Do you have any celebrities you look upto?
Like role models? what do you like about them? maybe you follow them on twitter or maybe you just like something small about them and dont keep up with their lives
Yes | 10 | |
No | 15 | |
I used to | 3 | |
Other | 1 |
Ask Your Question today
Like role models? what do you like about them? maybe you follow them on twitter or maybe you just like something small about them and dont keep up with their lives
Yes | 10 | |
No | 15 | |
I used to | 3 | |
Other | 1 |
No but I like Ellen, Tina, and Amy. All funny well respected women.
For the guys I'm thinking Bill Murray, Steve Carell and Ricky Gervais.
I look up to psychologists like Dr. Phillip Zimbardo & Dr. Ramani Durvasula because they are really smart with people and communication, in which everything in life is about communication, which is why psychology and sociology interest me so much.
Not celebrities who do almost nothing to help me improve my life and do stupid shit that people adore just because they have natural abilities of looks, singing voice, ect.
So the real question is, what can I cherry-pick out of your life to make mine a little better? NOT how can I sit here and stare at you and adore you while I wipe my drool....
Tilda Swinton and Hayao Miyazaki. I suppose to some extent that I could also say Boy George.
I used to like Spor (aka Feed Me) but his music sucks now.
I usually tend to fall in love with underground writers noone heard about whose books can't be even found on goodreads etc etc. xD I'm not the fangirl type tho.
Ah yeah, and Richard Dawkins is pretty dope also
I don't keep up with anyone, but from the little I get the chance to see or read, I like the personalities of Hugh Laurie, Ellen Degeneres, Emma Stone, Nikola Tesla, and a handful of sportstars
I like Tom Hiddleston and Keanu Reeves. I don't exactly look up to them, though.
Im a fan of Jerry Seinfeld since I grew up watching his show with my family. And we both like cars.