Do you believe we'll ever make time travel a reality?

If you believe we will, how many years would you say it'll take for us to get to that point (To go back in time)?

Yes 17
No 35
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Comments ( 22 )
  • penisdump

    Maybe through anal projection, but I don't think it will ever be invented.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Hope not. That could screw shit up.

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    • shuggy-chan

      what if it is all predestine anyway?

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Now I'm confused.

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        • shuggy-chan

          what if we were predestine to go back in time, and it already happened before we went back so it didnt actually change anything. Like the plot to half of the movies about time travel

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  • CozmoWank

    3 years. 9 months and 7 days. Bring plenty of Dramamine.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It is possible to do this via Astral Projection. However, it takes practice.

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    • I almost did this once and my bod felt completely numb almost like having an episode of sleep paralysis. I got to scared and shook myself back to being set conscious again. It felt as if I was near death or what I imagined what death feels like. Had many during my tour.

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  • Yes I do think it's possible and I know enough about this topic I could probably write a book.

    Some people may think I'm psychotic, and I am, but I also have worked quite a bit on my own timeline manipulation.

    If someone were to go back in time and change things, this reality would remain unchanged because it would create an alternate reality, which in a way already exists.

    If you come back to the present, you will either go to your new future, where there would now be 2 of you (unless the alternate version of you dies or is prevented from existing) or you will returned to your former timeline, which would be unaffected.

    You can also time travel by astral projection into other timelines. I personally believe I have done this many times. This is easiest done through dreams.
    There is one particular reality where they use a dream machine that was invented by Nikola Tesla which they are using to astral project people from other realities into their soldiers as avatars to fight a civil war in an alternate version of American land.

    When you think of it, we are constantly time traveling towards the future. There is no such thing as the "present".

    Think of time as a spiral instead or a line. As the time web spins, many things overlap, which is where you can find places to jump somewhere else. it's just that most people don't know how to do this.

    Time travel and dimensional travel are basically the same things. The only difference is that you can connect past times to where we are linearly without distorting them.

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    • LornaMae

      "Some people may think I'm psychotic, and I am" lol! <3

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    • I have always thought of dreams as a type or alternate reality as well, like the old multiverse theory. I never knew Nikola Tesla had invented any type of dream machine though.

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      • I'm not sure he did in this universe. I have been in the avatars several times while dreaming. My dreams often seem as real as this only the laws of physics are always different and inconsistent, but there are regular worlds I go to. I remember them so well that it's like I have multiple lives and this is just one of them.
        In the dimension that I am talking about, technology was developed different and they use Tesla's technology over Edisons, the way they do here.

        There are no power outlets or computers the way we have them but they have things we do not, such as machines that import peoples energy and what people here may consider magic, but it actually has scientific methods of existing that we haven't discovered here yet.

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        • I know Tesla said he found ways for free energy.

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  • TheMightyOz

    Traveling backward in time will never be possible because of the second law of thermodynamics.

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  • TheNo1CoolGuy

    If time travel to the past was possible we would have people from the future coming back, meaning that it is likely it will never happen but going to the future? Possibly.

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  • joshp01

    They've proven when you most forward your actually moving slowly into the future. but it's a extremely small amount of time .000001 of a second. and that's if your moving very fast like 100-1000 mph.

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    It is possible to travel forward in time, but we haven't figured out how to go back yet.

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  • Lex.Mercatoria

    Time travel is probably already a reality. The available technology on this planet is at a level that far exceeds that perceived by the general public. There's physics and there's *classified* physics.

    The Ivory Tower scientists would have us believe they know the limits of reality when they do not.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I sincerely believe that we have seen time travelers through out history. One of the earliest was Jesus, who foretold things no non-time traveling man could have known. There are so many; Archimedes of Syracuse, Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, just to name a few. All far beyond their time.
    Those seemingly little advancements in science, that lead to huge advances, once the implications are understood, are usually gifts from those time travelers.
    Perhaps, you should look more carefully at those neighbors you've always felt were just a little bit weird.

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  • CarlSagan

    We are all locked in time. You can speed up the clock, but can never reverse it. The second law of thermodynamics, unfortunately slams that possibility shut.

    Be a dreamer. Premonitions of great things often occur when metaphorical comparisons of phenomena throughout the universe are discovered.

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  • disthing

    I seriously doubt it.

    Whether or not that is even possible is debatable.

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  • Dot123

    It's already a reality.

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