Do you eat ice cream on a cone or on a bowl?
How do you eat your ice cream?
Cone or bowl?
I'm curious to know!
Cone | 7 | |
Bowl | 21 |
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How do you eat your ice cream?
Cone or bowl?
I'm curious to know!
Cone | 7 | |
Bowl | 21 |
Cone but who has the time or money to actually enjoy it? Waffle is my favorite. With a cake cone you might as well just eat it in a bowl with church wafers.
Out of the container. Don't need to portion it, weigh it with a kitchen scale before and after and you can see what you ate.
I usually eat ice cream in a bowl, but would also eat it in a cone. I don't know who decided to make it cone-shaped, it was once a metal cone before ever being made of wafer or waffle. Regular ice cream makes me sick, I eat coconut, dairy-free ice cream, as a few foods are sickening to me, particularly I like the chocolate one, eating it with caramel topping and sprinkles.
I just grab the tub out of the freezer and eat it that way. We each get our own separate flavor, so there's nothing to worry about in terms of cross contamination. (Not that we would care anyways.)