Do you hate it if someone fakes a disorder?

Do you hate it when someone fakes a disorder?

For me I hate it I hate it the most, I especially hate it when someone fakes having autism because it makes me and other people who have it feel invalidated. I see it most on things like TikTok and it really makes my blood boil especially a disorder they're faking just to get fame.

What about you, do you hate it when someone fakes a disorder?

No 3
Yes 23
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Holzman_67

    There was a girl who used to busk for money in the streets of my city from a wheelchair and I was there the day she was recognized by someone that knew her, who loudly called her out on it, told her to stop fooling people and eliciting sympathy for their money. I remember her getting out of the wheelchair and wheeling it off. Was incredible. I’d seen her regularly performing in there for 5 years + and always believed her to be physically disabled.

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    • Wow3986

      You don't know that. She was probably being discriminated against by a prejudiced ableist bigot.

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      • Holzman_67

        Mm I was there, didn’t seem like it. He knew her by name. The public perception of her was that she couldn’t walk and she preyed on that for money, she got up and walked just fine. I take your point, however I would put the probably on the other side of the equation, there’s more evidence that points to deception rather than discrimination.

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        • Wow3986

          Nvm then.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Yeah, it's frustrating to say the least. It's especially bad whenever people fake these disorders specifically for monetary gain.

    I can't remember her username, but there's a Twitch streamer with tourette's syndrome who plays video games. Whenever she got successful, dozens of people faking the condition tried to use it as a way to make it big.

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  • AsterBean

    I dislike fake people in general.

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  • Cliche1234

    Stupid attention seekers think it’s cool to have depression nowadays.

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  • bbrown95

    Yes, as it's a very gross way to seek attention, and like you said, it invalidates those who truly have said disorder. Not to mention that people often fake them to get out of doing certain things, which gives those who legitimately struggle a bad name.

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  • rkive

    some people use disorders to get free benefits and also to use them so that others will pity them.

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  • Meowypowers

    Anyone that would do that is sick

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  • Orphan

    I used to find myself very weird when I was a teenager so I used to fake being on drugs

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  • Kmoshea5

    I’m diagnosed schizophrenic. People say I see and hear things others can’t?? But I do take 3 pills everyday from a doctor that says I have to do it so I don’t think the doctors think I’m faking this? Just saying.

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  • Grunewald

    It would be very hard to fake autism convincingly.

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  • Wow3986

    It is disgusting. It's making fun of mentally ill people.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    I don't really give a shit.

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  • kikilizzo

    Curious, how do you know if someone is faking? I usually assume someone is faking if they are self-diagnosed. As an autistic person I appreciate most autistic content creators as they typically fight hard to spread facts and break stereotypes. I might've just been lucky enough to not yet have come across any obvious fakers.

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    • Somenormie

      Usually most will fake it just because they find it " cute " or using autism for aesthetics or going around faking it for attention that makes me suspect they're lying about it. People who fake autism or other disorders honestly deserve to get whacked like a piñata.

      Commonly they will use those unreliable tests and call themselves autistic without even seeing a qualified doctor.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think alot of people fake being that bad. They use it as an excuse.

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  • Rumpelforeskin

    Absolute scumbaggery.

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  • Tinybird

    I do and I don't

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