and planets.

      The universe is imbued with an energy field and that's where the big bang emerged from, there could be countless other such singularities, but ours has the right constants as mentioned for life to emerge.

      Similar for humans evolving from simple amino acids. The science is pretty and sound on this, one simple has to read it.

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    • Username*:

      Science! My faceless friend!
      Sorry this isn't much of an answer... I just wanted to post this because of your user name!!!

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  • lufa

    If the thousands of past human-invented gods were not real, what are the chances the Christian/Jewish/Islamic gods are real? I also don't believe in them simply because they are nothing more than conjectures conjured up by desert nomads in a pre-scientific age where superstition reigned supreme.

    There's one simply way for me to accept gods are real, that is if they show themselves to me and did some 'miracles' like make the sun vanish at will. If you're going to claim you had sex with Cindy Crawford, I'm going to demand the sex tape or at least word from her that it's true.

    This is why anyone who believes in god right now is proving that they are gullible idiots who'll believe anything. If I tell you I have a magic book sent to me by the god of the universe and you believe it, you're simply a dumbass, no other way to say it.

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  • bananaface

    No, I don't. As for what I believe, depends what we're talking about, really:P. In terms of religion and God and all that, I think when you're dead, that's all. Nothing happens, your "soul" doesn't go to a hell or heaven or some such thing. I don't like my beliefs.

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  • kelili

    Yes, I believe. To be more precise I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on a cross for our sins. I call myself a christian but I don't follow any church because I have not find one that 'fits' my believes of God. I believe that there is no such thing as hell (fire, eternal sufferings) and I believe that God is good.

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  • disthing

    I believe that there is no evidence definitively proving the existence of a god. Based on that, I don't believe there is any point dedicating any part of my life to worshipping, celebrating, sacrificing for or appeasing a god or gods.

    I am entirely open to being proved wrong.

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  • davesumba

    yes i do. i don't understand how people can possibly believe that everything you see around you just happened randomly and then a human race evolved from something when there is no evidence of a transition, and then took over the entire world in a matter of a few hundred years, when "apparently" it's been around for billions. and created everything you see today. and the complexities, uniqueness, and perfectness of certain animals' anatomy/biology.
    if you don't believe in a God, then you must give huge kudos to the man who created the biggest conspiracy theory man has ever known and so widely believed without a shadow of a doubt.

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    • TheLogicalSkeptic1

      "and the complexities, uniqueness, and perfectness of certain animals' anatomy/biology"

      Like the ability to die, or how about the ability to have a reproductive system placed ever so conveniently near a waste disposal facility, or maybe the eyes of the "one highly intelligent super species" which have big whopping blind spots and a lense which naturally produces an inverted image? These are the type of things which pop up from chance and natural selection.

      "and then a human race evolved from something when there is no evidence of a transition"

      Purposefully being ignorant on a matter does not equate to a lack of evidence, just type in "human evolutionary fossil record" on google and see for yourself.

      "and then took over the entire world in a matter of a few hundred years"

      Not sure where you heard that, we arrived in europe over 40,000 years ago, and had already spread to Asia and Australia beforehand, so it took us quite a bit longer than "a few hundred years".

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      • davesumba

        i'm not going to argue with you, because i see no point in making rebuttals after 2 people have made their point, because there is no way they are going to convince the other. but lets just say i have damn good rebuttals for all of your "points"
        but i will admit i don't know the number on how long humans have been around, but that was beside the point i was trying to make.

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        • lufa

          You have no rebuttals because TLS owned you on all those points, but go ahead and try if you can.

          Atheism 10
          Religion 0

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          • davesumba

            lolufunny. i see you are here to "prove that religions are evil." good luck with that

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            • Username*:

              You know.... That sounded a little arogant and evil to me, what you just said. No offence but I have this thought in my mind that you are Christan... Sorry if I'm wrong! :p And P.S. no offence to Christans... But when I think of them.... I think of the big issue back in Ancient Greece when the Christans blew up what use to be called "The Temple of Athena" but then rebuilt and named "The Parthanon." Again no offence to Christans... My intensions aren't to offend people... :p P.P.S. Dave... Have you heard of capitals? :p

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            • lufa

              Don't need luck, just quotes from your holy books and the behavior of believers to make my point.

              How many atheists did you hear about blowing up a bus or subway train for atheism? Right-none at all.

              Meanwhile muslims commit so much terrorism daily, we simply stopped bothering to report it all.

