Do you hang around y!a once in a while even though you have iin
Even though is it normal kind of has the same function as Yahoo Answers, I still once in a while hang around Y!A. I usually hang around Y!A on polls and surveys category and sometimes on other categories as well when asking serious questions. I love to waste my points there asking questions. It's funny when I can see points hunger users who gives meaningless and irrelevant comments such as 'yes, no, 0o, I and etc' when I asked serious question just because they want to reach that dumb level 7 thingy. Level 7 desperation is obvious. It's like some of them are turning Yahoo Answers into a game to reach level 7 rather than giving proper advice. If is it normal uses point system like Y!A somehow to make a post and comment, I don't know how users here will be affected. By the way, it still fun lurking around Y!A once in a while even though I already found a much better website than that. So, my question is, do you still hang around Y!A once in a while when you already know about IIN?