Do you dance ballet?
Used to | 11 | |
Yes | 7 | |
No | 17 | |
Never in my life | 31 | |
Sometimes | 4 |
Ask Your Question today
Used to | 11 | |
Yes | 7 | |
No | 17 | |
Never in my life | 31 | |
Sometimes | 4 |
I'm a guy! Course I don't!
But my mom did when she was in her teens. She was also into athletics.
That would explain why she has a slight pain in her feet now.
I used to long ago. Against my will, I was snatched away from it. Snatched away from my dreams of being a ballet star!!!
NOOOO! It's evil! Well, some peopke take classes, but it's Eeeevvvviiilll!!!
It's not evil. But some of the people in it can be bastards if you don't live up to their expectations!!!!!!
Well yeah... My mom took ballet now my gramma wants my sister and I to take it!
I know that you want to be a ballet star, but I don't. People want me to be "beautifully graceful" but (Ugh!) It's too girly!!!
And I don't like English or French accents. You'd never know if there's someone there... No offense, people!
I'm not f******* girly! But I still do BALLET!!! I think it's our time to show the world that dancers are STRONG and ballet is a SPORT and an ART. It's our time to show those bastards that REAL ballerinas can f*ck you up! Go team!
Correction: I used to want to be a star in ballet.... I think its a tad too late for me to come back to it and health wise; it wouldn't be a good idea at all.
Just because your mom took it and now your grandmother was to pass the art onto you two still doesn't make it evil. You should sit her down and tell her how feel.
You could get injured by flexability and I had a neck spasm for 2 yrs now, so I can't be as much flexible as I used to. And I can't stay still for a while on my toes, though I do have a very bad habit (since I was 3) of walking on my toes...
Like this... "Do the splits!" "I command you! Do the SSPPPLLLLIIIIITTTTTTSSSSSSS!!!" "Mwahaha! And now jump while doing it in the air! Mwahahahaha!!" "Now go on your toes, so they're very sore!! Heeheehee!" "Now! Embarrass yourself at dancing shows! Mweeheeheeheeheee...!" "Now leave this class! LEAVE IT!!!"
Is that enough? I'm bad at acting... That dance show was called the "Evil Ballerina". I hope you liked it!
Mmm... I just don't like it.... Well, you COULD get injured by it. Badly.