Do you fear you'll end up forever alone?

Do you sometimes think or have you ever thought you are never going to find real love and you'll end up alone forever?

*If you feared it at some point but not anymore choose the state (single, taken) in which you were at that particular time.

Yes, female, in a relationship 7
Yes, female, single 29
No, female, in a relationship 5
No, female, single 8
Yes, male, in a relationship 2
Yes, male, single 28
No, male, in a relationship 3
No, male, single 19
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Andrew256

    I don't fear it. I've accepted that I will die alone.

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  • CptBallbag

    Why fear the inevitable? :D

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  • SeverusFan23

    It doesn't matter to me.

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  • q25t

    Personally, it wouldn't bother me that much.

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  • dom180

    I think being "forever alone" is a bit far for anyone to be afraid of. People don't realise just how long their lives are, or that almost nothing is forever. There are very, very, very few people in the world who manage to live naturally long lives but NEVER have a relationship. It's really, really rare. Like impossibly rare. The sort of rare where it would be very premature to ever think "but what if I am one of those people?".

    Think how frequently everything else in your life changes... your friends, your job if you have one, your school if you go to one. Why can't your relationship status change just as quickly. You will meet literally millions of people in your lifetime. For there to be no mutual attraction in every single one of those cases is nigh on impossible. There is absolutely nobody adult in the whole world who no-one is attracted to, and that I can guarantee.

    I'll make an exception for love-shy people, or people with very debilitating social anxiety. But even then, the possibility for a relationship is still there and strong.

    EDIT: To be clear, of course I've feared being alone for a very long time before, but not literally for my whole life.

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  • Severus'sDaughter19

    I love being single and i want to remain single.

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  • I'm a single 50-yr old male whose ALWAYS been alone,and never gave a fuck about it,and still does'nt give a shit.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Anyone have a big "forever alone" text block similar to the "troll face" text block?


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  • I couldn't stop myself
    I knew I'd do it again
    But I could heal myself,
    If I could feel your skin
    And if I comprehend this moment
    I know we'll live again
    And if I heal your wound
    We will make love again
    And now we're slipping through this millenium
    We should feel sorry for the people
    Can I kiss your skin?
    And there's hunger in the desert.
    And missiles in the sky
    And every soul is interwoven
    Before the wrong or right
    I know we'll live again
    Though it's just a feeling
    I know we'll never end
    I'll keep you company

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  • KeddersPrincess

    No; I'm only 20. I have the rest of my life to worry about dudes.

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  • Anime7

    I try to put it in the back of mind by telling myself I won't but due to my non-existent love life, I'm slowly heading towards that belief. I'm really tired of being alone.

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  • dude_Jones

    Well, widows adjust to this. They would be people with the answers.

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