Do you drive the speed limit?

I tend to drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit unless I'm passing a school zone while the lights on the 20 mph speed limit sign are flashing or children are present. However, sometimes I find myself behind a care traveling at a speed significantly lower than the speed limit and I wonder why they travel so slowly (assuming they're not lost or elderly) . Do they know that there is a line of 12 cars behind them with very angry drivers?

Then there are the speed demons. I wonder why they drive so quickly, and weave in and out of lanes, sometimes without using their turn signals (assuming there's not an emergency, or they're late getting somewhere). Do they know that they're increasing the likelihood of getting themselves and others around them in a wreck?

I'm just curious is all.

I'll admit, I drive the way I do because I'm young and impatient. Why do you drive the way you do?

No, I'm a speed demon! 16
No, but I only drive 5-10 mph over the limit 39
Yes 13
No, I drive slightly below 3
No, I drive 5+ mph below the speed limit 2
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Comments ( 12 )
  • dirtybirdy

    No. I'm not reckless but I speed a bit. Especially when there's not many cars on the road i'll do 70 in a 45 or 50. I do about 90 in a 65. Like 500 when I fly, so ya. I haven't gotten a single speeding ticket in all my years of driving.

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  • gummy_jr

    I drive fast enough to distort reality

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I drive the speed limit. People behind me get pissed. I don't give a shit. Go around or deal with it!

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  • Shackleford96

    Depends. Most of the time, yes.

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  • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

    My foot is made of lead.

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  • KingRabbit

    I hate it when people drive like they have to pass everyone in front of them. Life is not a race. Getting to to the finish line first is no big feat.

    sometimes i drive fast, sometimes i drive slow

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  • 69

    i don't drive, so no

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  • funkedup

    I'm not a reckless driver...speed limits are too low, I'm not trying to be facetious, they are too low for modern cars and road conditions...

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  • PatrickZ

    I certainly do have a heavy right foot as they call it, I don't like driving slow. However, it should be safe and the situation should allow for it. I'm certainly not a reckless driver.

    Over here we got lots of long straight roads where you can see any sideroad long ahead. Still you're only allowed to drive 80 km/h on those roads, while let's say 110 is just as safe. So then why drive 80?

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  • megadriver

    In the city, I drive the speed limit. Cause speeding through the city center, or through a school zone is just completely idiotic! But out on normal roads and freeways, I speed. Naturally, I always remember where cops sit, so there I drive the limit. When the limit is 90kmh, I often drive 120kmh. Sometimes more. On freeways with a 130kmh limit, I often drive 150-160kmh. I like driving and I hate waiting. If a journey can be done in 3 hours, surely it can be done faster!

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  • thr

    In towns I don't drive over the speed limit, on country roads I usually drive 5 mph above it.

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  • thesugarbitch

    I enjoy seeing every car I pass get tinnier in my rearview mirror and seeing them wink out of existence. I would say I'm impatient and I like to know that I arrived at my destination faster than the other people(very irrational, I know.) I usually drive 140 km/h if I'm on the highway and if I'm going to another city and for longer drives it's under 160km/h, anything over I can't control.

    Despite driving fast, I hate weaving in and out of traffic as I don't see the purpose of risking my life just to be ahead of a few cars. Traffic is traffic.

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