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          • Username*:

            WOOO ATHEISM! ATHEISM! ATHEISM!!! Sorry I just wanted to point this out... A lot of religion is about faith, hope... So people don't feel plain and sad about life... A kind of mystery and utopia is given to their minds about a better future in a life after this one. I am an 100% atheist, but I understand where religion is coming from.... But they got no god damn proof... Pardon my language to all the religious folk reading this. Anyway... Like if this "God" fellow existed.... WHERE THE HELL DID HE COME FROM??? Sorry if I seem ignorant and out of the conversation. I just had this on my mind. BTW I use to be a really religious person.... But I studied the truth! :p

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    • Littlebadgirl

      I don't understand how you can possibly believe a superior entity made this universe. Oh wait, I do understand. It's in our human nature to worship something, to believe in something, and you've been educated to follow that instinct.

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      • davesumba

        i didn't say anything about worshipping an entitity. just saying its pretty far fetched to think that this world and how perfect everything is and works together and thrives off of each other and how there is only one highly intelligent super species, and how just the slightest difference in something,such as an inch larger/smaller ozone layer would destroy this world, could have happened by chance, and wasn't planned perfectly by a "superior entity"

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        • Littlebadgirl

          So you believe a god calculated everything and made it happen? That's pretty far fetched too, if you ask me. Also I just re read your first comment and something caught my eye.
          "if you don't believe in a God, then you must give huge kudos to the man who created the biggest conspiracy theory man has ever known and so widely believed without a shadow of a doubt."
          Are you implying religion/s are believed without a doubt? Because I'm pretty sure that many people have more than just "doubts" when it comes to religion.

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          • davesumba

            yes i do believe that. and i didn't say they all believe without a shadow of a doubt, but there are a lot of those. ( you're right though, i probably could have went without the doubt part)

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            • Littlebadgirl

              It's okay. I realize there is no way we would ever agree, at least not on this subject, but I respect your beliefs even if I don't share them.

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        • Username*:

          Okay I'm tired and bored of this... It's like 9:16 PM right now so I'm leaving this great religious vs atheist/something else debate... Thank you... PLUS LUFA NEEDS THERAPY! :p

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    • justanotherpersonalk

      i don't understand how people can possibly believe there's a magical spirit in the sky who just *poof* created everything. There's no evidence of a god, there is evidence of no god, just because no one knows for sure how we all got here, doesn't mean that the answer is just "god created us." that's just a lazy excuse that people use because they're somehow satisfied with living an unsure life. If more "christians" would get over the idea of "god," and start trying to figure out why we're here besides just "god made us," we would have probably figured it out by now. it must be nice to be so two-dimensional, to be satisfied with being unsure of our existence. oh, and the reason christianity is so widely believed is because ignorant parents teach their children it, and they grow up to be ignorant too, but flies will lay their eggs.

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  • Fabulous

    Idiocy you all

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  • Cheet0

    Nope, sorry I believe in Science, and there is no evidence there to support their claims

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  • Cross456

    NOPE. LOL. There are way too many loopholes with the idea of an existing GOD. and their beliefs.... Tbh, they constantly contradict each other and there is no evidence to prove their existence. ok Im agnostic. done. xD I think it is more like an "ideology"... MAYBE. People believe and unite to strengthen themselves based on the beliefs of that particular religion. I wont say it is a bad thing to believe that there is a GOD. but nope i just cant believe in god when there is no proof other than a bunch of believers who insist that it exists. no evidence at all.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I believe anything is possible till proven otherwise. The world is full of possibilities. You can not say something is not possible since you can not see it. Stuff that was once believed fiction in movies is now reality. So whats to say ghosts and martians are not possible? Not saying that I will say these are facts but not a lot that can disprove it. I also would love for these things to really exist. That would be very interesting. I would never play with witchcraft just to be on the safe side. Always wished I would get bit by a bat or a wolf or possibly turned out to be born a wizard but that never happened. Just a simple little human. What a boring exsistance we are doomed to live in.

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  • Skitzo1

    God is merely a word for us to measure, attempt to understand and idolise something greater than us, to give our species, guidelines, meaning, spirituality, hope and afterlife. God may not be what we view it. Such is the word time, it is a measurement, there is no surefire way to prove time exists as we define it. To me, the religion that follows a GOD takes away our freedom, by giving us yet more rules to follow, in a society full of rules.

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  • Retard73

    I am disapointed children, that you dont have faith in me

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  • beehappyy

    I think god is looked at too one sided these days. People think you either are christian or atheist. I never know what to say when people ask me, because I really don't believe that there is one single man in the sky that tells everyone what to do, and controls everything, because that seems sexist and stupid to me. I also don't believe in the bible, becuase I think that is a human creation. I do, however, believe in life after death. I know there is life after death, just because of things that have happened to me in my life, and my mother's experiences as well. It may not be some kind of perfect heaven, but I believe that we go somewhere when we die, perhaps a second stage of life.

