Do you ever worry about the users on here?

Sometimes it's easy to forget that the questions asked here are asked by actual human beings. There are some questions on here that make me think good god, how long was this person chugging the septic sludge of the most disgusting fetishes known to man to have come up with this question?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • KholatKhult

    Yeah I worry for a few users, though not in a disgust way, I think a few could genuinely use some help. Or atleast benefit from having an extra brain to think about things with
    I keep trying to remind myself to do a little reach out to give them good answers but I haven’t had the internet-energy to be helpful in a little while. I’m a bit burnt out at the moment

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  • Jh9856

    Sometimes i get concerned thinking, what if one of those retarded psychopaths from iin is lurking among the people at my job.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I'm worried for Boojum, He's an older man & he hasn't been on in almost a year. I hope he's not dead, I liked him.

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  • rockyrocks

    yes, some people here seem very radicalized in their views and it concerns me sometimes

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  • howaminotmyself

    I used to. But not anymore. I am not invested in this place much these days. I pass by from time to time and rarely comment. Same posts new username. There are some people in serious need of something I cannot give them, nor do I want to. I once thought I could help, and I think I did a few times. But too many people post for shits and giggles and to make fun of those with real issues. It is hard to tell them apart. Do you really need help, or are you just seeking attention? It's exhausting.

    I am sorry if I ever dismissed someone who was truly in need.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I sometimes worry about the really sad, brinking suicidal people.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I think most of the "good god" questions are from trolls tbh.

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  • pronk

    pretty typical for an anonymous forum

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  • Tommythecaty

    Only a couple, they know who they are.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    There's a few I have concern for, I actually have one user on social media outside this website too because we had a longer conversation there.

    There's also a few people on here who have disabilities they have made clear before. I have a neurological disability that can kill me any time it wants to in my sleep (epilepsy that doesn't respond to medication), so I think that helps with some of my empathy. I really am trying to pull myself back and understand people's outbursts or intense reactions, even online.

    We all have a past and are going through something. There was one post awhile ago complaining about people living off the system (welfare people) and the conversation ended up devolving into the OP complaining about his sister who does this and his intense anger towards *her*. He kept accusing me of trying to "psychoanalyze" him or something like that, but hey, there was a breakthrough! Found the true source of his frustration he was taking out on the people here.

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  • Jimmybga

    As long as they are using my cock repeatedly, but... You need to take it easy on the fetuses, there is a limit on those

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  • LloydAsher

    Not really, unless you name drop yourself in the opening then I might be sympathetic with your plight.

    Hard to be sympathetic if I dont know you.

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