Do you get angry at video games?

How angry do you honestly get at video games?

I stay calm like the wind 9
Only in really frustrating parts 16
I've broken equipment in anger 1
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Clunk42

    If I start getting annoyed at a video game, I just quit and play something else. There's no reason to play a game you're getting mad at; that's not fun.

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    • LloydAsher

      That's why I play on easy. Games for me are supposed to be power fantasies.

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  • RoseIsabella

    When people get so mad that they break things I just can't. I have a hard time respecting someone who gets really destructive when they're frustrated and angry, it's just awful, and kinda cringe inducing too! It's a dealbreaker for me as far as being around that person.

    So much yuckiness!

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  • Somenormie

    When I was a kid I got angry at people beating me.

    Nowadays I shake hands with people whether I win or lose.

    I play like a true sportsman.

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  • Shackleford96

    I don't usually break stuff, thankfully, but I'll cuss out some bs that happened because of whatever reasons.

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  • notmyrealname123

    the rare times i get mad in offline games i swing my phone but when im about to let go i remember the consequences and calm down

    in online games i get angry when someones being toxic with their friends usually so i either report and keep arguing with them or punch my PC lightly but not hard enough to push it

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  • Tommythecaty

    I don’t get angry at inanimate objects, that is illogical.

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  • techpc

    I get mad sometimes, but usually it's my fault for misplaying anyway. Sometimes game balance is something that makes me salty, sometimes I get a bit tilted if I get destroyed in a match.

    I try to be a good sport, but some things manage to piss me off a bit.

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    • LloydAsher

      I dont die from enemies mostly. 4/5 times its "oh I think I can survive that jump"

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  • bbrown95

    I haven't really played many video games (outside of a few very easy Wii games back when those came out, and a few oldies like Spyro and Twisted Metal 2 only a handful of times when I was a kid), but it can definitely be annoying when it feels like a glitch causes you to lose, or if you're playing any kind of game with another person and they keep cheating. I wouldn't freak out over it or anything, but it gets old after awhile.

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  • raisinbran

    Not too much. I don't play anger-inducing games anymore - it's not worth it. Prefer open world, creative or co-op type games.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its designedgta challenge my skills

    whad you expect beta designers?

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I do get really enraged sometimes. I wouldn't let anyone else see me like that though cos I'd feel really immature for it, but (so long as no one can hear) I do shout and swear a lot at the tv. I'd never break equipment, that'd be such a waste, controllers are really expensive nowadays.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    The only games I've ever gotten mad at are MOBAs like League or Smite. I stopped playing them once I realized that.

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