Do you ever wish u went to war?

I wish I would have saw combat in the middle east. Lots of combat vets around here that I grew up with and that go to my gym. I think that had to be the biggest rush imaginable to kill people that are trying to kill you. They have some really good stories and have serious bonds with their brothers they fought with

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Comments ( 9 )
  • darefu

    Be careful who you listen to or idolize.

    My experience has been; those that talk the most, saw and did the least if any.
    Those that saw and did the most, talk the least.

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    • Elroy7141

      Very true

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    • I could definitely see that. People do the same thing when it comes to street fighting. People who can't fight will brag about their fighting.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    You have a romanticised view of war then. I’m assuming you don’t spend much time with the permanently disabled veterans or the families of the ones who died.

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    • I do a little bit. My friend walks with a bad limp from an IED in Afghanistan

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  • Somenormie

    Nah, what is so fun into going into war? I understand about protecting people's homeland/country.

    Why would anyone wish someone went to war?

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    • olderdude-xx

      To seek false glory... Its an ego thing. Ego things are rarely really positive overall.

      War is often not very decent. There is a lot of very real horrendous conditions and situations.

      You can be ordered to over-run your own troops to advance (killing or maiming them in the process) as getting your equipment to a certain point is more important in a battle than the lives of your fellow solders (many WW I and WW II vets talk of that towards the end of their lives).

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      • I do understand how bad it is to an extent. I don't think anyone could really relate unless they were to experience it themselves however. It sounds cheesy to say but it's the biggest test of a man's character for him to go to combat and fight bravely in my opinion.

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        • olderdude-xx

          I'd say the biggest bravery is to walk away from most fights and move on in life. To do something positive for not only yourself but others instead of getting involved in tearing down and destroying others and things.

          Note that I come from a background of fighting including permanently maiming some of the people I faught.

          Those fights in my youth were over nothing... just someone wanting to show they could beat me up... until they couldn't and I started to win. There are literally people from my teenage years who I permanently crippled and who understand that I would have likely killed them if not for others intervening. Note: In all cases they started the fight. Just one year I physically grew much faster than they did... I went in 1 year from being their favorite target to the person they were most afraid of and avoided at all cost.

          As an adult I learned better ways of handling conflict that produce far more positive results. That takes bravery.

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