Do you crack your finger joints?
If you know why it`s not good, please comment.
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If you know why it`s not good, please comment.
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"Cracking" your fingers is actually just releasing gas build up in between your joints, which is fine. I think if you do it like ALL the time you can run the risk of arthritis though.
I love cracking my fingers. =P
Yes; in fact I can't feel my hands anymore, it's all numb. Also we're having miniature man-made chickens for lunch tonight.
All the time.
Does anyone else have one they can just pop continuously? That creeps everyone I know out.
Fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, back, middle back, lower back, knees, ankles and neck for me. =P
I love doing this! But people generally hate the sound so I do it when I'm alone.
I do it all the time...
I heard its not good to do because it will give you bad arthritis in the future
I crack them alot. I did it just now, before typing. And I just did it again. Can't help it, but I love the sound. Is that normal?
I know it's supposedly "bad for you" but i always feel better afterwards.
i crack my fingers and my right ankle. i cant crack my left ankle for some reason...
OHMYGOD I hate it when people do that soooooooooo much! It makes me queasy. ;n;
I would if I could, but I'm overmobile so nothing happens when I try to do it.
What I've heard is that it's good to crack them from time to time, but not if you overdo it.
YES! It feels sooo good.
Also, here's a quote from Wikipedia, "The common advice that "cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis" is not supported by any evidence."
Ha! There's no evidence that it's bad for you after all.
my finger joints not as much as I used to. It seems to have spread to my wrists, neck and spine.
I crack my finger knuckles, toe knuckles, neck, back, and knees. I used to rotate and crack my ankles when I was younger but, for some reason, I am no longer able to! feels good man
It's good for you, it releases the air bubbles in your joints. The air bubbles are the cracking sound.
all of them but one of my ring fingers...i think it like sprained or something but idc...
My orthopedic doc, and the physical therapist he sent me to, told me it really doesn't do any damage as long as you are not being rough with the joint.