Do you have any ritual, routines you always follow on daily tasks?
I was wondering about people's habits in daily life. I'll explain what kind.
When you take a shower, for instance, do you always do things in the same order? I usually work my way down, from washing hair to feet.
Do you always walk the same streets/ drive the same routes/ take same public transport to get to places you go to often? Or do you feel the need to change it once in a while?
-- These are for non-Americans, since dishwashers and dryers are common appliances in the US but not in many other locations:
Do you pair socks up before hanging them on the clothesline or after they're dry? (Or not all for some? lol)
Do you always follow the same order in washing the dishes? Like, start with silverware, then go to plates, containers and pots and pans last?
Yes, I do everything the same, day after day | 12 | |
I have a few rituals, but change them up sometimes | 22 | |
No, I never do anything the same twice | 4 |