Do you ever worry about being recognized on this site?

Do you ever worry about the possibility of someone you know using this site (or running across it) and recognizing you by the details in a story or comment you wrote?

Always 8
Sometimes 23
Never 13
You're paranoid 14
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Oh my god they've found me i don't know how but they've found me.


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  • MadeYouLook

    I have ever since I signed up. That's why I put out as little about me. Have a name I would never think to use as a username. It's comforting being anonymous but there is always that fear in the back of your mind that someone you know will come across you on this site. Sucks.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I think it would amuse me if a user said something like, "hey, you remind me of this friend of mine" and it turned out to actually be me they were talking about.

    A few of my friends know I use this site but have no interest in it. Even my husband poked around a bit but isn't nearly as entertained by the site as I am. He just teases me about it while he's off being a dork in some other realm of the internet.

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  • DemonicFortuneCookie

    I've only posted 2 or 3, maybe 4 polls since I made my first account, so no not really.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I am known for the gas I release on folks

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  • iin2want2know

    I have several stories that I would love to post here but I'm nervous that someone I know will add 2+2 and BAM there goes my anonymity. I guess there are somethings you must take to the grave.

    Oh well, I'll never get the much needed advice for my more serious problems that plague my mind ~>_<~

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    It's not so much real life friends I'm worried about, but there's one other site where I've really poured out my heart and soul and have lots of friends. I've posted some fairly personal things on here, and there's a little bit of crossover from what I've shared on that site, and I'm always paranoid that someone will be on here too and see something I've shared, and put two and two together and all of a sudden know all this stuff about me that I never meant for them to know. I'm even worried about developing an identity on here. Every post you make makes that happy little anonymous world a little bit bigger.

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    • Same here, completely agree. In fact, that's kinda what made me create this poll. :P

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  • cigs


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  • KeddersPrincess

    Oh, no! They've found out that I'm George Clooney!

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  • Shrunk

    Yeah I'm pretty paranoid. I've told my cousin about this site, but she didn't seem too interested, so I don't worry too much, but still don't say anything too personal for fear it could come up in a search engine

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  • Avant-Garde

    I worry about this most of the time. One of my greatest fears is that someone might find my account or recognize me. So far so good. IIN needs to be kept a secret!

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  • NotFloydzie

    Not at all. If someone in real life talked to me about being on this site, I think at this point I'd tell them I'm here too. I've been here for a while and I've come to even posting a picture of my face on my profile. I don't mind.

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  • dappled

    I talk a lot about people in my real life and I don't think they'd be impressed at things I've confessed on their behalf. Although I never really use names.

    As for me personally, I think friends and family would be astounded that anyone listens to me.

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