Do you have a fear of not having control over your situation?

Idk about anyone else, but I have an EXTREME fear of not having control over my situation. Like if I knew someone I cared about was dying or if I'm about to become bankrupt and can't do anything about these things it just scares me to death. Anyone else like this?

I have an intense fear of that 9
I have a fear of that 16
I'm not really afraid of it but it's not something I want either 18
I'm not afraid of that 5
Other (Add a comment) 0
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Anime7

    I heard that the only thing you really have control over are the choices you make and how they effect you.

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  • myownopinions

    90% of your life is out of your control, or so I've heard...

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  • Smartasscookie

    I have that fear too, I know these things are out of my control but it doesn't stop me trying because by acting on it you are in a way controlling the situation if only partially rather than sitting there doing nothing

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  • Tiffunny

    Me! Im like this.

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