Do you fear that a third world war can possibly happen?

Sometimes I wonder about it, what if a third world war happen? What is it going to be possibly like? I live from big city and wonder what if airplanes come on my place and release bombs and explode all around here?

Have you ever wondered something like that?

Yes 26
No, probably not 10
The way world is going on, yes! 23
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Wendell

    Wars will happen. It won't be the end of the world if one does, though. WWIII won't be the apocalypse

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  • Glddraco

    If Mitt The Twit becomes president you can bet on it.

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  • Jfdp

    Because of mutualy assured destruction - I doubt that any of the major players are reaaly interested in starting ww3 - unless as a last resort, but smaller prox wars can be just as deadly

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  • bigfatpoo

    There will not be a thrid world war, due to new nuclear weapons, therefore noone would try to start a world war, as it would be the end of the world.

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    • Wuggums47

      Then why the hell is war happening every day? The only difference WWIII will have if it occurs(probably will at some point), is that more countries will be at war at once. Although I hate war, I don't necessarily fear that it will happen. Many people will die, and that is a terrible thing, but just because we have nuclear weapons doesn't mean we will be stupid enough to level the entire world with them. One side will submit before that happens. The world as we know it will end when God decides. It's not worth fretting over it.

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  • Otaku

    Of course it's inevitable.Why?Because all governments are centered around greed ,prode,and a ridiculous need to have power.Of course with all the lies and propaganda in the media,We most likely wont be informed until after its already started.
    But it's pointless to sit around and worry about it.Just live.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Agree with Glddraco, if Romney gets elected WW III is pretty much guaranteed.

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  • MacG

    I am quite sure there will be a WWIII, and that IV will be fought with sticks and rocks. But I'm not worried about it. If you wanna worry, there's also super volcanos, asteroids, an ice age and/or global warming. Not to mention much more common things that can get you, like car accidents, falls, medical conditions.
    In all you're better off not worrying about any of it. Enjoy life.

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  • kelili

    I don't think that will ever happen.

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    • Carlosolrac

      I dont think so, people over every country fight over stupid things like money... when I say money.. I mean indireclty.

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      • kelili

        And the world has never been as peaceful as it is today. We get the impression that violence is all there is because the news concentrate on only that. Make some research and you'll see. Yes people fight over stupid things like money but I really don't think that there'll ever be a third world war

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Probably, but I don't worry about shit that I can't change.

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  • bristexai

    Yes, and it'll be over something stupid.

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  • Imposturously_yours

    I'm waiting for it.. The annihilation of human race is inevitable, the "hows and whys" are less important. When is the real question.

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  • dom180

    I'd be very surprised if there was never a global war ever again, although I doubt it would look anything like the First or Second World Wars.

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  • dappled

    I'm not sure it will happen. We don't tend to fight in the same way as we used to. Partially because nuclear warfare is so instantly devastating and partially because technology has given us a new soft underbelly. It wouldn't surprise me to see wars one day fought by computer experts who destabilise financial systems.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      No need for computer experts. PIIGS are already doing a great job at it.

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  • It will probably happen at some point but I don't waste time fearing it.

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    • Carlosolrac

      Yeah, I dont seat down on my sofa and start fearing it, but the circunstace if it happened, I have a life but sometimes we sit and staat to wonder "what if that happen?"

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      • It's normal to think about.

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