Do you brush your teeth or eat first?

When you wake up, which do you do first?

Eat 15
Brush 7
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Dustyair

    Eat first, then brush the acids, bacteria, and other cool things away, so for the rest of the morning my teeth are clean and not decaying.

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  • SubaruCat

    Where’s the don’t brush option....

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    • Pumpurrnickel

      Nowhere because that's not good and uncommon.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Brush your teeth twice.

    Seriously, I brush afterwards.

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  • Algum

    I'll brush before and after. I can't eat when I know my mouth ain't quite clean and I know my breath stinks, which honestly happens to everyone once it's been several hours since last brushing, especially if you've eaten something since. Since I can't always brush after I eat when I'm out, I'll use an alternative to freshen my breath; tic tacs, gum, mints, or rinse with a pocket sized mouthwash I carry around. I'll brush when I get home or when I next get the chance. But I know first thing in the morning, my breath will be bad and I have to at least do a quick brush before eating. I hate germs and am a compulsive self cleaner. I must take at least one shower a day, at least two in the summer, I brush about 3 times a day, and I rinse with mouthwash, chew gum, tic tacs, etc. several more times a day.

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  • e51pegasi

    The first thing I do when I wake up is scratch my balls & put some loungewear on.
    Food first, brush just before you go out on a morning.

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  • fakeaccount2

    Wow I thought I'd be weird for brushing first but come on, it puts somewhat of a "shield" for a few minutes so it's not that weird, just chew gum after. But I usually don't eat in the morning much

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