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  • iTripp

    I am not by any means religious, but I am definitely spiritual.

    But what some people need to understand is that no one is one hundred percent positive about God.

    We have faith, or lack there of.

    Just keep an open mind. :)

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  • kingsleycrowne

    I think self belief is the most important belief there is.

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    Those trying to use logic to answer the question are wasting their time. Logicians tell us that it comes down to that it's probably not true that God does not exist. That being said, I believe He does exist in the form of the universal consciousness. It's not a coincidence that every culture worships God(s), It's because people experience ther connection to that consciousness. Btw, farming had nothing to do with it, because indigenous tribes worship a deity.

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  • kupokupo

    I hold beliefs similar to the religion of Deism. I'll copy & paste a little of the description...

    "Critical elements of deist thought include:

    Rejection of all religions based on books that claim to contain the revealed word of God.
    Rejection of all religious dogma and demagogy.
    Rejection of reports of miracles, prophecies and religious "mysteries".

    Constructive elements of deist thought include:

    God exists, created and governs the universe.
    God gave humans the ability to reason."

    As to my thoughts on the afterlife - I believe there is one, but only those pure of heart are welcomed into it. :)

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I want to believe that there is no afterlife. That's my biggest issue of "faith". I have a hard time seeing death as anything but the end. I also have a hard time believing that God would hate anyone and that God's version of justice is as cruel as the Bible likes to depict, all factors of science and of divine providence considered. If there is a God, we have indeed forced our human qualities onto our perception of God in the same way that we force them onto animals and objects.

    I also have a hard time believing that the Bible is 100% literal. I understand that a lot of the events in the Bible have been and are being proven archeologically (fuck spelling), but I have a hard time believing that a being like Jesus would condone the hatred of others after his teachings made it clear that we are to love and tolerate each other. My conflicts with faith do not keep me from practicing it. In the end, if there is a judgement day, I believe I'll be judged more by what I do and how I treat others than by what I believe about the Bible.

    Do I believe there is a God? I have faith in the Judeo-Christian God. At the very least, I believe that there is a universal intelligence and a natural law of reality that is transcending the limitations of human perception. Like I said, I have conflicts with my faith, but I have conflicts with many things in life as I have a very narrow view of how things should and shouldn't be regarding what makes sense to me.

    Can I prove any of it? No. My faith is a very personal thing to me, I feel that faith is a very personal thing. That's why I'm not shoving faith up anyone's ass. I doubt I would if I could prove it. I just don't have the will to, nor do I care enough to.

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  • Dot123

    God or God's were just ancient astronauts pro traded as Gods.

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  • DavidS.

    I believe there is an overall intelligence, etc....but it is not what we are inculturated to is as much evil as much pain as much yin as can only be understood by a clear look at what really is...not what we wish there to be...but what actually is..

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  • suckonthis9


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    • anti-hero

      That is why they said a god. Instead of saying do you believe in God. They clearly meant any god.

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      • suckonthis9

        Then the question is unanswerable and should have not been allowed.

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        • anti-hero

          It is not unanswerable. What is instead of a god they said any god? Would that work for ya snuckems?

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          • suckonthis9

            NO, IT DOES NOT WORK!
            Please try to use your brain, instead of listening to scammers.
            The question was, [rephrased] Does someone believe there is a deity?
            The only voting options are yes or no.
            I could answer either way, and still be correct, or conversely, incorrect. Any person who answered this question is Unenlightened.
            Furthermore, it is a leading question, which could be construed to promote a doctrine that there is only one deity. (There are many that could be referenced).
            Also, (and I've already said this repeatedly) that the use of the Anglo-Germanic term for 'deity' is vague and inaccurate. If they had have said something like, "Do you believe there is a god called Jehovah?",then it would be answerable.

            My name, or nom de plume, is not "snuckems". This is rude and in violation of Rule #10.

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            • anti-hero

              No need to be hostile, snuckems.

              P.S. Where can I find this list of rules?

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    • MissyLeyneous

      Any particular deity. OP said, "A deity". As in, ANY deity.

      Psst. You left your caps lock on. ^_~

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      • suckonthis9

        I had left the caps lock on because some persons did not understand that they should refer to a specific deity, so as to avoid confusion in the pleasant discourse of conversation.

        Now I think I understand you. I think that you prefer the deity OPS. Would you care to converse about this deity?

        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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        • suckonthis9

          Was that a typo or is that what Ops said?

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          • suckonthis9

            Maybe it's Ops Aid?

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    LOL no of course not.

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