Do you follow the laws of man, religion, or define your own path?

I live by the morals of me. I think that religion is fake, and the law system is flawed beyond belief. Just wanted to know what other people thought and also give people something to think about.

I live my life with the laws of man. 3
I live my life based on my religious principles. 8
I live by the morals of me. 55
Rebel without a cause. 9
Dont know, dont care. 9
Trying to figure it all out. 18
Other 6
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Comments ( 32 )
  • anti-hero

    What path? There is not path. We are all just floating around like feathers on a breeze. Nothing means anything, things just happen randomly. There is no plan, no path, no finish line to reach. We simply are.

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    • BLAh81

      "We are all just floating around like feathers on a breeze."

      Are you saying we have no control AT ALL? I'm truly sorry if you feel that way. That' sad.

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      • anti-hero

        No, it means I don't believe in fate. We are in control. Nothing is controlling us. It is just the opposite of what you think.

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        • BLAh81

          I see. I guess I agree then. Surely though, you can see your words were easy to misinterpret.

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          • anti-hero

            Depends how big of a film buff you are.

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            • BLAh81

              I'm a pretty big film buff actually. So big in fact that I don't remember every quote from every movie, not even when it's from a classic like Forrest Gump.

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  • flowergirl87

    Morals of me and I don't feel I need any religion to guide me as to how to live my life. I am an honest, kind, caring person who would never knowingly cause any harm to any other person. I'm intelligent, thoughtful and considerate. I am like that because that's me and that is the result of my (non-religious) upbringing and education. It's unfortunate when those of a religious faith think that those who are non-religious automatically don't live as honest and pure a life as they do, simply because they don't follow a religion (preferably theirs...?) It's very small minded.

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  • Pwnfacertwn

    "Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you're told. Religion is doing what you're told regardless of what is right."

    That said, I think it's difficult to parce what's right from what you've been told.

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    • BLAh81

      Nice quote. Who's it from?

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  • KaffeInjection

    The world is mine... I DO AS I WANT TO DO!...

    I wear what what i want to wear.. i say what i want to say.

    I jerk off where i want to jerk off.

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    • Gumball

      Someone's about to get a public disorder notice..

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      • KaffeInjection

        Oh shut up you fag.

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        • Gumball

          No need to be crass.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      That's special
      *blows out his underpants

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  • Short4Words

    Isn't possible to follow my own path and also a path of faith? I don't let my faith choose what's important to me, it just happens that they're actually the same. Religious law also varies, I am under, you could say the law of love. Everything I do is, because somewhere I feel obligated to be better, to be more loving, but also genuine, that is the sort of law I follow because I know as human beings we are flawed. I guess to put it simply I follow love because I couldn't imagine pursuing any else in this world than to love or be loved.

    I hope that doesn't sound like complete gobbeldy gook.

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    • neohippie

      i can dig it. not much love in my life, must be why i havent considered love seeking a way to live.

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  • dom180

    Everyone in the world follows their own set of morals. Some people set their morals to be in accordance with the rules a religion, and most people set their morals to be in accordance with the rule of law. Other people set their morals to be something straddling the line between religion and atheism, and some people set their morals to be somewhere straddling the line between the legal and illegal. There are people who ignore factors like the law and religion entirely in their moral judgement. But everyone walks their own path, and walking down a path that deviates from law and religion isn't any better or worse.

    Everyone lives their lives by the "morals of me", but some people set those morals to be the same as other moral systems.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Hmm, interesting question.
    While I am not totally obedient to all of the laws of my religion, I agree with the reasoning behind them. I have arguments with them though but I'm not alone in it. It's not really a big deal - however, unlike some of them (they know who they are) I don't deny it.

    I try to be respectful of my laws and societal customs but up until a point at which it impedes upon my happiness while I am not doing anything to affect the safety of others.

    IN OTHER WORDS... I'm Neutral Good. I have respect and a degree of obedience for the laws of man and my religion until they impede upon my happiness. I also have enough concern for my safety and the safety of others for that to not be a problem.

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  • Gumball

    I live by an amalgamation of what I believe is morality. I don't follow a criteria but incorporate morals taken from different sources such as religion, law, culture, and my own perception of what and how the path to life should be. As long as I am not harming others or letting malice cloud my judgements, I will continue living life in this manner. I could say that I live my life in the means of faith. Faith in God, faith in family, faith in myself, and faith in humanity (more so, faith in love winning over the iniquities of humanity).

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  • Holzman67

    Nice poll. I live by my own conscience. I find self fulfillment this way. For everything I take, I have to give something back.

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  • "I am a citizen of the most beautiful nation on earth. A nation whose laws are harsh yet simple, a nation that never cheats, which is immense and without borders, where life is lived in the present. In this limitless nation, this nation of wind, light, and peace, there is no other ruler besides the sea." - Bernard Moitessier

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    • NotStrangeBird

      The minute you have a problem, you'll be looking to defect to a different nation.

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      • Hahaha, no, I'll still be a citizen of this nation unless I lose the boat (which is my only home) entirely - in which case I'll probably be trying to establish a residence once again (another boat). If I were to have to stay extendedly on land - it would basically be like if you were vacationing in France (while living in the USA) and ended up having to stay there because North Korea suddenly blew up the USA and all flights in were canceled and everything was under quarantine until things got sorted out. In this case you would still be an American citizen....just stuck somewhere else.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          We have something in common. I live in a van down by the river

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  • dirtybirdy

    There is no method to my madness.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I used to follow that path of religion, but I now (and just recently) follow my own path.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I follow the laws of the government, my moral code is of my own beliefs, My thought process is logical. This question is not something you can answer. You seem to think being of a different religion means you can defy the government. I don't see how you can really have any kind of order when that is true. Second no one says you have to follow religion of any kind. Actually all or two of these would be correct for most people. So congratulations you made an unwinnable poll.

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    • neohippie

      Well, some people live solely off of their religious beliefs and don't pay any attention to the government. People who take their religion deadly serious consider the government to be a false idol. On the other hand many, many people are atheist and purely follow the laws that we have created. And like a said before, i dont follow any religious structure and if i dont believe a law to be accurate i do not abide by it. So i think its 'winnable'. Everyone is different, thats why i made the poll to see how many like minded people are roaming around out there.

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  • q25t

    I'm still trying to figure everything out. I mostly follow my own route, but if someone earns my trust, I will step onto their path on occasion.

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  • neohippie

    Thanks for the feedback. When I wrote this i said that i wanted to give people something to think about, but I believe you guys have givin me something to think about haha. Makes me think about whats really important in this life, if anything. We could just be dust in the wind or maybe we are individually serving a higher purpose that we have no idea of...

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      Didn't they legalize it for medical use already? Also you cant say "If I don't agree with a law I can break it" since that is like giving permission for every other law to be broken.I am sure they do not enjoy these laws either. While you using it the way you say I would not see an issue with it. You seem a lot more sensible then most people who smoke it. Whos excuse is "I want to get high. I can too drive with it." That are simply saying they want medical use it seems as an excuse and don't care who does it. I am actually against drugs and pot but the way you put it seems very responsible and logical. If everyone saw it in this manner I don't think I would be against it. You are the first pot smoker I spoken with who did not come across as an irresponsible druggy.

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