Do you find it annoying when ppl fcking tlk liek this?

I loath and despise people who use SMS language abbreviations, swear words and incorrect spelling/ grammar over the internet. If I see a post or comment containing any of those (except maybe once or twice in a long, interesting text) I will dismiss it and carry on scrolling. They make their users come accross as lazy, illiterate, shallow and fake.
Many people who never swear in person bring out all the filthy words they know on the internet, and take pleasure in polluting whatever they happen to be writing with them.
I used to use "words" such as LOL, IDK, ROFL, WTF, BRB... until I realised how stupid and immature they made me look.
Does this bother anyone else, or am I just a stuck up morcel of faeces? No obscene language used there.

It's ok if you only use them once in a while. 5
I aint fuckin' chainjin nufin u snootey biaaaatch! 1
I swear from time to time. 2
I never learnt how to spell and use grammar correctly 0
IDK u need 2 chill bro -_- 3
I totally agree with you. We are gradually losing our language. 12
I only use abbreviations. 1
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Short4Words

    Texting should just fucking stop period. People need more alone time, and the amount of misunderstandings from texting is enough to make me want to throw my cellphone out the window of a driving car. It's a broken form of language. You can't even recreate a laugh, lol just seems highly immature, and hahaha just seems forced and lame half the time.

    But now that I've raged. I've learnt to bite the bullet and am done trying to come off as a holy-er than thou pretentious fucktard. At least, when I can.

    Personally I use it mainly for comic relief in life.

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  • Holzman67

    Yeah I feel like I'm witnessing the death of the English language at times.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I am really bad at abbreviations so its really difficult for me to decipher them. However people usually think you are stupid when you don’t understand them so I must try harder to understand them. I get some of the more basics like brb, afk, ttyl, lol, lmao, lol,wtf.

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  • Couman


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  • Jeaneathean

    I don't get 'idk'. Which I have surmised means 'I don't know'. So what is the abbreviation for 'I do know'?

    c u L8r

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    • King_Felix_IV

      Actually the closest to "I do know" woukd be the abbreviation for "I know, right", which is IKR.

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  • q25t

    Why are some words off limits as swear words exactly? I'm of the opinion that if we try and restrict their usage, they simply become more attractive. It's just human nature.

    I wouldn't go so far as to call abbreviations and SMS type communication stupid or immature, but they can certainly be improved. I look at abbreviations similar to contractions in the English language. They save a bit of time but are appropriate in casual settings but not in research papers. I avoid lol just because it's used so often it has lost most of its meaning. On the other hand, abbreviations like brb, wtf, and idk legitimately save time and are easily recognizable and understood. I don't see a reason to avoid these if they have no drawbacks other than people feeling as if the English language is being polluted.

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  • Justsomejerk


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    • King_Felix_IV

      Yes, I was kind of hoping he would show up

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  • searchingnow

    Do you have any idea how superficial you look right now?

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